
  1 <template>
  2   <view class='mark' wx:if="{{showMark}}">
  3     <view animation="{{animationData}}" class="animCat">
  4       <image src="http://osk1hpe2y.bkt.clouddn.com/18-5-30/34559443.jpg"></image>
  5     </view>
  6     <button open-type="getUserInfo" lang="zh_CN" @getuserinfo="onGotUserInfo" class="css-button">开始吧!</button>
  7   </view>
  8   <!-- test-tab -->
  9   <view>
 10     <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="tab-h" scroll-left="{{scrollLeft}}">
 11       <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==0?'active':''}}" data-current="0" bindtap="swichNav">快递</view>
 12       <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==1?'active':''}}" data-current="1" bindtap="swichNav">身份证</view>
 13       <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==2?'active':''}}" data-current="2" bindtap="swichNav">银行卡号</view>
 14       <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==3?'active':''}}" data-current="3" bindtap="swichNav">手机号码</view>
 15       <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==4?'active':''}}" data-current="4" bindtap="swichNav">身材计算</view>
 16     </scroll-view>
 17     <swiper class="tab-content" current="{{currentTab}}" duration="300" bindchange="switchTab" style="height:{{winHeight}}rpx">
 18       <!-- 快递查询 -->
 19       <swiper-item wx:for="{{[0,1,2,3,4]}}" wx:key="*this">
 20         <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" wx:if="{{index==0}}">
 21           <ForexpressItem :history.sync='history'></ForexpressItem>
 22         </scroll-view>
 23         <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" wx:elif="{{index==1}}">
 24           <PeoPleCard></PeoPleCard>
 25         </scroll-view>
 26         <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" wx:elif="{{index==2}}">
 27           <IdCard></IdCard>
 28         </scroll-view>
 29         <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" wx:elif="{{index==3}}">
 30           <MobileHome></MobileHome>
 31         </scroll-view>
 32         <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" wx:elif="{{index==4}}">
 33           <Figure></Figure>
 34         </scroll-view>
 35       </swiper-item>
 36     </swiper>
 37   </view>
 38 </template>
 40 <script>
 41   import wepy from 'wepy';
 42   import ForexpressItem from '@/components/express/index';
 43   import IdCard from '@/components/querys/idCard';
 44   import Figure from '@/components/querys/figure';
 45   import MobileHome from '@/components/querys/mobileHome';
 46   import PeoPleCard from '@/components/querys/peoPleCard';
 47   import {
 48     formatTime
 49   } from '@/utils/util';
 50   export default class Forexpress extends wepy.page {
 51     config = {
 52       navigationBarTitleText: '快递查询'
 53     };
 54     components = {
 55       ForexpressItem,
 56       IdCard,
 57       Figure,
 58       MobileHome,
 59       PeoPleCard
 60     };
 61     data = {
 62       showMark: false,
 63       winHeight: '', //窗口高度
 64       currentTab: 0, //预设当前项的值
 65       scrollLeft: 0, //tab标题的滚动条位置,
 66       searchArr: ['快递', '身份证', '银行卡号', '手机号码', '身材'],
 67       history: []
 68     };
 69     methods = {
 70       switchTab: function(e) {
 71         let title = `${this.searchArr[e.detail.current]}查询`;
 72         wx.setNavigationBarTitle({
 73           title: title
 74         });
 75         this.currentTab = e.detail.current;
 76         this.$apply();
 77         this.methods.checkCor.call(this);
 78       },
 79       // 点击标题切换当前页时改变样式
 80       swichNav: function(e) {
 81         let title = `${this.searchArr[e.detail.current]}查询`;
 82         wx.setNavigationBarTitle({
 83           title: title
 84         });
 85         var cur = e.target.dataset.current;
 86         if (this.data.currentTaB == cur) {
 87           return false;
 88         } else {
 89           this.currentTab = cur;
 90         }
 91       },
 92       //判断当前滚动超过一屏时,设置tab标题滚动条。
 93       checkCor: function() {
 94         if (this.data.currentTab > 3) {
 95           this.scrollLeft = 300;
 96         } else {
 97           this.scrollLeft = 0;
 98         }
 99       },
100       onShareAppMessage() {
101         return {
102           title: '武侯的猫-打造最简小工具',
103           path: 'pages/forexpress',
104           success(res) {
105             console.log(res);
106           },
107           fail(res) {
