asterisk -help   asterisk 帮助文档

asterisk -r         进入asterisk,可以通过下面的命令查看对应的内容

!                              -- Execute a shell command
acl show                       -- Show a named ACL or list all named ACLs
ael reload                     -- Reload AEL configuration
ael set debug {read|tokens|macros|contexts|off} -- Enable AEL debugging flags
agi dump html                  -- Dumps a list of AGI commands in HTML format
agi exec                       -- Add AGI command to a channel in Async AGI
agi set debug [on|off]         -- Enable/Disable AGI debugging
agi show commands [topic]      -- List AGI commands or specific help
aoc set debug                  -- enable cli debugging of AOC messages
ari mkpasswd                   -- Encrypts a password
ari set debug                  -- Enable/disable debugging of an ARI application
ari show apps                  -- List registered ARI applications
ari show app                   -- Display details of a registered ARI application
ari show status                -- Show ARI settings
ari show users                 -- List ARI users
ari show user                  -- List single ARI user
bridge kick                    -- Kick a channel from a bridge
bridge show all                -- List all bridges
bridge show                    -- Show information about a bridge
bridge technology show         -- List registered bridge technologies
bridge technology {suspend|unsuspend} -- Suspend/unsuspend a bridge technology
cc cancel [core|all]           -- Kill a CC transaction
cc report status               -- Reports CC stats
cdr set debug [on|off]         -- Enable debugging in the CDR engine
cdr show active                -- Display active CDRs for channels
cdr show status                -- Display the CDR status
cdr submit                     -- Posts all pending batched CDR data
cel show status                -- Display the CEL status
channel originate              -- Originate a call
channel redirect               -- Redirect a call
channel request hangup         -- Request a hangup on a given channel
cli check permissions          -- Try a permissions config for a user
cli reload permissions         -- Reload CLI permissions config
cli show permissions           -- Show CLI permissions
confbridge kick                -- Kick participants out of conference bridges.
confbridge list                -- List conference bridges and participants.
confbridge lock                -- Lock a conference.
confbridge mute                -- Mute participants.
confbridge record start        -- Start recording a conference
confbridge record stop         -- Stop recording a conference.
confbridge show menu           -- Show a conference menu
confbridge show menus          -- Show a list of conference menus
confbridge show profile bridge -- Show a conference bridge profile.
confbridge show profile bridges -- Show a list of conference bridge profiles.
confbridge show profile user   -- Show a conference user profile.
confbridge show profile users  -- Show a list of conference user profiles.
confbridge unlock              -- Unlock a conference.
confbridge unmute              -- Unmute participants.
config list                    -- Show all files that have loaded a configuration file
config reload                  -- Force a reload on modules using a particular configuration file
config show help               -- Show configuration help for a module
core abort shutdown            -- Cancel a running shutdown
core clear profile             -- Clear profiling info
core ping taskprocessor        -- Ping a named task processor
core reload                    -- Global reload
core reset taskprocessor       -- Reset a named task processor's stats
core reset taskprocessors      -- Reset all task processors' stats
core restart gracefully        -- Restart Asterisk gracefully
core restart now               -- Restart Asterisk immediately
core restart when convenient   -- Restart Asterisk at empty call volume
core set debug channel         -- Enable/disable debugging on a channel
core set debug                 -- Set level of debug chattiness
core set verbose               -- Set level of verbose chattiness
core show applications [like|describing] -- Shows registered dialplan applications
core show application          -- Describe a specific dialplan application
core show calls [uptime]       -- Display information on calls
core show channels [concise|verbose|count] -- Display information on channels
core show channel              -- Display information on a specific channel
core show channeltypes         -- List available channel types
core show channeltype          -- Give more details on that channel type
core show codecs [audio|video|image|text] -- Displays a list of registered codecs
core show codec                -- Shows a specific codec
core show config mappings      -- Display config mappings (file names to config engines)
core show file formats         -- Displays file formats
core show functions [like]     -- Shows registered dialplan functions
core show function             -- Describe a specific dialplan function
core show hanguphandlers all   -- Show hangup handlers of all channels
