
Once upon a time Windows was, well, the Windows dressing for DOS–but is Windows still dependent on the DOS architecture for daily operations? Read on as we investigate.

很久以前,Windows曾经是DOS的Windows敷料,但是Windows是否仍依赖于DOS体系结构进行日常操作? 在我们进行调查时请继续阅读。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Rrazd is curious about the history of DOS and how it interacts with the current iterations of Windows:


I am just about to start an OS course and as an Apple user I am not very familiar with the underlying details of Windows OS. I was wondering, is MS DOS still used with Windows running on top or is ONLY Windows used now as the OS? I was a little confused because I read somewhere that MS-DOS is used for booting but Windows has all other OS capabilities built into it and thus is used for all other OS operations…

我将要开始操作系统课程,并且作为Apple用户,我对Windows OS的基本细节不是很熟悉。 我想知道,MS DOS仍与运行在顶部的Windows一起使用还是现在仅将Windows用作操作系统? 我有点困惑,因为我读过某个地方说MS-DOS用于引导,但是Windows内置了所有其他OS功能,因此用于所有其他OS操作…

How much of a role, if any, does MS-DOS play in Windows today?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor JdeBP leaps in with a very detailed and heavily documented answer:


There are two distinct lineages when it comes to Microsoft Windows, and it doesn’t help things when people write things about one lineage that they have learned about the other.

对于Microsoft Windows,有两种截然不同的血统,而当人们在编写关于一种血统的知识时却无济于事。

  • The DOS+Windows lineage comprises DOS+Windows all versions up to version 3.11, DOS+Windows 95, DOS+Windows 98, and DOS+Windows Millennium Edition. It has Windows layered on top of DOS. Entire books have been written on the subject of this layering, and it is the subject of some contention, not least because a lot of people for a fair while in the early to middle 1990s wanted the world to believe that DOS was gone and Windows was the operating system.This is the DOS+Windows bootstrap process.

    DOS + Windows家族包括DOS + Windows所有版本,最高版本为3.11,DOS + Windows 95,DOS + Windows 98和DOS + Windows Millennium Edition。 Windows在DOS之上分层。 整本书都涉及这一层次,这是一些争论的主题,这不仅是因为在1990年代初至中期,许多人为了公平起见,希望全世界都相信DOS已经消失,Windows才是。操作系统。 这是DOS + Windows引导过程。

  • The Windows NT lineage comprises Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0 (“Windows 2000”), Windows NT 5.1 (“Windows XP”), Windows NT 5.2 (some editions of Windows XP and “Windows Server 2003”), Windows NT 6.0 (“Windows Vista”), and Windows NT 6.1 (“Windows 7”). It is not layered on top of DOS, works in a completely different way to DOS, and can run DOS applications by dint of an NT Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) which is a virtual machine that runs on top of Windows NT rather than the other way around.This is the Windows NT 6.x bootstrap process.

    Windows NT家族包括Windows NT 3.x,Windows NT 4.0,Windows NT 5.0(“ Windows 2000”),Windows NT 5.1(“ Windows XP”),Windows NT 5.2(某些版本的Windows XP和“ Windows Server 2003”) ),Windows NT 6.0(“ Windows Vista”)和Windows NT 6.1(“ Windows 7”)。 它不位于DOS之上,其工作方式与DOS完全不同,并且可以通过NT虚拟DOS机(NTVDM)运行DOS应用程序,该虚拟机在Windows NT而不是其他Windows NT上运行的虚拟机。的方式。 这是Windows NT 6.x引导过程。

What also doesn’t help is when people mistakenly talk of a “DOS prompt” in Windows NT, as has even happened in answers here. Aside from the fact that it is command interpreters that prompt, not operating systems, this conflates “DOS” with “textual user interface” and “command interpreter”, neither of which are in actuality synonymous with DOS. DOS is a family of operating systems: MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR-DOS, FreeDOS, OpenDOS, et cetera.

