What’s wrong with copying?

—Charges of plagiarism are flying in the world of books. Where does borrowing end and theft begin? Though disputed, there is a difference.


Every one knows the feeling. In a timely flash, the perfect quip forms in the mind and rolls onto the tongue. You deliver it to the table, and wait for the gasps or guffaws. In the silence that follows a dry violence says instead," Yes I read it too."


Authors have to wait longer to find out that their words are not theirs alone.But"unconscious borrowing", as critics call such silent plunder,is common among writers,even the best of them. Perhaps because night-foraging by the imagination is so vital to literature, good writers react warily when, as now, chargers of plagiarism fly.Though naturally eager to protect their own published words, and not above a malicious smile or two when others get caught, most authors recognize that this is boggy ground. Between imitation and theft, between borrowing and plagiarism, lies a wide, murky borderland.


Since proving plagiarism is hard, legal redress is normally an expensive dream.The most that aggrieved authors can catch on is to shame the wrongdoer. But sham means attention, and attention brings sales. Recently, Ben Okri, a Nigerian-born novelist, claimed that Calixthe Beyala, a French one, lifted whole chunks of his 1991 Booker-winning novel, for her bestsellers. Plagiarism means copying delicately the exact words. His were English, hers French. Showing that a plundered book is not the only source is also a defense. On the advice of lawyers, he has dropped his case against her, and in effect the affair has died.


The personal vendetta carries different risks, as Neal Bowers, a wronged poet and teacher at Iowa State University, recounts in words for the taking: The Hunt for the plagiarist. One day, Mr Bowers got a fax from California of a page from a poetry magazine containing, under the name of David Jones, a slightly altered version of a poem he had written for his dead father. Worse, he learned that the purloined verses had been successfully placed in several other poetry magazines across the country. An outraged hunt began. Mr. Jones, he learned, had plagiarized other poets. Some editors sympathized; others did not bother even to respond. Mr. Bowers became, on his own admission, obsessed. He lost friends. But in the end he found the plagiarist, through a lawyer, only to be offered $100 in compensation, and a whining apology.


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