
  • 案例一:DoString的使用
  • 案例二:展示searchpath 使用,require 与 dofile 区别
  • 案例三:CS调用lua方法
  • 案例四:读写lua的全局变量的两种方式



using UnityEngine;
using LuaInterface;
using System;public class HelloWorld : MonoBehaviour
{void Awake(){LuaState lua = new LuaState();//lua虚拟机lua.Start();//启动//lua代码string hello =@"                print('hello tolua#')                                  ";lua.DoString(hello, "HelloWorld.cs");//注解(1)lua.CheckTop();//检测堆栈是否平衡,每次都需要手动调用lua.Dispose();注解(2)lua = null;}


案例二:展示searchpath 使用,require 与 dofile 区别

public class ScriptsFromFile : MonoBehaviour
{LuaState lua = null;//lua虚拟机private string strLog = "";    void Start () {
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018     Application.logMessageReceived += Log;
#endif         lua = new LuaState();                lua.Start();        //开启虚拟机//如果移动了ToLua目录,自己手动修复吧,只是例子就不做配置了string fullPath = Application.dataPath + "\\ToLua/Examples/02_ScriptsFromFile";//lua文件路径lua.AddSearchPath(fullPath);     //搜索此路径   }void Log(string msg, string stackTrace, LogType type){strLog += msg;strLog += "\r\n";}void OnGUI(){GUI.Label(new Rect(100, Screen.height / 2 - 100, 600, 400), strLog);if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 50, 120, 45), "DoFile")){strLog = "";lua.DoFile("ScriptsFromFile.lua");       //DoFile                 }else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 150, 120, 45), "Require")){strLog = "";            lua.Require("ScriptsFromFile");            //require}lua.Collect();lua.CheckTop();}void OnApplicationQuit(){lua.Dispose();lua = null;
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018 Application.logMessageReceived -= Log;
#endif }
print("This is a script from a utf8 file")
print("tolua: 你好! こんにちは! 안녕하세요!")





public class CallLuaFunction : MonoBehaviour
{private string script =@"  function luaFunc(num)                        return num + 1endtest = {}test.luaFunc = luaFunc";LuaFunction luaFunc = null;LuaState lua = null;string tips = null;void Start () {
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018Application.logMessageReceived += ShowTips;
#endifnew LuaResLoader();//注解(1)lua = new LuaState();//定义虚拟机lua.Start();//开启虚拟机DelegateFactory.Init();  //注解(2)      lua.DoString(script);//Get the function objectluaFunc = lua.GetFunction("test.luaFunc");//加载test表中的luaFuncif (luaFunc != null){int num = luaFunc.Invoke<int, int>(123456);//注解(3)Debugger.Log("generic call return: {0}", num);luaFunc.BeginPCall();                luaFunc.Push(123456);luaFunc.PCall();        num = (int)luaFunc.CheckNumber();luaFunc.EndPCall();Debugger.Log("expansion call return: {0}", num);//注解(4)Func<int, int> Func = luaFunc.ToDelegate<Func<int, int>>();//注解(5)num = Func(123456);Debugger.Log("Delegate call return: {0}", num);num = lua.Invoke<int, int>("test.luaFunc", 123456, true);//注解6Debugger.Log("luastate call return: {0}", num);}lua.CheckTop();}void ShowTips(string msg, string stackTrace, LogType type){tips += msg;tips += "\r\n";}#if !TEST_GCvoid OnGUI(){GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 200, Screen.height / 2 - 150, 400, 300), tips);}
#endifvoid OnDestroy(){if (luaFunc != null){luaFunc.Dispose();luaFunc = null;}lua.Dispose();lua = null;#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018Application.logMessageReceived -= ShowTips;

注解(1):new LuaResLoader();
自定义加载lua文件,优先读取persistentDataPath/系统/Lua 目录下的文件(默认下载目录)未找到文件怎读取 Resources/Lua 目录下文件(仍没有使用LuaFileUtil读取),如果不想自定义则直接new LuaResLoader。自定义可参考:自定义加载lua文件,后面也会提到。
注解(3):int num = luaFunc.Invoke<int, int>(123456)




using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using LuaInterface;public class AccessingLuaVariables : MonoBehaviour
{private string script =@"print('Objs2Spawn is: '..Objs2Spawn)var2read = 42varTable = {1,2,3,4,5}varTable.default = 1varTable.map = {}varTable.map.name = 'map'meta = {name = 'meta'}setmetatable(varTable, meta)function TestFunc(strs)print('get func by variable')end";void Start () {
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018Application.logMessageReceived += ShowTips;
#endifnew LuaResLoader();//默认加载luaLuaState lua = new LuaState();//虚拟机lua.Start();//启动lua["Objs2Spawn"] = 5;//相当于在lua文件中加入【Objs2Spawn = 5】即新增一个全局变量lua.DoString(script);//略//通过LuaState访问Debugger.Log("Read var from lua: {0}", lua["var2read"]); //读取第10行的变量,看第十行Debugger.Log("Read table var from lua: {0}", lua["varTable.default"]);  //LuaState 拆串式table,12行LuaFunction func = lua["TestFunc"] as LuaFunction;//TestFunc方法func.Call();//案例3的第一种方式,注意有GC,少量call可使用func.Dispose();//cache成LuaTable进行访问,很好理解LuaTable table = lua.GetTable("varTable");//包装成LuaTableDebugger.Log("Read varTable from lua, default: {0} name: {1}", table["default"], table["map.name"]);table["map.name"] = "new";  //table 字符串只能是keyDebugger.Log("Modify varTable name: {0}", table["map.name"]);table.AddTable("newmap");LuaTable table1 = (LuaTable)table["newmap"];table1["name"] = "table1";Debugger.Log("varTable.newmap name: {0}", table1["name"]);table1.Dispose();table1 = table.GetMetaTable();if (table1 != null){Debugger.Log("varTable metatable name: {0}", table1["name"]);}object[] list = table.ToArray();for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++){Debugger.Log("varTable[{0}], is {1}", i, list[i]);}table.Dispose();                        lua.CheckTop();lua.Dispose();}private void OnApplicationQuit(){
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018Application.logMessageReceived -= ShowTips;
#endif}string tips = null;void ShowTips(string msg, string stackTrace, LogType type){tips += msg;tips += "\r\n";}void OnGUI(){GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 300, Screen.height / 2 - 200, 600, 400), tips);}


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