同样无济于事的是,当人们错误地谈论Windows NT中的“ DOS提示符”时,甚至在这里的答案中也是如此。 除了由命令解释器提示而不是操作系统以外 ,这还用“文本用户界面”和“命令解释器”将“ DOS”进行了修饰,这两者实际上都不是DOS的同义词。 DOS是一系列操作系统:MS-DOS,PC-DOS,DR-DOS,FreeDOS,OpenDOS等。

If one has a command prompt window open on Windows NT then one is almost always running CMD, which is Microsoft’s default command interpreter supplied in the box and which is an ordinary, textual user interface, Win32 program. There’s no “DOS”, nor NTVDM. There’s just a Win32 program talking to its Win32 console object. And in fact for many TUI programs that one can run on Windows NT, including all of the tools in Microsoft’s various Resource Kits, there is still no whiff of DOS anywhere in the picture, because these are all ordinary Win32 programs that perform Win32 console I/O, too.

如果在Windows NT上打开了命令提示符窗口,则几乎总是在运行CMD ,这是包装盒中提供的Microsoft默认命令解释器,它是普通的文本用户界面Win32程序。 没有“ DOS”,也没有NTVDM。 只有一个Win32程序与其Win32控制台对象进行通讯。 实际上,对于许多可以在Windows NT上运行的TUI程序,包括Microsoft各种资源工具包中的所有工具,图片中的任何地方仍然没有DOS的味道,因为这些都是执行Win32控制台的普通Win32程序。 / O。

Ironically, given that Windows NT 3.1 was released in 1993, the Windows NT lineage actually is the not-based-upon-DOS Windows-is-the-operating-system system that all of the people in the middle 1990s were trying to convince the world that DOS+Windows 95 was.

具有讽刺意味的是,鉴于Windows NT 3.1是在1993年发布的,因此Windows NT血统实际上是不基于DOS的Windows-is-the-operating系统,1990年代中期的所有人都在试图说服Windows NT 3.1。 DOS + Windows 95的世界。

And, eighteen years later, we’re still trying to get it through to some people that Windows NT doesn’t work like DOS and never has. ☺

而且,十八年后, 我们仍在努力使某些人知道Windows NT不能像DOS那样工作,甚至从来没有 。 ☺

Further reading


  • Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (2006). A book list for operating system kernel developers and device driver writers. Frequently Given Answers.

    乔纳森·德·博伊纳·波拉德(2006)。 操作系统内核开发人员和设备驱动程序编写者的书籍清单 。 经常给出答案。

  • Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon, Alex Ionescu (2009). Windows Internals (5th Edition). Microsoft Press. ISBN 9780735625303.

    Mark E.Russinovich,David A.Solomon,Alex Ionescu(2009年)。 Windows Internals (第5版) 。 微软出版社。 ISBN 9780735625303。

  • Walter Oney (1996). Systems Programming for Windows 95. Microsoft Press. ISBN 1 55615 949 8.

    Walter Oney (1996)。 Windows 95的系统编程 。 微软出版社。 国际标准书号1 55615 949 8。

  • Matt Pietrek (November 1995). Windows 95 System Programming Secrets. IDG Books. ISBN 1-56884-318-6.

    Matt Pietrek (1995年11月)。 Windows 95系统编程的秘密 。 IDG图书。 ISBN 1-56884-318-6。

  • Andrew Schulman (1994). Unauthorized Windows 95. IDG Books Worldwide. ISBN 9781568841694.

    安德鲁·舒尔曼(1994)。 未经授权的Windows 95 。 全球IDG图书。 ISBN 9781568841694。

  • Matt Pietrek (1993). Windows internals: the implementation of the Windows operating environment. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 9780201622171.

    Matt Pietrek (1993)。 Windows内部构件:Windows操作环境的实现 。 艾迪生-韦斯利。 ISBN 9780201622171。

  • Andrew Schulman, David Maxey, Matt Pietrek (1992). Undocumented Windows: A Programmers Guide to Reserved Microsoft Windows Api Functions. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 9780201608342.

    Andrew Schulman,David Maxey,Matt Pietrek(1992)。 未公开的Windows:保留的Microsoft Windows Api函数的程序员指南 。 艾迪生-韦斯利。 ISBN 9780201608342。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程 。




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