
Cloud servers are counted as best to maintain availability of a website and the popularity of cloud servers increase due to the concept which is used with server network to maintain availability of a website to handle the load generated at server through Load balancing. From the technical perspective it is a computer networking myth which is used to distribute workload across multiple servers or a computer cluster, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources, to achieve optimal resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload to maintain availability of a website. Multiple components can be used with load balancing, instead of a single component because they can increase reliability through redundancy.

云服务器被认为是维护网站可用性的最佳选择,并且由于与服务器网络一起使用以维护网站的可用性以处理通过负载平衡处理服务器上产生的负载的概念,云服务器的普及度有所提高。 从技术角度来看,这是一个计算机网络神话,它用于在多个服务器或计算机集群,网络链接,中央处理单元,磁盘驱动器或其他资源之间分配工作负载,以实现最佳的资源利用率,最大的吞吐量,最小的响应时间,并避免过载以保持网站的可用性。 可以使用多个组件进行负载平衡,而不是单个组件,因为它们可以通过冗余提高可靠性。

The concept of Load balancing is used because it improves the performance of server due to distributed load the traffic gets divided over connected server network and busy and large schedules gets divided over networks .Without balancing load in busy networks it is very difficult to satisfy the entire request issued to server. Organization into the web services or online business normally makes use of load balancing technique and engages two web servers ( or more servers accordingly ). If one of the web server gets overloaded or goes off, in that case alternate server activates and access the requested load.

之所以使用负载均衡的概念,是因为由于负载分散,流量可以通过连接的服务器网络分配,而繁忙的调度又可以通过网络分配,因此可以提高服务器的性能。在繁忙的网络中,如果不平衡负载,则很难满足整个负载需求。请求发布到服务器。 组织为Web服务或在线业务的组织通常利用负载平衡技术,并使用两个Web服务器(或相应的多个服务器)。 如果其中一台Web服务器过载或关闭,则备用服务器将激活并访问请求的负载。

UK Cloud hosting services are deploying cloud as a services to many large online organizations which are in need of high performance for their website with security in running an online business.

UK Cloud托管服务正在将云作为服务部署到许多大型在线组织,这些组织需要其网站具有高性能并具有运行在线业务的安全性。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-load-balancing-and-why-it-is-used/



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