108             console.log(res);
109           }
110         };
111       },
112       onGotUserInfo(e) {
113         if (e.detail.userInfo) {
114           this.showMark = false;
115           wx.setStorage({
116             key: 'user',
117             data: e.detail.userInfo
118           });
119         }
120       }
121     };
122     onLoad() {
123       let that = this;
124       //动画
125       var animation = wx.createAnimation({
126         duration: 1200,
127         timingFunction: 'linear'
128       });
129       this.animation = animation;
130       // animation.scale(2, 2).rotate(45).step()
131       this.setData({
132         animationData: animation.export()
133       });
134       try {
135         var res = wx.getSystemInfoSync();
136         //start
137         var clientHeight = res.windowHeight,
138           clientWidth = res.windowWidth,
139           rpxR = 750 / clientWidth;
140         var calc = (clientHeight - (1 / rpxR) * 80) * rpxR;
141         console.log(calc);
142         this.winHeight = calc;
143         //end
144       } catch (e) {
145         console.log('获取设备信息失败' + e);
146       }
147     }
148     onShow() {
149       let self = this;
150       try {
151         var res = wx.getStorageSync('user');
152         console.log(res);
153         if (res) this.showMark = false;
154         if (!res) this.showMark = true;
155         self.$apply();
156       } catch (e) {
157         this.showMark = true;
158       }
159       //快递历史
160       this.history = wx.getStorageSync('saveList');
161       this.$apply();
162     }
163   }
164 </script>
166 <style lang="less" scoped>
167   .save {
168     position: fixed;
169     top: 20rpx;
170     left: 20rpx;
171     border: 2rpx solid #43cd80;
172     border-radius: 8rpx;
173     font-size: 26rpx;
174     text-align: center;
175     line-height: 30rpx;
176     padding: 8rpx;
177     background-color: #43cd80;
178     z-index: 9999;
179     color: #fff;
180     box-shadow: 2rpx 2rpx 1rpx 0 grey;
181   }
182   .animCat {
183     height: 50px;
184     width: 50px;
185     image {
186       height: 50px;
187       width: 50px;
188     }
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190   .css-button {
191     width: 150px;
192     margin: 50% auto;
193     background: #138cff;
194     color: #fff;
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196   .scan-code {
197     margin-right: 20rpx;
198     width: 80rpx;
199     height: 80rpx;
200     text-align: center;
201     line-height: 55rpx;
202     color: #138cff;
203     font-size: 24px;
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206     color: #4cc0e9;
207   }
208   page {
209     background-color: #fff; //background-image: linear-gradient(#7FC06E, #fff, #fff);
210   }
211   .express-img-wrap {
212     height: 200rpx; //   background-image: linear-gradient(#138cff, #fff);
213   }
214   .express-img {
215     width: 100%; //   height: 200rpx;
216     position: absolute;
217     top: 10%;
218     left: 50%;
219     transform: translateX(-50%);
220   }
221   .express-input-wrap {
222     position: relative;
223     display: flex;
224     align-items: center;
225     justify-content: center; //margin-top: 210rpx;
226     //background-image: linear-gradient(#7FC06E, #fff);
227     height: 100rpx; //border-bottom: 4rpx solid #7FC06E;
228     .express-input {
229       width: 60%;
230       height: 80rpx;
231       line-height: 80rpx;
232       font-size: 35rpx;
233       padding: 0 40rpx; //padding-left: rpx;
234       border: 3rpx solid #4cc0e9;
235       border-radius: 10rpx;
236       color: #666;
237     }
238   }
239   .express-input-wrap::before {
240     transform: translatex(40rpx); //line-height: 60rpx;
241     color: #999;
242   }
243   .express-input-wrap .icon-saoma {
244     height: 80rpx;
245     position: relative;
246     font-size: 80rpx;
247     line-height: 80rpx;
248     margin-left: 10rpx;
249   }
250   .del {
251     animation: dl 1s forwards; //margin: 0;
252   }
253   @keyframes dl {
254     0% {
255       transform: translate(0, 0);
256     }
257     10% {
258       transform: translate(-100rpx, 0);
259     }
260     100% {
261       transform: translate(1000rpx, -50rpx);
262       opacity: 0;
263     }
264   }
265   .history {
266     padding: 20rpx 10rpx;
267     box-sizing: border-box; //background-color: #f00;
268     //width: 100%;
269     height: auto;
270     margin: 0rpx 10rpx;
