nest keyword


Google is shutting down its Works with Nest program, cutting off access to Nest products for third-party companies and requiring the use of Google Assistant. But Google announced one exception: Alexa will still be able to control Nest hardware.

Google将关闭其Works with Nest计划,切断第三方公司对Nest产品的访问,并要求使用Google Assistant。 但是Google宣布了一个例外:Alexa仍然可以控制Nest硬件。

Google正在切断第三方的Nest Access (Google Is Cutting Off Nest Access for Third Parties)

korisbo/Shutterstock科里斯博/ Shutterstock

Recently, Google announced it would wind down its Works with Nest program. Works with Nest allowed products from other companies to control the Nest—your garage door opener could tell your thermostat to turn up the heat for instance. If a company wanted any form of integration, it would need to move over with Works with Google Assistant.

最近,Google宣布将关闭其“带Nest的作品”计划 。 与Nest合作可以使其他公司的产品控制Nest –例如,您的车库门开启器可以告诉您的恒温器调高热量。 如果公司希望进行任何形式的集成,则需要使用Works with Google Assistant。

That program doesn’t allow for direct control of Nest; instead, you’d set up routines to do the work. And another obvious issue arose from the change: The Works with Nest skills built for Alexa wouldn’t work. And, given that Alexa is a voice assistant on its own, making the jump to Works with Google Assistant is out of the question.

该程序不允许直接控制Nest; 相反, 您将设置例程来执行工作 。 更改产生了另一个明显的问题:为Alexa构建的“带巢的作品”技能不起作用。 而且,鉴于Alexa本身就是语音助手,因此跳到使用Google助手工作是不可能的。

Update: Google changed its mind, announcing that Works With Nest won’t immediately shut down on August 31.

更新 :Google改变了主意, 宣布“与Nest合作”将不会在8月31日立即关闭。

亚历克斯得到缓刑 (Alexa Gets a Reprieve)

Google /亚马逊

Alexa currently uses Works With Nest to control Nest hardware, and websites like The Verge have reported that Alexa integration will stop working on August 31, 2019. That’s true—Alexa’s current Works With Nest-based integration will break on that date.

Alexa当前使用Works With Nest来控制Nest硬件, The Verge之类的网站报道称Alexa集成将在2019年8月31日停止工作。是的,Alexa当前基于Works与Nest的集成将在该日期失效。

But, according to a page on Nest’s website spotted by Ars Technica—we’re not sure if it was up the whole time or if Google put it up later—this isn’t the case.

但是,根据Ars Technica在Nest的网站上的网页显示-我们不确定时间是否一直在增加,或者Google是否稍后再提出-事实并非如此 。

Google says it will work with Amazon to enable Alexa’s control over Nest hardware going forward. Google promises to complete the transition before the shutdown and goes on to say all Alexa will keep all its current Nest integrations.

谷歌表示,它将与亚马逊合作,使Alexa能够控制Nest硬件。 Google承诺在关闭前完成过渡,并继续说所有Alexa将保留其当前所有Nest集成。

智能家居正在变成围墙花园 (Smarthomes Are Turning Into Walled Gardens)

Google working with Amazon is good news for Alexa users. But everyone else relying on Wink Hubs, IFTTT, Yonomi, Lutron, and anyone else using Works With Nest will still lose functionality. Smarthomes work best with open standards. You should be able to buy products from different companies and they should work together.

谷歌与亚马逊合作对Alexa用户来说是个好消息。 但是依赖Wink Hubs,IFTTT,Yonomi,Lutron的所有其他人,以及使用Works With Nest的任何其他人仍然会失去功能。 智能家居在开放标准下效果最佳。 您应该能够从其他公司购买产品,并且它们应该一起工作。

Alexa appears to be getting a special exception that other voice assistants, services, and companies won’t have access to. If relations between Google and Amazon go down the tubes again, that could even imperil Alexa’s special access with Nest.

Alexa似乎有一个特殊的例外,其他语音助手,服务和公司将无法访问。 如果谷歌和亚马逊之间的关系因此倒闭再次,可能连钦Alexa的与鸟巢的特殊访问。

By blocking access to Nest hardware for most companies, Google may be securing your data—but it’s also putting up fences around its walled garden. Future voice assistants (and current third-party options like Mycroft), will start at a disadvantage that may be incredibly difficult to overcome.

通过阻止大多数公司访问Nest硬件,Google可能会保护您的数据-但它也在围墙花园周围围起了篱笆。 未来的语音助手(以及Mycroft等当前的第三方选项)将开始处于一个难以克服的劣势。

Even established device manufacturers like Lutron have stated that the features it offered under the old Nest program are impossible to support under the new Google Assistant program. Going forward, as you buy smarthome devices, you’ll have you ask yourself if it fits within your smarthome ecosystem. And, if it doesn’t, you may find yourself looking for the Google device to go in your “Google home.”

即使是像路创这样的老牌设备制造商也表示,它在旧版Nest计划下提供的功能无法在新版Google Assistant程序下支持。 展望未来,在购买智能家居设备时,您会问自己是否适合您的智能家居生态系统。 而且,如果没有,您可能会发现自己正在寻找要在“ Google主页”中使用的Google设备。


nest keyword

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