
Origin’s “Great Game Guarantee” applies to all games published by EA itself and a few third-party games. If you’re not happy with a game purchase, you can return it for a refund—just like on Steam. Origin began offering refunds before Steam did, but Steam’s refund policy does apply to a wider selection of games.

Origin的“出色游戏保证”适用于EA本身发行的所有游戏以及一些第三方游戏。 如果您对购买的游戏不满意,可以将其退还退款-就像在Steam上一样。 Origin在Steam之前就开始提供退款,但是Steam的退款政策确实适用于更多游戏。

Origin出色的游戏保证如何运作 (How Origin’s Great Game Guarantee Works)

Origin’s Great Game Guarantee allows you to return games for a full refund. You can return the game for whatever reason you like. “If you don’t love it, return it”, encourages Origin’s website. However, not all games are eligible for this guarantee.

Origin的出色游戏保证可让您退还游戏并获得全额退款。 您可以出于任何原因返回游戏。 “如果你不喜欢它,那就归还它”,鼓励Origin的网站。 但是,并非所有游戏都有资格获得此保证。

All of EA’s own games are eligible for the Great Game Guarantee if you purchase digital copies of them on Origin. A few third-party games are eligible, but most third-party games on Origin are not. You’ll see whether a game is eligible for the Great Game Guarantee during the purchase process.

如果您在Origin上购买EA的所有游戏的数字副本,则所有这些游戏都可以享受“伟大游戏保证”。 某些第三方游戏可以使用,但Origin上的大多数第三方游戏不适用。 您会在购买过程中看到游戏是否符合“伟大游戏保证”的条件。

Only digital copies of games are eligible. If you buy a physical boxed copy of a game that comes with an Origin code and redeem that code on Origin, there’s no way to refund the game and get your money back if you don’t like it.

只有游戏的数字副本才有资格。 如果您购买了带有原产地代码的游戏的盒装副本,并在原产地上兑换了该代码,则无法退还游戏并在不满意的情况下取回您的钱。

Only full games are eligible for a refund. You can’t refund a downloadable content (DLC) purchase.

只有完整版游戏才有资格退款。 您无法退还购买的可下载内容(DLC)。

Even if a game you purchase is eligible for a refund, there are some limitations. If you’ve launched the game, you can request a refund within 24 hours from the time you first launched the game. That means if you want to play a few hours before you decide to keep it, you have to play them all on that first day. This is different than Steam’s policy, which lets you refund a game up to 14 days after purchase (not launch), but will only let you play for two hours. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.

即使您购买的游戏有资格获得退款,也有一些限制。 如果您已经启动了游戏,则可以在首次启动游戏后的24小时内要求退款。 这意味着,如果您想在决定保留几个小时之前就玩几个小时,则必须在第一天就全部播放。 这与Steam的政策不同, Steam的政策允许您在购买后最多14天(不启动)退还游戏,但只能玩两个小时。 它们都有优点和缺点。

If you haven’t launched the game, you can request a refund from within seven days of the time you purchased the game. If you pre-ordered the game but haven’t launched it yet, you can request a refund from within seven days of the game’s release date.

如果您尚未启动游戏,则可以在购买游戏后的7天内要求退款。 如果您已预订游戏但尚未启动,则可以在游戏发布之日起7天内要求退款。

There’s one other exception for new EA games: If you buy an EA game within 30 days of its release date and you can’t play it due to technical problems like server issues, game bugs, or other problems under EA’s control, you can request a refund from within 72 hours of the time you first launch the game instead of the usual 24 hours.


So, when you buy an eligible game on Origin, be sure to try it out within a week and make a decision on whether you want to keep it within 24 hours after you first launch it. Here are the full terms of the guarantee.

因此,当您在Origin上购买符合条件的游戏时,请务必在一周内进行试用,并决定是否要在首次启动后的24小时内保留该游戏。 这是保证的全部条款。

如何退款游戏 (How to Refund a Game)

To refund a game, visit the Request a refund page on EA’s website and sign in with your Origin account.


You’ll see a list of games you own that are currently eligible for a refund. Click the “Select” button to the right of the game you want to refund and click “Next”.

您会看到自己拥有的当前可以退款的游戏列表。 单击您要退款的游戏右侧的“选择”按钮,然后单击“下一步”。

Select the reason you want to return the game and click “Confirm”. Whether you thought the game was too short, too buggy, or not fun enough, or whether you couldn’t connect to the servers or just bought the game by accident, you’re eligible for a refund. There’s an “Other” option you can choose if your issue doesn’t appear in the list.

选择您要退回游戏的原因,然后单击“确认”。 无论您是认为游戏太短,太过bug还是不够好玩,还是无法连接到服务器或只是偶然购买了游戏,都可以退款。 如果您的问题未出现在列表中,则可以选择“其他”选项。

It doesn’t matter which reason you select, but you can provide more information to Origin and the game’s developers by selecting a precise reason.


You’ll see a message saying your refund is being processed and that you’ll hear back from EA within 48 hours.


You can view the status of your current and past refund requests at the My cases page on EA’s website.


If everything goes well, you’ll receive an email saying your refund request was approved and the money will be returned to the payment method you used to buy the game on Origin. It will take some time for the money to be returned to your payment method, however. EA’s website says that it can take 7 to 10 days before you receive the refund.

如果一切顺利,您将收到一封电子邮件,说明您的退款申请已获批准,这笔钱将退还至您在Origin上购买游戏时所用的付款方式。 但是,这笔钱将需要一些时间才能退还到您的付款方式中。 EA的网站说,您可能需要7到10天才能收到退款。

If you don’t get a response within a reasonable amount of time or your request vanishes from the My cases page, EA’s website advises you contact EA support for more help.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/305754/how-to-get-refunds-for-ea-origin-games/


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