ps cs5 没有扩展功能

Now that the dust has settled and the hype has died a little on the CS5 launch of one week ago, here are five features that I’m really looking forward to trying out. (Note: I didn’t include the Photoshop Content Aware Fill in this list because I wrote about it a couple of weeks ago, but it too looks absolutely amazing.)

既然在一周前的CS5发布会上尘埃落定,炒作已经消失了一点,那么我真的很想尝试以下五个功能。 (注意:我没有在此列表中包括“ Photoshop Content Aware Fill”,因为我是在几周前写过它的 ,但它看起来也绝对很棒。)

闪速催化剂 (Flash Catalyst)

Not so much a “feature” as an entire program, Flash Catalyst is an alternate development framework for Flash designers which should hopefully endear designers to Flash again. When Actionscript 3 came along, I believe many designers lost interest in Flash because. let’s face it, it became very difficult to use if you didn’t have a programmer’s mind and were not too hot in the coding department. Flash Catalyst allows you transform designs created in Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Fireworks into interactive designs. You can read more about it and download a Beta version here.

Flash Catalyst并不是整个程序的“功能”,它是Flash设计人员的替代开发框架,希望它能再次吸引设计人员使用Flash。 当Actionscript 3出现时,我相信许多设计师对Flash失去了兴趣,因为。 让我们面对现实吧,如果您没有程序员的头脑并且在编码部门不太热心,那就变得很难使用。 Flash Catalyst允许您将在Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator和Fireworks中创建的设计转换为交互式设计。 您可以阅读有关它的更多信息,并在此处下载Beta版本 。

Dreamweaver中的CMS支持 (CMS Support In Dreamweaver)

Dreamweaver didn’t seem to get quite the same triumphant showcase during the launch of CS5 as Photoshop, but one of the features I’m very excited about is the “live view” option. This allows you to browse pages populated with postings from your database from inside Dreamweaver. Designers will now be able to work on CMS themes including WordPress from within Dreamweaver. Previously, it was a bit of a messy operation where you would have to download a page from the browser and the re-attach the style sheet locally to see how the changes affected it or use something like XAMPP to run a local database. This will be a major time saver.

在发布CS5时,Dreamweaver似乎并没有获得与Photoshop完全相同的胜利展示,但是令我非常兴奋的功能之一是“实时取景”选项。 这样,您就可以从Dreamweaver内部浏览数据库中发布的填充页面。 现在,设计人员将能够在Dreamweaver中处理CMS主题,包括WordPress。 以前,这有点麻烦,您必须从浏览器下载页面,然后在本地重新附加样式表,以查看更改如何影响它或使用XAMPP之类的东西来运行本地数据库。 这将节省大量时间。

Dreamweaver中的集成Browserlab (Integrated Browserlab In Dreamweaver)

Browserlab is a service that has been available online that allows you test your website in a variety of browsers. This service is now fully integrated in Dreamweaver

Browserlab是一项在线服务,可让您在各种浏览器中测试网站。 现在,此服务已完全集成在Dreamweaver中

在Photoshop中的伪变形 (Puppet Warp In Photoshop)

With Puppet Warp you can choose control points and warp objects around them. You really need to see the video below. It looks like a huge amount of fun but I can think of practical applications where it would be a huge time saver. Photography will never be the same again. If you added a timeline here, you’d nearly have Flash.

使用“人偶扭曲”,您可以选择控制点并扭曲它们周围的对象。 您确实需要看下面的视频。 看起来很有趣,但是我可以想到可以节省大量时间的实际应用。 摄影将不再是相同的。 如果您在此处添加时间轴,则几乎可以使用Flash。

Illustrator中的自然媒体笔刷 (Natural Media Brushes In Illustrator)

If you’re interested in digital painting but love your vectors, the Bristle brush in Illustrator might be just what you’re looking for. You can paint with vectors that resemble real?world brush strokes and define bristle length, stiffness, and shape. This is very impressive.

如果您对数字绘画感兴趣但喜欢您的矢量,则Illustrator中的刚毛刷可能正是您想要的。 您可以使用类似于真实世界画笔笔触的矢量进行绘画,并定义鬃毛的长度,刚度和形状。 这是非常令人印象深刻的。

What do you think of these features? Would they influence you into upgrading or buying CS5? Any other features that you’ve seen or read about online that you find interesting?

您如何看待这些功能? 它们会影响您升级或购买CS5吗? 您在网上看到或阅读的其他有趣功能吗?


ps cs5 没有扩展功能

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