第1单元 杰弗里·乔叟

1.1 复习笔记

Geoffrey Chaucer (杰弗里·乔叟)(1343-1400)

  1. Life (生平)

Geoffrey Chaucer, born in 1343 in London, is the founder of English poetry. He was the son of a wine merchant who had connections with the Court. He later became a courtier and comptroller.

Chaucer’s learning was wide in scope. He obtained a good knowledge of Latin, French and Italian. He had broad and intimate acquaintance with persons high and low in all walks of life, and knew well the whole life of his time, which left great impressions upon his works and particularly upon his variegated depiction of the English society of his time.

He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the Poets’ Corner.




  1. Major Works (主要作品)

The Book of the Duchess (1368) 《公爵夫人之书》

The Parliament of Fowls (1380) 《百鸟议会》

The House of Fame (1374-1384) 《声誉之堂》

Troilus and Criseyde (1380-1385) 《特罗勒斯与克丽西德》

The Canterbury Tales (1386-1400) 《坎特伯雷故事集》

  1. Chaucer’s Literary Career (文学生平)

Chaucer’s literary career can be divided into three periods, which is closely related to his life experiences. The first period consists of works translated from French literature; the second consists of works adapted from Italian literature, especially influenced by Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, such as Troilus and Criseyde. The third period includes The Canterbury Tales, which is purely English.


  1. Selected Work (作品选读)

The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》

(1) Plot (情节)

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories written in Middle English. The tales (mostly in verse) are told as part of a story-telling contest by twenty-nine pilgrims, together with the narrator, who travel together on a journey from Southwark to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. When they met at the Tabard Inn, they agreed that each tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back. The best storyteller will get a meal at the inn when they return, courtesy of the other pilgrims. But instead of 120 tales, the text ends after 24 tales, covering all the major types of medieval literature. The stories are well suited to their different characters, ranging from the knight, the monk and the pardoner etc.


(2) Theme (主题)

It shows a true-to-life picture of Chaucer’s time. His tales expose and satirize the evils of his time, attack the  degeneration of the noble and the corruption of the Church. Standing for the rising bourgeoisie, Chaucer opposes the dogma of asceticism preached by the Church, and believes man’s right to earthly happiness. He praises man’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life.


(3) Language (语言)

Chaucer is the first poet to write in English vernacular, now called Middle English, which bear a close visual resemblance to the English written and spoken today. His language is vivid, exact and fluent. He introduced from France and Italy the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the heroic couplet to English poetry.


1.2 课后习题详解

  1. How is the setting of the tales described? With such a setting, could you predict the general tone of the tales that are to follow?

Key: (1) Chaucer sets the tales in the spring, describing both the natural world and people—the natural world shows a kind of renewal and rebirth, and people begin to stir after the long sleep of winter. Chaucer’s description of the landscape is lively (欢快的)and fresh(清新的), since he speaks of budding flowers, growing crops and singing birds.

(2) According to such a setting, we can predict that the general tone of the tales will be light, sprightly(活泼、愉快的)and humorous.

  1. In your own words, summarize the character of the Knight from the brief introduction in this excerpt.

Key: According to the excerpt, we can see that the Knight has followed chivalry—truth, honor, freedom and courtesy. He had fought many battles for the faith of people. He is a brave, wise, modest and “truly perfect gentle knight”.

  1. Without comparison with the translated version, are there words still recognizable to you in the original Middle English version?

Key: Yes, there are many words that can be recognized. Because many words only contain few different letters compared with the modern words. What’s more, sometimes, we can recognize the words by guessing or by the sense-group.


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