core show hanguphandlers       -- Show hangup handlers of a specified channel
core show help                 -- Display help list, or specific help on a command
core show hints                -- Show dialplan hints
core show hint                 -- Show dialplan hint
core show image formats        -- Displays image formats
core show license              -- Show the license(s) for this copy of Asterisk
core show profile              -- Display profiling info
core show settings             -- Show some core settings
core show sounds               -- Shows available sounds
core show sound                -- Shows details about a specific sound
core show switches             -- Show alternative switches
core show sysinfo              -- Show System Information
core show taskprocessor alerted subsystems -- List task processor subsystems in alert
core show taskprocessors [like] -- List instantiated task processors and statistics
core show threads              -- Show running threads
core show translation          -- Display translation matrix
core show uptime [seconds]     -- Show uptime information
core show version              -- Display version info
core show warranty             -- Show the warranty (if any) for this copy of Asterisk
core stop gracefully           -- Gracefully shut down Asterisk
core stop now                  -- Shut down Asterisk immediately
core stop when convenient      -- Shut down Asterisk at empty call volume
core waitfullybooted           -- Wait for Asterisk to be fully booted
dahdi create channels          -- Create channels
dahdi destroy channels         -- Destroy channels
dahdi restart                  -- Fully restart DAHDI channels
dahdi set dnd                  -- Sets/resets DND (Do Not Disturb) mode on a channel
dahdi set hwgain {rx|tx}       -- Set hardware gain on a channel
dahdi set swgain {rx|tx}       -- Set software gain on a channel
dahdi show cadences            -- List cadences
dahdi show channels [group|context] -- Show active DAHDI channels
dahdi show channel             -- Show information on a channel
dahdi show status              -- Show all DAHDI cards status
dahdi show version             -- Show the DAHDI version in use
database del                   -- Removes database key/value
database deltree               -- Removes database keytree/values
database get                   -- Gets database value
database put                   -- Adds/updates database value
database query                 -- Run a user-specified query on the astdb
database show                  -- Shows database contents
database showkey               -- Shows database contents
devstate change                -- Change a custom device state
devstate list                  -- List currently known custom device states
dialplan add extension         -- Add new extension into context
dialplan add ignorepat         -- Add new ignore pattern
dialplan add include           -- Include context in other context
dialplan debug                 -- Show fast extension pattern matching data structures
dialplan reload                -- Reload extensions and *only* extensions
dialplan remove context        -- Remove a specified context
dialplan remove extension      -- Remove a specified extension
dialplan remove ignorepat      -- Remove ignore pattern from context
dialplan remove include        -- Remove a specified include from context
dialplan set chanvar           -- Set a channel variable
dialplan set extenpatternmatchnew false -- Use the Old extension pattern matching algorithm.
dialplan set extenpatternmatchnew true -- Use the New extension pattern matching algorithm.
dialplan set global            -- Set global dialplan variable
dialplan show                  -- Show dialplan
dialplan show chanvar          -- Show channel variables
dialplan show globals          -- Show global dialplan variables
dnsmgr refresh                 -- Performs an immediate refresh
dnsmgr reload                  -- Reloads the DNS manager configuration
dnsmgr status                  -- Display the DNS manager status
fax set debug {on|off}         -- Enable/Disable FAX debugging on new FAX sessions
fax show capabilities          -- Show the capabilities of the registered FAX technology modules
fax show session               -- Show the status of the named FAX sessions
fax show sessions              -- Show the current FAX sessions
fax show settings              -- Show the global settings and defaults of both the FAX core and technology modules
fax show stats                 -- Summarize FAX session history
fax show version               -- Show versions of FAX For Asterisk components
features show                  -- Lists configured features
file convert                   -- Convert audio file
g729 debug                     -- Toggle g729 codec frame size statistics
group show channels            -- Display active channels with group(s)
http show status               -- Display HTTP server status
iax2 provision                 -- Provision an IAX device
iax2 prune realtime            -- Prune a cached realtime lookup
iax2 reload                    -- Reload IAX configuration
