Josh Hendrickson
乔什·亨德里克森(Josh Hendrickson)

A family recently discovered a rude surprise at their Airbnb: a hidden camera disguised as a smoke detector in the living room. Here are two ways to check for cameras—in an Airbnb or elsewhere—using only an iPhone or Android phone.

一个家庭最近在他们的Airbnb上发现了一个粗鲁的惊喜:一个隐藏的相机,伪装成客厅里的烟雾探测器。 仅使用iPhone或Android手机,有两种方法可以在Airbnb或其他地方检查相机。

隐藏的相机是真正的危险 (Hidden Cameras Are a Real Danger)


If you’re staying in a hotel or an Airbnb, hidden cameras can be a worry. In the case of Airbnb, your host is required to list any cameras they have, whether or not they’re turned on. Additionally, Airbnb does not allow hosts to place cameras in bathrooms or sleeping areas, even if that’s a living room with a foldout bed.

如果您住在酒店或Airbnb中,隐藏的相机可能会让人担心。 对于Airbnb, 无论您的相机是否开启, 您的房东都必须列出他们拥有的所有相机 。 此外,即使那是带折叠床的客厅,Airbnb也不允许房东将相机放置在浴室或就寝区。

But, as this one family found out, the occasional creepy host can still hide a camera and not tell you. Hidden cameras in an Airbnb aren’t a new thing. The problem isn’t limited to Airbnb, either. A recent news story described the harrowing tale of hidden cameras live-streaming in South Korean hotels. More than 1500 hotel guests were filmed and live-streamed over the internet. As hidden cameras become even more inexpensive, they seem to be popping up more and more.

但是,正如这个家庭所发现的那样,偶尔出现的令人毛骨悚然的主人仍然可以隐藏相机而不告诉您。 在Airbnb 中隐藏的相机并不是什么新事物 。 问题也不仅限于Airbnb。 最近的一个新闻报道描述了在韩国旅馆中实时播放隐藏摄像机的惨痛经历。 超过1500名酒店客人通过互联网进行了拍摄和现场直播。 随着隐藏式摄像机的价格越来越便宜,它们似乎越来越多地出现。

Manufacturers design cameras disguised as other everyday objects, like smoke detectors, clocks, USB hubs, even wireless chargers. These can be used for legitimate reasons in your own home—for example, to hide a camera a burglar can’t find or to monitor a nanny with that person’s consent. But how do you ensure someone isn’t targeting you with a hidden camera? With a single app and your phone’s camera, you can do a sweep for hidden cameras when you check in.

制造商设计伪装成其他日常用品的相机,例如烟雾探测器 , 时钟 , USB集线器 ,甚至是无线充电器 。 这些可以出于正当理由在您自己的家里使用,例如,隐藏窃贼找不到的相机,或在该人的同意下监视保姆。 但是,如何确保某人没有用隐藏的摄像机瞄准您呢? 使用单个应用程序和手机的摄像头,您可以在签入时扫描隐藏的摄像头。

There are two ways to scan for cameras with your phone. First, if you have access, you can scan the Wi-Fi network for devices that look like cameras. But this will only find cameras connected to the network. Second, you can search for night vision cameras using your phone’s camera. If a hidden camera isn’t connected to the network and doesn’t have night-vision capabilities, neither method will spot it—but these tricks should spot most cameras.

使用手机扫描相机有两种方法。 首先,如果您具有访问权限,则可以扫描Wi-Fi网络中看起来像照相机的设备。 但这只会找到连接到网络的摄像机。 其次,您可以使用手机的摄像头搜索夜视摄像头。 如果隐藏的摄像头未连接到网络并且不具有夜视功能,则两种方法都无法找到它-但是这些技巧应该可以发现大多数摄像头。

如何扫描网络摄像机 (How to Scan for Networked Cameras)

Many places you stay give you access to the local network. You can use this to your advantage with an app named Fing. Fing makes both iPhone and Android apps. Better yet, it’s free and doesn’t have ads. Fing does ask you to sign in for more features, but you won’t need to do that for the device and port scanning.

您留下的许多地方都可以访问本地网络。 您可以通过名为Fing的应用程序来利用此功能。 Fing同时生产iPhone和Android应用程序。 更好的是,它是免费的,并且没有广告。 Fing确实要求您登录以获取更多功能,但对于设备和端口扫描,则不需要这样做。

The idea here is to look at all the devices connected to the local network. We recommend disconnecting all your devices except the phone or tablet running Fing so that you’ll have fewer things to sort through. Connect your phone or tablet to the network and then open Fing.

这里的想法是查看连接到本地网络的所有设备。 我们建议断开所有设备的连接,但运行Fing的手机或平板电脑除外,这样您就可以减少排序的麻烦。 将手机或平板电脑连接到网络,然后打开Fing。

On Android, tap on the “Refresh” button at the top-right of the app’s screen to get started and agree to give the app location permissions. The iPhone app performs this step automatically.

在Android设备上,点击应用程序屏幕右上方的“刷新”按钮即可开始使用并同意授予应用程序位置权限。 iPhone应用程序将自动执行此步骤。

Wait for the app to finish scanning, then look through the list of found devices. You’re looking at devices on the network the app identified, you’ll want to keep an eye out for anything that shows a camera manufacturer (like Nest, Arlo, or Wyze), or lists as “IP Camera.”

等待应用完成扫描,然后浏览找到的设备列表。 您正在查看应用程序所识别的网络上的设备,想要监视显示摄像机制造商(例如Nest,Arlo或Wyze)或列出为“ IP摄像机”的任何内容。

Even if you don’t spot a camera on this list, take stock of how many devices you do see listed and what you can find around the place you are staying. If something stands out as unusual (perhaps with no recognizable details), and you can’t locate a good source, write down the IP address. The next step is scan for open ports.