271     margin-bottom: 20rpx;
272     overflow: hidden;
273     position: relative;
274     display: flex;
275     align-items: center;
276     border: 1rpx solid #138cff;
277     border-radius: 20rpx;
278     box-shadow: 4rpx -2rpx 4rpx #ccc;
279     background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
280     .info-wrap {
281       display: flex;
282       width: 180rpx;
283       flex-direction: column;
284       text-align: left;
285       margin-right: 8rpx;
286       .company {
287         font-size: 30rpx;
288       }
289       .number {
290         font-size: 24rpx;
291       }
292     }
293     .last-info-wrap {
294       font-size: 24rpx;
295       color: #666;
296     }
297     .phone {
298       font-size: 40rpx; //transform: translateY(-10rpx);
299     }
300     .delete {
301       width: 40rpx;
302       height: 40rpx;
303       position: absolute;
304       top: 5rpx;
305       right: 20rpx;
306       border: 1rpx solid #ccc;
307       border-radius: 10rpx;
308       padding: 5rpx 5rpx 5rpx 12rpx;
309       background: #63b8ff;
310       color: #cd5555;
311       font-size: 16px;
312     }
313   }
314   .time {
315     padding: 8rpx 0 0;
316   }
317   .mark {
318     width: 100%;
319     height: 100%;
320     position: fixed;
321     background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
322     top: 0;
323     z-index: 100;
324     overflow: hidden;
325   }
326   // .container .icon-sousuo-copy {327   //   color: #138cff;
328   // }
329   //test-tab start
330   .tab-h {
331     height: 80rpx;
332     width: 100%;
333     box-sizing: border-box;
334     overflow: hidden;
335     line-height: 80rpx;
336     background: #f7f7f7;
337     font-size: 16px;
338     white-space: nowrap;
339     position: fixed;
340     top: 0;
341     left: 0;
342     z-index: 99;
343   }
344   .tab-item {
345     margin: 0 36rpx;
346     display: inline-block;
347   }
348   .tab-item.active {
349     color: #4675f9;
350     position: relative;
351   }
352   .tab-item.active:after {
353     content: '';
354     display: block;
355     height: 8rpx;
356     width: 100%;
357     background: #4675f9;
358     position: absolute;
359     bottom: 0;
360     left: 5rpx;
361     border-radius: 16rpx;
362   }
363   .item-ans {
364     width: 100%;
365     display: flex;
366     flex-grow: row no-wrap;
367     justify-content: space-between;
368     padding: 30rpx;
369     box-sizing: border-box;
370     height: 180rpx;
371     align-items: center;
372     border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
373   }
374   .avatar {
375     width: 100rpx;
376     height: 100rpx;
377     position: relative;
378     padding-right: 30rpx;
379   }
380   .avatar .img {
381     width: 100%;
382     height: 100%;
383   }
384   .avatar .doyen {
385     width: 40rpx;
386     height: 40rpx;
387     position: absolute;
388     bottom: -2px;
389     right: 20rpx;
390   }
391   .expertInfo {
392     font-size: 12px;
393     flex-grow: 2;
394     color: #b0b0b0;
395     line-height: 1.5em;
396   }
397   .expertInfo .name {
398     font-size: 16px;
399     color: #000;
400     margin-bottom: 6px;
401   }
402   .askBtn {
403     width: 120rpx;
404     height: 60rpx;
405     line-height: 60rpx;
406     text-align: center;
407     font-size: 14px;
408     border-radius: 60rpx;
409     border: 1px solid #4675f9;
410     color: #4675f9;
411   }
412   .tab-content {
413     margin-top: 80rpx;
414   }
415   .scoll-h {
416     height: 100%;
417   }
418 </style>

View Code


import wepy from 'wepy';let _page,_this;export default class ep extends wepy.page {data = {num: 1};// 新的,引入了例如监听watch,还有组件通讯等新概念...watch = {num(newValue, oldValue) {console.log(`num value: ${oldValue} -> ${newValue}`);}};onLoad() {console.log('页面加载');}onShow(){console.log('页面显示!');}onHide(){console.log('页面隐藏');}onUnload(){console.log('页面卸载');}

引入了组件化导入(相比小程序原生来说,强大很多) -> 源码在上,演示如下


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  4. wepy - 与原生有什么不同(app.js和app.wpy比较)

    app.js和app.wpy有什么不同呢? 答.app.wpy单文件包含了app.wxss\app.js\app.json\app.wxml app.js 1 App({ 2 3 /** 4 * 当小 ...

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  6. (转)[Unity3D]UI方案及制作细节(NGUI/EZGUI/原生UI系统) 内附unused-assets清除实例

    转载请留下本文原始链接,谢谢.本文会不定期更新维护,最近更新于2013.09.17. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5b6cb9500101bplv.html 一.方案 ...

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