iax2 set debug {on|off|peer}   -- Enable/Disable IAX debugging
iax2 set debug jb {on|off}     -- Enable/Disable IAX jitterbuffer debugging
iax2 set debug trunk {on|off}  -- Enable/Disable IAX trunk debugging
iax2 set mtu                   -- Set the IAX systemwide trunking MTU
iax2 show cache                -- Display IAX cached dialplan
iax2 show callnumber usage     -- Show current entries in IP call number limit table
iax2 show channels             -- List active IAX channels
iax2 show firmware             -- List available IAX firmware
iax2 show netstats             -- List active IAX channel netstats
iax2 show peer                 -- Show details on specific IAX peer
iax2 show peers                -- List defined IAX peers
iax2 show provisioning         -- Display iax provisioning
iax2 show registry             -- Display IAX registration status
iax2 show stats                -- Display IAX statistics
iax2 show threads              -- Display IAX helper thread info
iax2 show users [like]         -- List defined IAX users
iax2 test losspct              -- Set IAX2 incoming frame loss percentage
iax2 unregister                -- Unregister (force expiration) an IAX2 peer from the registry
indication add                 -- Add the given indication to the country
indication remove              -- Remove the given indication from the country
indication show                -- Display a list of all countries/indications
keys init                      -- Initialize RSA key passcodes
keys show                      -- Displays RSA key information
local show channels            -- List status of local channels
logger add channel             -- Adds a new logging channel
logger mute                    -- Toggle logging output to a console
logger reload                  -- Reopens the log files
logger remove channel          -- Removes a logging channel
logger rotate                  -- Rotates and reopens the log files
logger set level {DEBUG|NOTICE|WARNING|ERROR|VERBOSE|DTMF} {on|off} -- Enables/Disables a specific logging level for this console
logger show channels           -- List configured log channels
malloc trim                    -- Return excess memory to the OS
manager reload                 -- Reload manager configurations
manager set debug [on|off]     -- Show, enable, disable debugging of the manager code
manager show command           -- Show a manager interface command
manager show commands          -- List manager interface commands
manager show connected         -- List connected manager interface users
manager show eventq            -- List manager interface queued events
manager show events            -- List manager interface events
manager show event             -- Show a manager interface event
manager show settings          -- Show manager global settings
manager show users             -- List configured manager users
manager show user              -- Display information on a specific manager user
media cache create             -- Create an item in the media cache
media cache delete             -- Remove an item from the media cache
media cache refresh            -- Refresh an item in the media cache
media cache show all           -- Show all items in the media cache
media cache show               -- Show a single item in the media cache
meetme kick                    -- Kick a conference or a user in a conference.
meetme list                    -- List all conferences or a specific conference.
meetme {lock|unlock}           -- Lock or unlock a conference to new users.
meetme {mute|unmute}           -- Mute or unmute a conference or a user in a conference.
mfcr2 call files [on|off]      -- Enable/Disable MFC/R2 call files
mfcr2 destroy link             -- Destroy given MFC/R2 link
mfcr2 set blocked              -- Reset MFC/R2 channel forcing it to BLOCKED
mfcr2 set debug                -- Set MFC/R2 channel logging level
mfcr2 set idle                 -- Reset MFC/R2 channel forcing it to IDLE
mfcr2 show channels [group|context] -- Show MFC/R2 channels
mfcr2 show links               -- Show MFC/R2 links
mfcr2 show variants            -- Show supported MFC/R2 variants
mfcr2 show version             -- Show OpenR2 library version
mixmonitor {start|stop|list}   -- Execute a MixMonitor command
module load                    -- Load a module by name
module reload                  -- Reload configuration for a module  重新装载sip的配置文件
module show [like]             -- List modules and info
module unload                  -- Unload a module by name
moh reload                     -- Reload MusicOnHold
moh show classes               -- List MusicOnHold classes
moh show files                 -- List MusicOnHold file-based classes
moh unregister class           -- Unregister realtime MusicOnHold class
no debug channel               -- Disable debugging on channel(s)
odbc show                      -- List ODBC DSN(s)
parking show                   -- Show a parking lot or a list of all parking lots.
pjproject set log level {default|0|1|2|3|4|5|6} -- Set the maximum active pjproject logging level
pjproject show buildopts       -- Show the compiled config of the pjproject in use
