



1. face image


#!/usr/bin/env python3# Copyright (c) 2016 Anki, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License in the file LICENSE.txt or at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.'''Display images on Cozmo's face (oled screen)
'''import os
import sys
import timetry:from PIL import Image
except ImportError:sys.exit("Cannot import from PIL: Do `pip3 install --user Pillow` to install")import cozmodef get_in_position(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):'''If necessary, Move Cozmo's Head and Lift to make it easy to see Cozmo's face'''if (robot.lift_height.distance_mm > 45) or (robot.head_angle.degrees < 40):with robot.perform_off_charger():lift_action = robot.set_lift_height(0.0, in_parallel=True)head_action = robot.set_head_angle(cozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE,in_parallel=True)lift_action.wait_for_completed()head_action.wait_for_completed()def cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))get_in_position(robot)sdk_png = os.path.join(current_directory, "..", "..", "face_images", "cozmosdk.png")hello_png = os.path.join(current_directory, "..", "..", "face_images", "csdn_relay.png")# load some images and convert them for display cozmo's faceimage_settings = [(sdk_png, Image.BICUBIC),(hello_png, Image.NEAREST)]face_images = []for image_name, resampling_mode in image_settings:image = Image.open(image_name)# resize to fit on Cozmo's face screenresized_image = image.resize(cozmo.oled_face.dimensions(), resampling_mode)# convert the image to the format used by the oled screenface_image = cozmo.oled_face.convert_image_to_screen_data(resized_image,invert_image=True)face_images.append(face_image)# display each image on Cozmo's face for duration_s seconds (Note: this# is clamped at 30 seconds max within the engine to prevent burn-in)# repeat this num_loops timesnum_loops = 10duration_s = 2.0print("Press CTRL-C to quit (or wait %s seconds to complete)" % int(num_loops*duration_s) )for _ in range(num_loops):for image in face_images:robot.display_oled_face_image(image, duration_s * 1000.0)time.sleep(duration_s)# Cozmo is moved off his charger contacts by default at the start of any program.
# This is because not all motor movement is possible whilst drawing current from
# the charger. In cases where motor movement is not required, such as this example
# we can specify that Cozmo can stay on his charger at the start:
cozmo.robot.Robot.drive_off_charger_on_connect = Falsecozmo.run_program(cozmo_program)

2. face mirror


#!/usr/bin/env python3# Copyright (c) 2016 Anki, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License in the file LICENSE.txt or at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.'''Display Cozmo's camera feed back on his face (like a mirror)
'''import sys
import timetry:import numpy as np
except ImportError:sys.exit("Cannot import numpy: Do `pip3 install --user numpy` to install")try:from PIL import Image
except ImportError:sys.exit("Cannot import from PIL: Do `pip3 install --user Pillow` to install")import cozmodef get_in_position(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):'''If necessary, Move Cozmo's Head and Lift to make it easy to see Cozmo's face.'''if (robot.lift_height.distance_mm > 45) or (robot.head_angle.degrees < 40):with robot.perform_off_charger():lift_action = robot.set_lift_height(0.0, in_parallel=True)head_action = robot.set_head_angle(cozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE,in_parallel=True)lift_action.wait_for_completed()head_action.wait_for_completed()def calc_pixel_threshold(image: Image):'''Calculate a pixel threshold based on the image.Anything brighter than this will be shown on (light blue).Anything darker will be shown off (black).'''# Convert image to gray scalegrayscale_image = image.convert('L')# Calculate the mean (average) valuemean_value = np.mean(grayscale_image.getdata())return mean_valuedef cozmo_face_mirror(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):'''Continuously display Cozmo's camera feed back on his face.'''robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = Trueget_in_position(robot)face_dimensions = cozmo.oled_face.SCREEN_WIDTH, cozmo.oled_face.SCREEN_HALF_HEIGHTprint("Press CTRL-C to quit")while True:duration_s = 0.1  # time to display each camera frame on Cozmo's facelatest_image = robot.world.latest_imageif latest_image is not None:# Scale the camera image down to fit on Cozmo's faceresized_image = latest_image.raw_image.resize(face_dimensions,Image.BICUBIC)# Flip the image left/right so it displays mirroredresized_image = resized_image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)# Calculate the pixel threshold for this image. This threshold# will define how bright a pixel needs to be in the source image# for it to be displayed as lit-up on Cozmo's face.pixel_threshold = calc_pixel_threshold(resized_image)# Convert the image to the format to display on Cozmo's face.screen_data = cozmo.oled_face.convert_image_to_screen_data(resized_image,pixel_threshold=pixel_threshold)# display the image on Cozmo's facerobot.display_oled_face_image(screen_data, duration_s * 1000.0)time.sleep(duration_s)cozmo.robot.Robot.drive_off_charger_on_connect = False  # Cozmo can stay on his charger for this example

