red blooded woman

歌手:kylie minogue 专辑:body language

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Before you get too heated and turned on (and turned on)
You should've learned your lesson all in times before
You've been bruised, you've been broken
And theres my mind saying think before you go
Through that door that takes me to nowhere (yes boy)
I stopped you all romantic crazy in your head
You think I listen, no I don't care
Can't focus I can't stop
You got me spinning round, round, round, round (like a record)
Can't focus it's too hot (inside)
You'll never get to Heaven, if your scared of getting high
(Boy, boy) Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)
I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you, yeah...
(Boy, boy)
Kylie Minogue
Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)
I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you
My concious saying, get down off the streets,
It's too dangerous and deadly (yes boy)
Has got you talking around and circles got you see,
All for the sake of sexy
And as my friends say, stop before you fall
I dont wanna pick you up again (yes boy)
He's got you all romantic and crazier each day
You think I listen, there's no way
Can't focus I can't stop
You got me spinning round, round, round, round (like a record)
Can't focus it's too hot (inside)
You'll never get to Heaven, if your scared of getting high
(Boy, boy)
Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)
I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you, yeah...
(Boy, boy)
Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
(Boy, boy)
I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you
Let me keep freaking around, freaking around
Red blooded women
It's too hot inside
You'll never get to Heaven if your scared of getting high
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
Freaking around
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
Freaking Around
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
Freaking around
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
Freaking Around
(Boy, boy)
Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)
I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you, yeah...
(Boy, boy)
Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
And I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)
I wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you
Wanna rock with you


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