pjproject show log level       -- Show the maximum active pjproject logging level
pjproject show log mappings    -- Show pjproject to Asterisk log mappings
pjsip dump endpt               -- Dump the res_pjsip endpt internals
pjsip export config_wizard primitives [to] -- Export config wizard primitives
pjsip list aors                -- List PJSIP Aors
pjsip list auths               -- List PJSIP Auths
pjsip list channels            -- List PJSIP Channels
pjsip list ciphers             -- List available OpenSSL cipher names
pjsip list contacts            -- List PJSIP Contacts
pjsip list endpoints           -- List PJSIP Endpoints
pjsip list identifies          -- List PJSIP Identifies
pjsip list registrations       -- List PJSIP Registrations
pjsip list subscriptions {inbound|outbound} [like] -- List active inbound/outbound subscriptions
pjsip list transports          -- List PJSIP Transports
pjsip qualify                  -- Send an OPTIONS request to a PJSIP endpoint
pjsip reload qualify aor       -- Synchronize the PJSIP Aor qualify options
pjsip reload qualify endpoint  -- Synchronize the qualify options for all Aors on the PJSIP endpoint
pjsip send notify              -- Send a NOTIFY request to a SIP endpoint
pjsip send register            -- Registers an outbound registration target
pjsip send unregister          -- Unregisters outbound registration target
pjsip set history {on|off|clear} -- Enable/Disable PJSIP History
pjsip set logger {on|off|host|add|verbose|pcap} -- Enable/Disable PJSIP Logger Output
pjsip show aors                -- Show PJSIP Aors
pjsip show aor                 -- Show PJSIP Aor
pjsip show auths               -- Show PJSIP Auths
pjsip show auth                -- Show PJSIP Auth
pjsip show channels            -- Show PJSIP Channels
pjsip show channel             -- Show PJSIP Channel
pjsip show channelstats        -- Show PJSIP Channel Stats
pjsip show contacts            -- Show PJSIP Contacts
pjsip show contact             -- Show PJSIP Contact
pjsip show endpoints           -- Show PJSIP Endpoints
pjsip show endpoint            -- Show PJSIP Endpoint
pjsip show history             -- Display PJSIP History
pjsip show identifiers         -- List registered endpoint identifiers
pjsip show identifies          -- Show PJSIP Identifies
pjsip show identify            -- Show PJSIP Identify
pjsip show qualify aor         -- Show the PJSIP Aor current qualify options
pjsip show qualify endpoint    -- Show the current qualify options for all Aors on the PJSIP endpoint
pjsip show registrations       -- Show PJSIP Registrations
pjsip show registration        -- Show PJSIP Registration
pjsip show scheduled_tasks     -- Show all scheduled tasks
pjsip show settings            -- Show global and system configuration options
pjsip show subscription {inbound|outbound} -- Show active subscription details
pjsip show subscriptions {inbound|outbound} [like] -- Show active inbound/outbound subscriptions
pjsip show transports          -- Show PJSIP Transports
pjsip show transport           -- Show PJSIP Transport
pjsip show unidentified_requests -- Show PJSIP Unidentified Requests
pjsip show version             -- Show the version of pjproject in use
presencestate change           -- Change a custom presence state
presencestate list             -- List currently know custom presence states
pri destroy span               -- Destroy a PRI span
pri service disable channel    -- Remove a channel from service
pri service enable channel     -- Return a channel to service
pri set debug {on|off|hex|intense|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15} span -- Enables PRI debugging on a span
pri set debug file             -- Sends PRI debug output to the specified file
pri show channels              -- Displays PRI channel information
pri show debug                 -- Displays current PRI debug settings
pri show spans                 -- Displays PRI span information
pri show span                  -- Displays PRI span information
pri show version               -- Displays libpri version
queue add member               -- Add a channel to a specified queue
queue priority caller          -- Change priority caller on queue
queue reload {parameters|members|rules|all} -- Reload queues, members, queue rules, or parameters
queue remove member            -- Removes a channel from a specified queue
queue reset stats              -- Reset statistics for a queue
queue set penalty              -- Set penalty for a channel of a specified queue
queue set ringinuse            -- Set ringinuse for a channel of a specified queue
queue show                     -- Show status of a specified queue
queue show rules               -- Show the rules defined in queuerules.conf
queue {pause|unpause} member   -- Pause or unpause a queue member
realtime destroy               -- Delete a row from a RealTime database
realtime load                  -- Used to print out RealTime variables.
realtime mysql cache           -- Shows cached tables within the MySQL realtime driver
realtime mysql status          -- Shows connection information for the MySQL RealTime driver
realtime store                 -- Store a new row into a RealTime database
