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def resample(x, num, t=None, axis=0, window=None):"""Resample `x` to `num` samples using Fourier method along the given axis.The resampled signal starts at the same value as `x` but is sampledwith a spacing of ``len(x) / num * (spacing of x)``.  Because aFourier method is used, the signal is assumed to be periodic.Parameters----------x : array_likeThe data to be resampled.num : intThe number of samples in the resampled signal.t : array_like, optionalIf `t` is given, it is assumed to be the equally spaced samplepositions associated with the signal data in `x`.axis : int, optionalThe axis of `x` that is resampled.  Default is 0.window : array_like, callable, string, float, or tuple, optionalSpecifies the window applied to the signal in the Fourierdomain.  See below for details.Returns-------resampled_x or (resampled_x, resampled_t)Either the resampled array, or, if `t` was given, a tuplecontaining the resampled array and the corresponding resampledpositions.
See Also--------decimate : Downsample the signal after applying an FIR or IIR filter.resample_poly : Resample using polyphase filtering and an FIR filter.Notes-----The argument `window` controls a Fourier-domain window that tapersthe Fourier spectrum before zero-padding to alleviate ringing inthe resampled values for sampled signals you didn't intend to beinterpreted as band-limited.If `window` is a function, then it is called with a vector of inputsindicating the frequency bins (i.e. fftfreq(x.shape[axis]) ).If `window` is an array of the same length as `x.shape[axis]` it isassumed to be the window to be applied directly in the Fourierdomain (with dc and low-frequency first).For any other type of `window`, the function `scipy.signal.get_window`is called to generate the window.The first sample of the returned vector is the same as the firstsample of the input vector.  The spacing between samples is changedfrom ``dx`` to ``dx * len(x) / num``.If `t` is not None, then it is used solely to calculate the resampledpositions `resampled_t`As noted, `resample` uses FFT transformations, which can be veryslow if the number of input or output samples is large and prime;see `scipy.fft.fft`.
 Examples--------Note that the end of the resampled data rises to meet the firstsample of the next cycle:>>> from scipy import signal>>> x = np.linspace(0, 10, 20, endpoint=False)>>> y = np.cos(-x**2/6.0)>>> f = signal.resample(y, 100)>>> xnew = np.linspace(0, 10, 100, endpoint=False)>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt>>> plt.plot(x, y, 'go-', xnew, f, '.-', 10, y[0], 'ro')>>> plt.legend(['data', 'resampled'], loc='best')>>>"""x = np.asarray(x)Nx = x.shape[axis]


len(x) / num * (spacing of x) = 新的采样间隔y
len(x) / (spacing of x) =num / (spacing of y)
len(x) / spacing of x = num / spacing of y = N,比例一致


1250 / 250 = 1000 / 200 ( = 5 都等于5)



EcgData = wfdb.rdsamp(path, sampfrom=1250 * k, sampto = 1250 + 1250 * k)[0]
signal_resample = signal.resample(EcgData,int((len(EcgData))*(200/250)),axis = 0)
signal_resample = np.array(signal_resample)

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