




var alps = [{

"Time": "36:50",

"Place": 1,

"Seconds": 2210,

"Name": "Marco Pantani",

"Year": 1995,

"Nationality": "ITA",

"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1995 due to high hematocrit levels",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "36:55",

"Place": 2,

"Seconds": 2215,

"Name": "Marco Pantani",

"Year": 1997,

"Nationality": "ITA",

"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1997 due to high hermatocrit levels",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "37:15",

"Place": 3,

"Seconds": 2235,

"Name": "Marco Pantani",

"Year": 1994,

"Nationality": "ITA",

"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1994 due to high hermatocrit levels",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "37:36",

"Place": 4,

"Seconds": 2256,

"Name": "Lance Armstrong",

"Year": 2004,

"Nationality": "USA",

"Doping": "2004 Tour de France title stripped by UCI in 2012",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "37:42",

"Place": 5,

"Seconds": 2262,

"Name": "Jan Ullrich",

"Year": 1997,

"Nationality": "GER",

"Doping": "Confessed later in his career to doping",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:05",

"Place": 6,

"Seconds": 2285,

"Name": "Lance Armstrong",

"Year": 2001,

"Nationality": "USA",

"Doping": "2001 Tour de France title stripped by UCI in 2012",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:14",

"Place": 7,

"Seconds": 2294,

"Name": "Miguel Indurain",

"Year": 1995,

"Nationality": "ESP",

"Doping": "1994 Failed test for salbutemol, not a banned drug at that time",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:14",

"Place": 8,

"Seconds": 2294,

"Name": "Alex Zülle",

"Year": 1995,

"Nationality": "SUI",

"Doping": "Confessed in 1998 to taking EPO",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:16",

"Place": 9,

"Seconds": 2296,

"Name": "Bjarne Riis",

"Year": 1995,

"Nationality": "DEN",

"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1995 due to high hermatrocite levels",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:22",

"Place": 10,

"Seconds": 2302,

"Name": "Richard Virenque",

"Year": 1997,

"Nationality": "FRA",

"Doping": "In 2000 confessed to doping during his career",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:36",

"Place": 11,

"Seconds": 2316,

"Name": "Floyd Landis",

"Year": 2006,

"Nationality": "USA",

"Doping": "Stripped of 2006 Tour de France title",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:36",

"Place": 12,

"Seconds": 2316,

"Name": "Andreas Klöden",

"Year": 2006,

"Nationality": "GER",

"Doping": "Alleged use of illegal blood transfusions in 2006",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:40",

"Place": 13,

"Seconds": 2320,

"Name": "Jan Ullrich",

"Year": 2004,

"Nationality": "GER",

"Doping": "Confessed later in his career to doping",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:44",

"Place": 14,

"Seconds": 2324,

"Name": "Laurent Madouas",

"Year": 1995,

"Nationality": "FRA",

"Doping": "Tested positive for Salbutemol in 1994, suspended for 1 month",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "38:55",

"Place": 15,

"Seconds": 2335,

"Name": "Richard Virenque",

"Year": 1994,

"Nationality": "FRA",

"Doping": "In 2000 confessed to doping during his career",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:01",

"Place": 16,

"Seconds": 2341,

"Name": "Carlos Sastre",

"Year": 2006,

"Nationality": "ESP",

"Doping": "",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:09",

"Place": 17,

"Seconds": 2349,

"Name": "Iban Mayo",

"Year": 2003,

"Nationality": "ESP",

"Doping": "Failed doping test in 2007 Tour de France",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:12",

"Place": 18,

"Seconds": 2352,

"Name": "Andreas Klöden",

"Year": 2004,

"Nationality": "GER",

"Doping": "Alleged doping during 2006 Tour de France",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:14",

"Place": 19,

"Seconds": 2354,

"Name": "Jose Azevedo",

"Year": 2004,

"Nationality": "POR",

"Doping": "Implicated in the Operación Puerto doping case",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:15",

"Place": 20,

"Seconds": 2355,

"Name": "Levi Leipheimer",

"Year": 2006,

"Nationality": "USA",

"Doping": "Testified in 2012 to doping during his time with US Postal Service ",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:22",

