HPE Gen10系列服务器



Descr The physical adapter status. The following values are valid:

unknown(1) The instrument agent was not able to determine the status of the adapter. The instrument agent may need to be upgraded.

ok(2) The physical adapter is operating properly.

generalFailure(3) The physical adapter has failed.

linkFailure(4) The physical adapter has lost link. Check the cable connections to this adapter.



Descr Fibre Channel Host Controller Status. The host controller can be in one of the following states:

Other (1) The agent is unable to determine the status of the host controller.

Ok (2) Indicates that the host controller is in normal operation mode.

Failed (3) Indicates that the host controller has failed and should be replaced.

Shutdown (4) Indicates that the host controller has been shutdown.

LoopDegraded (5) Indicates that the fibre channel connection is degraded.

LoopFailed (6) Indicates that the fibre channel connection is failed.

NotConnected (7) Indicates that the fibre channel port is not connected or the device to which it is connected is powered down.

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