realtime update                -- Used to update RealTime variables.
realtime update2               -- Used to test the RealTime update2 method
rtcp set debug {on|off|ip}     -- Enable/Disable RTCP debugging
rtcp set stats {on|off}        -- Enable/Disable RTCP stats
rtp set debug {on|off|ip}      -- Enable/Disable RTP debugging
rtp show settings              -- Display RTP settings
say load [new|old]             -- Set or show the say mode
sip notify                     -- Send a notify packet to a SIP peer
sip prune realtime [peer|all]  -- Prune cached Realtime users/peers
sip qualify peer               -- Send an OPTIONS packet to a peer
sip reload                     -- Reload SIP configuration
sip set debug {on|off|ip|peer} -- Enable/Disable SIP debugging   开启/关闭调试信息
sip set history {on|off}       -- Enable/Disable SIP history
sip show {channels|subscriptions} -- List active SIP channels or subscriptions
sip show channelstats          -- List statistics for active SIP channels
sip show channel               -- Show detailed SIP channel info
sip show domains               -- List our local SIP domains
sip show history               -- Show SIP dialog history
sip show inuse [all]           -- List all inuse/limits
sip show mwi                   -- Show MWI subscriptions
sip show objects               -- List all SIP object allocations
sip show peers [like]          -- List defined SIP peers    显示所有的SIP peers(包括friends)
sip show peer                  -- Show details on specific SIP peer
sip show registry              -- List SIP registration status   显示注册到的主机状态
sip show sched                 -- Present a report on the status of the scheduler queue
sip show settings              -- Show SIP global settings
sip show tcp                   -- List TCP Connections
sip show users [like]          -- List defined SIP users   显示所有的SIP users(包括friends)
sip show user                  -- Show details on specific SIP user
sip unregister                 -- Unregister (force expiration) a SIP peer from the registry
siren14 show version           -- Show Siren14 Module Version
siren7 show version            -- Show Siren7 Module Version
sla show stations              -- Show SLA Stations
sla show trunks                -- Show SLA Trunks
sorcery memory cache dump      -- Dump all objects within a sorcery memory cache
sorcery memory cache expire    -- Expire a specific object or ALL objects within a sorcery memory cache
sorcery memory cache populate  -- Clear and populate the sorcery memory cache with objects from the backend
sorcery memory cache show      -- Show sorcery memory cache information
sorcery memory cache stale     -- Mark a specific object or ALL objects as stale within a sorcery memory cache
ss7 mtp3                       -- Send an NET MNG message
ss7 reset cic                  -- Resets the given CIC
ss7 reset group                -- Resets the given CIC range
ss7 restart mtp3               -- Restart a link
ss7 set debug {on|off} linkset -- Enables SS7 debugging on a linkset
ss7 {block|unblock} cic        -- Blocks/Unblocks the given CIC
ss7 {reset|block|unblock} linkset -- Resets/Blocks/Unblocks all CICs on a linkset
ss7 {block|unblock} group      -- Blocks/Unblocks the given CIC range
ss7 show calls                 -- Show ss7 calls
ss7 show channels              -- Displays SS7 channel information
ss7 show cics                  -- Show cics on a linkset
ss7 show linkset               -- Shows the status of a linkset
ss7 show version               -- Displays libss7 version
stasis show topics             -- Show all topics
stasis show topic              -- Show topic
stun set debug {on|off}        -- Enable/Disable STUN debugging
timing test                    -- Run a timing test
transcoder show                -- Display DAHDI transcoder utilization.
udptl set debug {on|off|ip}    -- Enable/Disable UDPTL debugging
udptl show config              -- Show UDPTL config options
ulimit                         -- Set or show process resource limits
voicemail reload               -- Reload voicemail configuration
voicemail show aliases         -- List mailbox aliases
voicemail show users [for]     -- List defined voicemail boxes
voicemail show zones           -- List zone message formats
xmldoc dump                    -- Dump the XML docs to the specified file

使用fwconsole命令进行重启或调整对应功能,注意,仅对freepbx 14及以上生效;


fwconsole list 显示命令列表
fwconsole restart

重启 Asterisk,并且运行其他FreePBX相关命令

fwconsole start

启动 Asterisk,并且运行其他FreePBX相关命令

fwconsole stop

暂停 Asterisk,并且运行其他FreePBX相关命令

fwconsole chown 改变文件所有者
fwconsole help 查看帮助
fwconsole mysql/m 登陆到mysql
fwconsole debug/dbug 显示调试信息
fwconsole externalip/extip 获取公网ip
fwconsole firewall all


fwconsole firewall disable


fwconsole firewall stop 关闭防火墙
fwconsole firewall start 启动防火墙
fwconsole firewall trust ip 添加ip到信任区域
fwconsole firewall untrust ip 将ip从信任区移除
fwconsole moduleadmin/ma 管理员模块
fwconsole motd 打印公告
fwconsole notification 管理通知
fwconsole reload/r 重新加载配置
fwconsole sa 管理员功能
fwconsole session 管理会话
fwconsole set/setting 查看和更新设置
fwconsole trunks 从命令行开启或者关闭trunks

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