"Place": 21,

"Seconds": 2362,

"Name": "Francesco Casagrande",

"Year": 1997,

"Nationality": "ITA",

"Doping": "Positive testosterone test in 1998",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:23",

"Place": 22,

"Seconds": 2363,

"Name": "Nairo Quintana",

"Year": 2015,

"Nationality": "COL",

"Doping": "",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:23",

"Place": 23,

"Seconds": 2363,

"Name": "Bjarne Riis",

"Year": 1997,

"Nationality": "DEN",

"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1995 due to high hermatrocite levels",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:30",

"Place": 24,

"Seconds": 2370,

"Name": "Miguel Indurain",

"Year": 1994,

"Nationality": "ESP",

"Doping": "1994 Failed test for salbutemol, not a banned drug at that time",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:30",

"Place": 25,

"Seconds": 2370,

"Name": "Luc Leblanc",

"Year": 1994,

"Nationality": "FRA",

"Doping": "Admitted to using epo and amphetimines throughout 1994 ",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:32",

"Place": 26,

"Seconds": 2372,

"Name": "Carlos Sastre",

"Year": 2008,

"Nationality": "ESP",

"Doping": "",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:37",

"Place": 27,

"Seconds": 2377,

"Name": "Vladimir Poulnikov",

"Year": 1994,

"Nationality": "UKR",

"Doping": "",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:40",

"Place": 28,

"Seconds": 2380,

"Name": "Giuseppe Guerini",

"Year": 2004,

"Nationality": "ITA",

"Doping": "",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:41",

"Place": 29,

"Seconds": 2381,

"Name": "Santos Gonzalez",

"Year": 2004,

"Nationality": "ESP",

"Doping": "High Hematocrit during 2005 season, removed by team management",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:41",

"Place": 30,

"Seconds": 2381,

"Name": "Vladimir Karpets",

"Year": 2004,

"Nationality": "RUS",

"Doping": "Made payments to Ferrari, but no charges filed",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:45",

"Place": 31,

"Seconds": 2385,

"Name": "Fernando Escartin",

"Year": 1995,

"Nationality": "ESP",

"Doping": "Implicated in Giardini Margherita Raid in 1998 as a 'victim' ",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:47",

"Place": 32,

"Seconds": 2387,

"Name": "Denis Menchov",

"Year": 2006,

"Nationality": "RUS",

"Doping": "",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:47",

"Place": 33,

"Seconds": 2387,

"Name": "Michael Rasmussen",

"Year": 2006,

"Nationality": "DEN",

"Doping": "Admitted to doping with multiple substances 1998-2010",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:47",

"Place": 34,

"Seconds": 2387,

"Name": "Pietro Caucchioli",

"Year": 2006,

"Nationality": "ITA",

"Doping": "Associated with Mantova investigation, charges dropped",

"URL": ""

}, {

"Time": "39:50",

"Place": 35,

"Seconds": 2390,

"Name": "Nairo Quintana",

"Year": 2013,

"Nationality": "COL",

"Doping": "",

"URL": ""


//format seconds for human readable axis



// Formatters for counts and times (converting numbers to Dates).

var formatCount = d3.format(",.0f"),

formatTime = d3.time.format("%H:%M"),

formatMinutes = function(d) {

var t = new Date(2012, 0, 1, 0, d)

t.setSeconds(t.getSeconds() + d);

return formatTime(t);


var tip = d3.tip()

.attr('class', 'd3-tip')

.html(function(d) {

var tooltipHTML = "" + d.Name + "
" + d.Year + "
" + d.Nationality;

if (d.doping !== "") {

tooltipHTML += "
" + d.Doping;

} else {

tooltipHTML += "
No doping allegations";


return tooltipHTML;


var fastestTime = 2210;

//Prep the data for D3

alps.forEach(function(finish) {

//turn finishing time into seconds behind winner

finish.behind = finish.Seconds - fastestTime;

//add data legend

if (finish.Doping != "") {

finish.legend = "Doping Allegations";

} else {

finish.legend = "No Doping Allegation";