即使您没有在此列表中找到相机,也要对列出的设备数量以及所住的地方可以找到的东西进行盘点。 如果发现某些异常情况(也许没有可识别的细节),并且您找不到合适的来源,请写下IP地址。 下一步是扫描打开的端口。

If you find any suspicious devices on the network, you’ll want to scan for any open ports those devices are using. First, tap the “Network” button at the bottom of the screen.

如果在网络上找到任何可疑设备,则需要扫描这些设备正在使用的任何开放端口。 首先,点击屏幕底部的“网络”按钮。

Then tap “Find Open Ports.”


Type the IP address you wrote earlier and then tap the blue “Find Open Ports” button.


The list will show what ports are open, and what services they use. Keep an eye out for RTSP and RTMP; those are common for streaming video. Anything with HTTP or HTTPS as a service you can try to connect to with a browser, which may reveal video streaming. Just type the IP address into your browser, followed by a colon, followed by the port listed (i.e.,

该列表将显示打开了哪些端口以及它们使用的服务。 注意RTSP和RTMP; 对于流视频来说很常见。 任何将HTTP或HTTPS作为服务的内容,您都可以尝试通过浏览器进行连接,这可能会显示视频流。 只需在浏览器中输入IP地址,然后输入冒号,然后输入列出的端口(即192.168.0.15:80)即可。

如何发现夜视摄像机 (How to Spot Night Vision Cameras)

Josh Hendrickson
乔什·亨德里克森(Josh Hendrickson)

You won’t always have access to the local network to try the above steps. Even when you do, they might not help. A hidden camera could be on a separate network, or too obscure to recognize easily. If you haven’t found any cameras yet, you can try looking for infrared lights. Most IP cameras use infrared for night vision. While infrared rays are invisible to the naked eye, you already have a device that can help—your smartphone.

您并非总是可以访问本地网络来尝试上述步骤。 即使您这样做,他们也可能无济于事。 隐藏的相机可能位于单独的网络上,或者太模糊而无法轻松识别。 如果尚未找到任何相机,则可以尝试寻找红外灯。 大多数IP摄像机使用红外进行夜视 。 虽然肉眼看不到红外线,但是您已经拥有了可以帮助您的设备-您的智能手机。

Some smartphones have filters to block out infrared light on their primary camera, but very few of them have filters on the front camera. To determine which camera will work for you, grab an infrared remote like the one you use for your TV. Point it at your smartphone’s primary camera and press a button. If you see the light on the screen, then it can detect infrared. If you don’t, try again with the front-facing camera.

一些智能手机在其主摄像头上具有过滤器来阻挡红外光,但很少有在前置摄像头上具有滤镜。 要确定哪种相机适合您,请抓住一个红外遥控器,就像您在电视上使用的那样。 将其指向智能手机的主摄像头,然后按一个按钮。 如果您在屏幕上看到光,则它可以检测到红外线。 如果不这样做,请尝试使用前置摄像头。

Josh Hendrickson
乔什·亨德里克森(Josh Hendrickson)

Once you determine the best camera to use, turn off the lights in the room you want to sweep. Then turn on your smartphone’s camera and start looking for any glowing lights. IP cameras don’t come in any standard configuration so you might see just one, four, six, or some other combination of lights. They’ll typically be purple but sometimes can look white. You won’t necessarily need to be near the hidden camera. In the above image, the camera is just a few feet away. But take a look at another picture from the other side of the house:

确定要使用的最佳相机后,请关闭要扫描的房间的灯。 然后打开智能手机的相机,开始寻找任何发光的灯。 IP摄像机没有任何标准配置,因此您可能只会看到一盏,四盏,六盏或其他某种形式的照明。 它们通常是紫色的,但有时可以看起来是白色的。 您不一定需要靠近隐藏的摄像头。 在上图中,相机仅几英尺远。 但是,请看房子另一边的另一张照片:

Josh Hendrickson
乔什·亨德里克森(Josh Hendrickson)

The lights in the center of the image are the same camera, just three rooms away (a dining room, a living room, and a study). That’s bright enough to be noticed and warrant closer investigation. Don’t just look at the center of walls though, point your smartphone at the ceiling, vents, even outlets. When the lights are on, look for anything unusual. Does a room have more than one smoke detector? Is there a USB hub in a place with no other electronics? If you touch a standard mirror and look at your finger from an angle, your reflected finger won’t “contact” your actual finger. If you do the same with one-way glass, your reflected finger and real finger will contact (seem to touch), and that could be hiding a camera. Noticing out-of-place things can help you find hidden cameras.

图像中心的灯光是同一台相机,相距仅三个房间(一个餐厅,一个客厅和一个书房)。 这个亮度足以引起注意,值得进一步调查。 但是,不要只看墙壁的中心,而是将智能手机对准天花板,通风口甚至插座。 当灯亮着时,寻找任何异常的地方。 一间房间是否有多个烟雾探测器? 没有其他电子设备的地方是否有USB集线器? 如果触摸标准镜子并从某个角度看手指,反射的手指将不会“接触”实际的手指。 如果使用单向玻璃进行相同的操作,则反射的手指和真实的手指会接触(似乎要触摸),这可能隐藏了相机。 注意不适当的东西可以帮助您找到隐藏的相机。

Unfortunately, there’s no guaranteed method for finding a hidden camera. But taking these extra steps when you arrive will give you fighting chance, and hopefully some peace of mind.

不幸的是,没有找到隐藏相机的保证方法。 但是,到达目的地时采取这些额外的步骤将为您带来战斗的机会,并希望您可以放心。



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