sudo apt install libsdl2-dev

sdl2 development package not found相关推荐

  1. How to Create a Development Package ?

    开发类是package以前的说法. 目前来说有两种方式来创建: 1.从SE80,选择CONTAINERBAR的REPOSITORY BROWER,下拉框选择package,输入一个想创建的packag ...

  2. 新装Ubuntu18.04系统配置PX4环境

    1.安装QGC地面站系统:链接: ...

  3. 6004.ubuntu18.04移植qgroundcontrol地面站

    ubuntu18.04移植qgroundcontrol地面站 参考博客: 下载qgroundControl源码 第1种方式: git clone --recursive https://github. ...

  4. 一、QGC源码下载以及配置

    QGC V3.4版本 源码存放地址: 下载方式: 1.git: git clone ...

  5. Could not find a package,configuration file provided by G2O ,G2OConfig.cmake,g2o-config.cmake

    因为项目需要使用到g2o,所以自己从git上面clone下来, git clone 然后: cd g2o mkdi ...

  6. CMake Error: Could not find a package configuration file provided by “serial“

    CMakeLists.txt中添加了串口的package,如下: find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS nav_msgs roscpp rospy seria ...

  7. Electron Vue 打包错误: InvalidConfigurationError: ‘build‘ in the application package.json

    Electron Vue electron-builder 打包错误: InvalidConfigurationError: 'build' in the application package.js ...

  8. CMake Error (find_package):Could not find a package configuration

    ros cmakelists 报错 Could not find a package configuration file provided by "******" with an ...

  9. asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by MRPT, but CMake did not find one.

    1.在ROS节点重组移植过程中遇到编译错误的问题如下: CMake Error at rf2o_laser_odometry/CMakeLists.txt:21 (find_package):By n ...

  10. Could not find a package configuration file provided by “object_recognition_msgs“ with any ...

    错误问题: CMake Error at /opt/ros/melodic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:83 (find_package):   Cou ...


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