//d3 Stuff Here

var margin = {

top: 80,

right: 140,

bottom: 60,

left: 60


width = 800 - margin.left - margin.right,

height = 600 - - margin.bottom;

var yScale = d3.scale.linear()

.domain([1, 36])

.range([0, height]);

var xScale = d3.scale.linear()

.domain([60 * 3.5, 0])

//.domain([d3.max(alps, function(d) {

// return d.behind+50;

// }),0])

.range([0, width]);

var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()




var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()





//Create SVG element

var svg ="#container").append("svg")

.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)

.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)


.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");

var ascents = svg.selectAll("circle")




.attr("cx", function(d) {

return xScale(d.behind);


.attr("cy", function(d) {

return yScale(d.Place);


.attr("r", 5)

.attr("fill", function(d) {

if (d.Doping == "") {

return "#333";


return "#f44";


.attr("data-legend", function(d) {

return d.legend;


.on("mouseover", function(d) {



.style("opacity", .9);



function() {

var tooltipHTML = "" + d.Name+": "+ d.Nationality+"" ;

tooltipHTML += "
Year: " + d.Year + ", Time: " + friendlySeconds(d.Seconds) +"

if (d.doping !== "") {

tooltipHTML += "
" + d.Doping;

} else {

tooltipHTML += "
No Doping Allegation";


return tooltipHTML;




.style("left", (width / 2) + "px")

.style("top", (280) + "px");


.on("mouseout", function(d) {



.style("opacity", 0);


// add the tooltip area to the webpage

var tooltip ="body").append("div")

.attr("class", "tooltip")

.style("opacity", 0);

//text labels





.text(function(d) {

return d.Name;


.attr("x", function(d) {

return xScale(d.behind);


.attr("y", function(d) {

return yScale(d.Place);


.attr("transform", "translate(15,+4)");

//create xAxis


.attr("class", "axis")

.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")



.attr("x", 300)

.attr("y", 35)

.attr("dy", ".35em")

.style("text-anchor", "middle")

.text("Minutes Behind Fastest Time");;

//.attr("transform", "translate(40,500)");

//Create Y axis


.attr("class", "axis")

.attr("transform", "translate(0, 0)")



.attr("x", 0)

.attr("y", -35)

.attr("dy", ".35em")

.style("text-anchor", "end")

.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")


//Add title & subtitle to SvG element

//Could also be done in HTML


.attr("x", (width / 2))

.attr("y", / 2)

.attr("text-anchor", "middle")

.attr("class", "title")

.text("Doping in Professional Bicycle Racing");


.attr("x", (width / 2))

.attr("y", / 2 + 35)

.attr("text-anchor", "middle")

.attr("class", "subtitle")

.text("35 Fastest times up Alpe d'Huez");


.attr("x", (width / 2))

.attr("y", / 2 + 55)

.attr("text-anchor", "middle")

.attr("class", "asterix")

.text("Normalized to 13.8km distance");


//circles with fill

//gray circle


.attr("cx", function(d) {

return xScale(10);


.attr("cy", function(d) {

return yScale(20);


.attr("r", 5)

.attr("fill", "#333");


.attr("x", function(d) {

return xScale(7);


.attr("y", function(d) {

return yScale(20) + 4;


.attr("text-anchor", "left")

.attr("class", "legend")

.text("No doping allegations");

//red circle


.attr("cx", function(d) {

return xScale(10);


.attr("cy", function(d) {

return yScale(23);


.attr("r", 5)

.attr("fill", "#f44");


.attr("x", function(d) {

return xScale(7);


.attr("y", function(d) {

return yScale(23) + 4;


.attr("text-anchor", "left")

.attr("class", "legend")

.text("Riders with doping allegations");

function friendlySeconds(seconds) {

return parseInt(seconds / 60) + ":" + seconds % 60;


function createToolTip(d) {

var tooltipHTML = "" + d.Name + ": " + d.Nationality + "";

tooltipHTML += "
Year: " + d.Year + ", Time: " + friendlySeconds(d.Seconds) + "

if (d.doping !== "") {

tooltipHTML += "
" + d.Doping;

} else {

tooltipHTML += "
No Doping Allegation";


return tooltipHTML;



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