Can you use them when you point directly to them..

> C:\Windows\System32\ping.exe

? If so, you probably have a messed up PATH variable.

> echo %PATH%

Should have "C:\Windows\System32" in it, does it? 以上为google的结果,我自己用的是vista sp1 英文版,应该是一样的道理。大意为:打开命令行,输入:C:\Windows\System32\ping.exe 如果ping通,则说明路径变量的设置出了问题。我自己试了一下,果然ping通了。因此又有下文说:

For Windows XP:
Right click "My Computer" and click "Properties".
Click the "Advanced" tab up top followed by the "Environment Variables" button at the bottom.
In the 2nd list box, scroll down to the 5th or 6th entry "Path", select it and click "Edit". Add "%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;" (minus the quotes) to the beginning of the line.
Okay the changes and try out your commands now.
虽然是以xp为例,不过我试了一下,对vista的路径设置是一样的。具体操作为“computer->properties->Advanced system settings->Invironment Variables->”在第二个编辑框中即System Variables中找到PATH,选中,编辑,添加“%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;”(注意分号用于隔开不同的路径)。OK即可。
Probably the .exes for the commands are deleted. They should be in \Windows\System32 (ping.exe, defrag.exe, ipconfig.exe). You can repair the installation or just simply find a computer with the same OS and copy the few you need.


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