3. alarm clock


#!/usr/bin/env python3# Copyright (c) 2016 Anki, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License in the file LICENSE.txt or at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.'''Cozmo Alarm ClockUse Cozmo's face to display the current time
Play an alarm (Cozmo tells you to wake up) at a set timeNOTE: This is an example program. Anki takes no responsibility
if Cozmo fails to wake you up on time!
'''import datetime
import math
import sys
import timetry:from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
except ImportError:sys.exit("Cannot import from PIL. Do `pip3 install --user Pillow` to install")import cozmo#: bool: Set to True to display the clock as analog
#: (with a small digital readout below)
SHOW_ANALOG_CLOCK = Falsedef make_text_image(text_to_draw, x, y, font=None):'''Make a PIL.Image with the given text printed on itArgs:text_to_draw (string): the text to draw to the imagex (int): x pixel locationy (int): y pixel locationfont (PIL.ImageFont): the font to useReturns::class:(`PIL.Image.Image`): a PIL image with the text drawn on it'''# make a blank image for the text, initialized to opaque blacktext_image = Image.new('RGBA', cozmo.oled_face.dimensions(), (0, 0, 0, 255))# get a drawing contextdc = ImageDraw.Draw(text_image)# draw the textdc.text((x, y), text_to_draw, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255), font=font)return text_image# get a font - location depends on OS so try a couple of options
# failing that the default of None will just use a default font
_clock_font = None
try:_clock_font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 20)
except IOError:try:_clock_font = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf", 20)except IOError:passdef draw_clock_hand(dc, cen_x, cen_y, circle_ratio, hand_length):'''Draw a single clock hand (hours, minutes or seconds)Args:dc: (:class:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw`): drawing context to usecen_x (float): x coordinate of center of handcen_y (float): y coordinate of center of handcircle_ratio (float): ratio (from 0.0 to 1.0) that hand has travelledhand_length (float): the length of the hand'''hand_angle = circle_ratio * math.pi * 2.0vec_x = hand_length * math.sin(hand_angle)vec_y = -hand_length * math.cos(hand_angle)# x_scalar doubles the x size to compensate for the interlacing# in y that would otherwise make the screen appear 2x tallx_scalar = 2.0# pointy end of handhand_end_x = int(cen_x + (x_scalar * vec_x))hand_end_y = int(cen_y + vec_y)# 2 points, perpendicular to the direction of the hand,# to give a triangle with some widthhand_width_ratio = 0.1hand_end_x2 = int(cen_x - ((x_scalar * vec_y) * hand_width_ratio))hand_end_y2 = int(cen_y + (vec_x * hand_width_ratio))hand_end_x3 = int(cen_x + ((x_scalar * vec_y) * hand_width_ratio))hand_end_y3 = int(cen_y - (vec_x * hand_width_ratio))dc.polygon([(hand_end_x, hand_end_y), (hand_end_x2, hand_end_y2),(hand_end_x3, hand_end_y3)], fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))def make_clock_image(current_time):'''Make a PIL.Image with the current time displayed on itArgs:text_to_draw (:class:`datetime.time`): the time to displayReturns::class:(`PIL.Image.Image`): a PIL image with the time displayed on it'''time_text = time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")if not SHOW_ANALOG_CLOCK:return make_text_image(time_text, 8, 6, _clock_font)# make a blank image for the text, initialized to opaque blackclock_image = Image.new('RGBA', cozmo.oled_face.dimensions(), (0, 0, 0, 255))# get a drawing contextdc = ImageDraw.Draw(clock_image)# calculate position of clock elementstext_height = 9screen_width, screen_height = cozmo.oled_face.dimensions()analog_width = screen_widthanalog_height = screen_height - text_heightcen_x = analog_width * 0.5cen_y = analog_height * 0.5# calculate size of clock handssec_hand_length = (analog_width if (analog_width < analog_height) else analog_height) * 0.5min_hand_length = 0.85 * sec_hand_lengthhour_hand_length = 0.7 * sec_hand_length# calculate rotation for each handsec_ratio = current_time.second / 60.0min_ratio = (current_time.minute + sec_ratio) / 60.0hour_ratio = (current_time.hour + min_ratio) / 12.0# draw the clock handsdraw_clock_hand(dc, cen_x, cen_y, hour_ratio, hour_hand_length)draw_clock_hand(dc, cen_x, cen_y, min_ratio, min_hand_length)draw_clock_hand(dc, cen_x, cen_y, sec_ratio, sec_hand_length)# draw the digital time_text at the bottomx = 32y = screen_height - text_heightdc.text((x, y), time_text, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255), font=None)return clock_imagedef convert_to_time_int(in_value, time_unit):'''Convert in_value to an int and ensure it is in the valid range for that time unit(e.g. 0..23 for hours)'''max_for_time_unit = {'hours': 23, 'minutes': 59, 'seconds': 59}max_val = max_for_time_unit[time_unit]try:int_val = int(in_value)except ValueError:raise ValueError("%s value '%s' is not an int" % (time_unit, in_value))if int_val < 0:raise ValueError("%s value %s is negative" % (time_unit, int_val))if int_val > max_val:raise ValueError("%s value %s exceeded %s" % (time_unit, int_val, max_val))return int_valdef extract_time_from_args():''' Extract a (24-hour-clock) user-specified time from the command-lineSupports colon and space separators - e.g. all 3 of "11 22 33", "11:22:33" and "11 22:33"would map to the same time.The seconds value is optional and defaults to 0 if not provided.'''# split sys.argv further for any args that contain a ":"split_time_args = []for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):arg = sys.argv[i]split_args = arg.split(':')for split_arg in split_args:split_time_args.append(split_arg)if len(split_time_args) >= 2:try:hours = convert_to_time_int(split_time_args[0], 'hours')minutes = convert_to_time_int(split_time_args[1], 'minutes')seconds = 0if len(split_time_args) >= 3:seconds = convert_to_time_int(split_time_args[2], 'seconds')return datetime.time(hours, minutes, seconds)except ValueError as e:print("ValueError %s" % e)# Default to no alarmreturn Nonedef get_in_position(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):'''If necessary, Move Cozmo's Head and Lift to make it easy to see Cozmo's face'''if (robot.lift_height.distance_mm > 45) or (robot.head_angle.degrees < 40):with robot.perform_off_charger():lift_action = robot.set_lift_height(0.0, in_parallel=True)head_action = robot.set_head_angle(cozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE,in_parallel=True)lift_action.wait_for_completed()head_action.wait_for_completed()def alarm_clock(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):'''The core of the alarm_clock program'''alarm_time = extract_time_from_args()if alarm_time:print("Alarm set for %s" % alarm_time)else:print("No Alarm time provided. Usage example: 'alarm_clock.py 17:23' to set alarm for 5:23 PM. (Input uses the 24-hour clock.)")print("Press CTRL-C to quit")get_in_position(robot)was_before_alarm_time = Falselast_displayed_time = Nonewhile True:# Check the current time, and see if it's time to play the alarmcurrent_time = datetime.datetime.now().time()do_alarm = Falseif alarm_time:is_before_alarm_time = current_time < alarm_timedo_alarm = was_before_alarm_time and not is_before_alarm_time  # did we just cross the alarm timewas_before_alarm_time = is_before_alarm_timeif do_alarm:# Cancel the latest image display action so that the alarm actions can playrobot.abort_all_actions()# Speak The Time (off the charger as it's an animation)with robot.perform_off_charger():short_time_string = str(current_time.hour) + ":" + str(current_time.minute)robot.say_text("Wake up lazy human! it's " + short_time_string).wait_for_completed()else:# See if the displayed time needs updatingif (last_displayed_time is None) or (current_time.second != last_displayed_time.second):# Create the updated image with this timeclock_image = make_clock_image(current_time)oled_face_data = cozmo.oled_face.convert_image_to_screen_data(clock_image)# display for 1 secondrobot.display_oled_face_image(oled_face_data, 1000.0)last_displayed_time = current_time# only sleep for a fraction of a second to ensure we update the seconds as soon as they changetime.sleep(0.1)cozmo.robot.Robot.drive_off_charger_on_connect = False  # Cozmo can stay on his charger for this example



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