华为手机 roomba

iRobot has a few different models of Roomba vacuums, but the Wi-Fi connected Roombas are definitely some of the most convenient. You can start or schedule cleaning jobs from your phone, ring your Roomba from your phone if you can’t find it, and even start cleaning using Alexa or Google Assistant. If you just got a Wi-Fi capable Roomba, here’s how to set yours up.

iRobot有几种不同型号的Roomba吸尘器,但Wi-Fi连接的Roombas绝对是最方便的一些。 您可以从手机开始或计划清洁工作,如果找不到手机,可以从您的Roomba振铃,甚至可以使用Alexa或Google助手开始清洁。 如果您只有具备Wi-Fi功能的Roomba,请按照以下步骤进行设置。

To get started, download the iRobot HOME app for iOS or Android. When you first open the app, choose your country and language, then tap Accept Terms.

首先,请下载适用于iOS或Android的iRobot HOME应用。 首次打开该应用程序时,选择您的国家和语言,然后点击接受条款。

Next, you’ll need to either create or log into your Roomba account. If you have an existing account, tap “Log in.” If you don’t, tap “Create account.”

接下来,您需要创建或登录您的Roomba帐户。 如果您已有帐户,请点击“登录”。 如果没有,请点击“创建帐户”。

On the next screen, tap the type of device you have. If it’s any model of vacuum cleaner robot, choose Roomba. If you have a Braava Jet mopping robot, tap that below. After this, tap Set Up a New Roomba.

在下一个屏幕上,点击您拥有的设备的类型。 如果是任何型号的吸尘器机器人,请选择Roomba。 如果您有Braava Jet拖地机器人,请点击下面的机器人。 之后,点击设置新Roomba。

At this point, the app will walk you through a few basic set up steps in your home. First, find the docking station that came with your Roomba and plug this into the wall. Place the station flush against a wall in a place where the Roomba can easily get to it and keep the path to it clear.

此时,该应用程序将引导您完成家中的一些基本设置步骤。 首先,找到Roomba随附的扩展坞,然后将其插入墙上。 将工作站与Roomba可以轻松拿到的地方齐平,并保持墙壁通畅。

Next, turn over you Roomba and remove any plastic tabs or wrapping.


Next, set your Roomba on the docking station to charge. It will need to charge for a few hours before its first run. You can continue the setup process on your phone while your Roomba charges.

接下来,将您的Roomba放在扩展坞上进行充电。 首次运行之前,它需要充电几个小时。 在Roomba充电期间,您可以在手机上继续设置过程。

Back on your phone, the app will connect your Roomba to the Wi-Fi network your phone is currently connected to. Note that if you’re not on your own home Wi-Fi network, you’ll need to switch to it before you can continue. Tap Continue and, on the next screen, enter your Wi-Fi network’s password and tap Continue.

回到手机上,该应用会将您的Roomba连接到手机当前连接的Wi-Fi网络。 请注意,如果您不在自己的家庭Wi-Fi网络上,则需要先切换到该网络,然后才能继续。 点击继续,然后在下一个屏幕上输入您的Wi-Fi网络的密码,然后点击继续。

On the Roomba itself, tap and hold the buttons with the target icon and the home icon until the Roomba makes a tone. Your vacuum will take a moment to connect to your Wi-Fi network. Once it’s done, you should see a screen like the one on the right.

在Roomba本身上,点击并按住带有目标图标和主页图标的按钮,直到Roomba发出声音。 您的吸尘器将需要一些时间才能连接到Wi-Fi网络。 完成后,您应该会看到如右图所示的屏幕。

On the next screen, you can anthropomorphize your vacuum cleaner by giving it a name and even confirming its “birthday.” Happy birthday, little buddy.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以通过给吸尘器起一个名字,甚至确认其“生日”来对吸尘器进行拟人化处理。 生日快乐,小伙伴。

After a short video plays introducing you to your Roomba, you’ll be dropped into the main screen of the app. You can tap the big circular “Clean” button to start a cleaning job now (though you should wait a while to let your vacuum charge), or tap the middle button along the bottom of the screen to schedule up to daily cleanings.

在播放一段简短的视频介绍您的Roomba之后,您将进入应用程序的主屏幕。 您可以点击圆形的大“清洁”按钮立即开始清洁工作(尽管您需要等待一段时间才能让真空吸尘),或者点击屏幕底部的中间按钮以安排每日清洁。

Your Roomba can run mostly unattended, but remember you’ll still have to pick stuff up and keep the floors mostly clear if you want it to clean effectively. The vacuum will go around most clutter (as long as it can’t fit underneath the Roomba itself), but that will be another spot your robot can’t clean. While your Roomba is charging, it’s good to clean up the rooms that your bot will be vacuuming.

Roomba几乎可以在无人看管的情况下运行,但是请记住,如果要有效清洁,则仍然必须捡拾东西并保持地板大部分清洁。 真空会散布到最混乱的地方(只要不适合Roomba本身),但这将是您的机器人无法清洁的另一个地方。 在Roomba充电时,最好清理机器人将要吸尘的房间。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/322060/how-to-set-up-your-wi-fi-connected-roomba/

华为手机 roomba

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