范围:1 2 4 5 6 7 9 章


1.烹调技术 cooking techniques
2.地方特色菜 local specialties
3.饮食文化 food culture
4.孔府菜 Confucian cuisine
5.禅宗 Zen Buddhism
6.茶道 tea ceremony
7.方言 dialects
8.品茶 sip tea and appraise its flavour and quality
9.馅料 filling
10.执业医生 medical practitioner
11.药材 medicinal material
12.香油 sesame oil
13.酱油 soy sauce
14.月牙形 crescent-shaped
15.生姜 fresh ginger
16.饺子皮 dumpling wraper
17.胡椒油 pepper oil
18.佐料 seasoning


1.诊断 diagnose
2.药草 herbal medicine
3.艾灸 moxibustion
4.经络 channels and collaterals
5.疗法 therapeutics
6.食疗food therapy
7.病理(学) pathology
8.宇宙学 cosmology
9.整体的 holistic
10.综合症状 syndrome
11.前提 prerequisites
12.药理学 pharmacology
13.挖掘 excavation
14.热敷法 hot compress
15.正气 the healthy qi
16.学说 doctrine
17.整体的 holistic
18.内脏 entrail
19.使流通 circulate
20.纵向上 longitudinally
21.横向上 latitudinally
22.均衡 equilibrium
23.充沛 exuberance
24.衰弱 debilitation
25.听诊 auscultation
26.邪气 pathogenic qi
27.按摩 massage
28.穴位 acupuncture point
29.针灸学 acupuncture and moxibustion
30.腑脏 viscera ( viscus的复数 )
31.灸法 moxibustion
32.针法 acupuncture
33.经络学说 Meridian-Collateral Theory
34.疑难杂症 difficult and complicated disease
35.妇科和儿科疾病 gynecological and pediatric disease
36.针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia
37.新陈代谢 metabolism
38.推拿 tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy)


1.冥想 meditation
2.寺院 monastery
3.轻功 light-weightedness
4.徒手防御 hand-to-hand defense
5.少林僧侣 Shaolin monk
6.灵性 spirituality
7.养生功夫 kung fu for wellness
8.气功 qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises
9.中国杂技 Chinese Acrobatics
10.腾跃 buckjum
11.文化遗产 the cultural heritage
12.派别 grouping
13.杠杆作用 the role of leverage
14.寺院 monastery
15.专著 treatise


1.文人墨客 literati and scholars
2.视错觉意识 visual/optical illusion awareness
3.风景画 landscape
4.轮廓线 blurred outlines水墨 ink wash
5.山川起伏 rolling hills
6.山水画 landscape painting
7.士大夫 cultivated men/ scholar
8.心灵景观 mind view
9.单色 monochrome / black and white
10.中国画的意境 the mood of Chinese painting
11.中国书法 Chinese Calligraphy
12.装饰艺术 decorative art
13.青铜器 bronze vessel
14.视觉艺术 visual arts
15.占卜仪式 divination ritual
16.文房四宝 Four Treasures of the Study
17.社会维度 social dimension
18.毛笔 felt-tip pen / writing brush


1.碑文 inscription
2.人工制品 artifact
3.辅音 consonant
4.音译 transcription
5.平民 commoner
6.《诗经》 The Book of Songs
7.《书经》 The Book of Books
8.《易经》 The Book of Changes
9.汉字碑文 Chinese character inscriptions
10.上层社会 upper class
11.普通话 Mandarin
12.沉浸 immersion
13.敬祖 ancestor worship
14.拓本 rubbing of inscriptions
15.继承权 right of inheritance
16.考古学家 archaeologist


1.哑剧 a dumb show
2.感情 sentiment
3.人物角色 persona
4.表演艺术的精髓 the essence of the performing art
5.京剧 Beijing Opera
6.绿林好汉 true hero of Greenwood
7.话剧 stage play
8.杂技 Acrobatics
9.嫡长子 eldest son of a first wife
10.窑 kiln
11.迂回曲折 twists and turns
12.无与伦比 unrivalled
13.达到顶峰 reach its apex
14.皇家御用 For Royal Use
15.工匠技艺 craftsmanship
16.中国青铜器 Chinese Bronzes
17.古文书学家 paleographer
18.挖掘 excavation
19.宗族 clan
20.器皿 vessel
21.宫殿 palace
22.赞助人 patron
23.古文物研究者 antiquarian
24.盗墓贼 tomb robber
25.鼎 ding, ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles and three or four legs
26.玉器 jade
27.祠堂 the ancestral hall
28.象牙器 ivory ware


1.堡垒 fortress
2.中国风格 China Style地形学 topography
3.内涵 connotation
4.防御工事 defensive structure
5.烽火台 beacon towers
6.总体规划 master plan / overall plan
7.农耕文明 agricultural civilization
8.游牧文明 nomadic civilization
9.列为世界遗产清单 be listed on the World Heritage List
10.冬至 winter solstice
11.奇数 odd numbers
12.偶数 even numbers
13.砚台 ink slabs
14.故宫 the Imperial Palace
15.外朝 the outer court
16.内朝 the inner court
17.书房四宝 the four treasures of the study
18.桥面 deck
19.拱肩 spandrel
20.立交桥 overpass / flyover
21.裂缝 fissures
22.朦胧 obscurity


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