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Google announced the end of “Works With Nest” at Google I/O 2019. Many companies, from IFTTT to Philips Hue, use Works With Nest to automate your smarthome. Those automations will break soon.

Google在Google I / O 2019上宣布了“与巢一起工作”的结束。从IFTTT到Philips Hue,许多公司都使用Works With Nest来自动化您的智能家居。 这些自动化将很快中断。

The “Works With Nest” program is an API third-party companies used to integrate your Nest devices with your smarthome. That shutdown doesn’t happen until August 31, 2019, but after that date, any company or service that uses the program to access data and work with your Nest devices will be cut off. What does that mean for you? It depends on both the companies’ willingness to move to Google’s new program and your willingness to make use of new integrations.

“与Nest搭配使用”程序是第三方公司用来将您的Nest设备与您的智能家居集成的API 。 直到2019年8月31日才会关闭,但是在该日期之后,将停止使用该程序访问数据并与Nest设备配合使用的任何公司或服务。 这对您意味着什么? 这取决于公司是否愿意使用Google的新计划,以及您是否愿意使用新的集成。

Update: Google changed its mind, announcing that Works With Nest won’t immediately shut down on August 31. You won’t be able to create new Works With Nest connections after August 31. Your existing devices and integrations will continue to function after August 31—until you migrate your Nest account to a Google account.

更新:Google改变了主意,宣布Works With Nest不会在8月31日立即关闭。您将无法在8月31日之后创建新的Works With Nest连接。您现有的设备和集成功能将在8月之后继续运行31-直到将Nest帐户迁移到Google帐户。

“与Nest合作”自动Nest设备 (“Works With Nest” Automated Nest Devices)


If you own a Nest thermostat or camera, you might have set up Works with Nest integrations without realizing it. The program allowed third-party devices to talk to your Nest devices so they could work together. The list of supported devices is extensive and covers everything from Control4 smarthomes to Lifx and Philips Hue Lightbulbs, to August Locks, Lutron, and more.

如果您拥有Nest恒温器或摄像头,则可能设置了带有Nest集成的Works,而没有意识到。 该程序允许第三方设备与您的Nest设备进行通话,以便它们可以协同工作。 支持的设备列表非常广泛,涵盖了从Control4智能家居到Lifx和Philips Hue灯泡,再到August Locks,Lutron等的所有内容。

The idea is straight forward. For example, if your smarthome-enabled garage door opened, it could reach out to your thermostat and inform it you arrived home. It could tell Nest to adjust the thermostat or start recording with your Nest Camera.

这个想法很简单。 例如,如果您启用智能家居的车库门打开,它可能会伸到您的恒温器上并通知您您已回家。 它可能会告诉Nest调整恒温器或使用Nest相机开始录制。

该计划将您的数据提供给外部公司 (The Program Gave Your Data to Outside Companies)

Josh Hendrickson
乔什·亨德里克森(Josh Hendrickson)

Google sees a fundamental issue with this form of integration. Under the current API, adjusting your thermostat gave full access of your Nest data to your smart garage opener and the company who makes it. That makes some sense. Before telling your thermostat to turn your heat up or down, the other company needs to know how it’s currently set. Once that data leaves Google’s servers, Google can’t make any guarantees that it will be adequately secured or used appropriately.

Google认为这种集成形式存在根本问题。 在当前的API下,调整恒温器可以将Nest数据完全访问智能车库开启器以及制造它的公司。 这很有道理。 在告诉恒温器调高或调低热量之前,另一家公司需要了解其当前设置。 数据离开Goog​​le的服务器后,Google将无法保证其将得到充分保护或适当使用。

You can see this in action with a custom made app we made for a home-built smart mirror. The app displays the current and set temperatures along with humidity data. It isn’t showing on a Nest or Google device, so we’re extracting the data from Google’s servers (and technically making the data available on a local server).

您可以通过为自制智能镜制作的定制应用程序来实际操作。 该应用程序显示当前温度和设定温度以及湿度数据。 它没有显示在Nest或Google设备上,因此我们正在从Google的服务器中提取数据(从技术上讲,这些数据可在本地服务器上使用)。

From a privacy standpoint, that may be fine as we own the data. But, if an individual can pull all this information using the Works with Nest program, so can a company. Technically speaking, this one-off app could be published, and anyone could use it by signing in with a Nest Account, thus handing over the data of anyone who used the app to a single developer.

从隐私的角度来看,因为我们拥有数据可能很好。 但是,如果个人可以使用Works with Nest程序提取所有这些信息,那么公司也可以。 从技术上讲,这个一次性应用程序可以发布,任何人都可以通过登录Nest帐户来使用它,从而将使用该应用程序的任何人的数据移交给单个开发人员。

Sure, it’s each user’s decision—but does everyone really understand the decision they’re making and how much data they’re handing over?


Nest的作品即将消失,但一切都不会丢失 (Works With Nest is Going Away, But All Is Not Lost)


If your smart devices or services talk to your Nest products through Works with Nest, they’ll lose that capability after August 31st. Any integration you set up, such as a door lock telling your Nest camera to record, will stop working.

如果您的智能设备或服务通过Works with Nest与Nest产品进行通讯,则它们将在8月31日之后失去该功能。 您设置的任何集成(例如门锁告诉Nest摄像头记录)都将停止工作。

Google is offering a replacement service called “Works with Google Assistant.” The replacement service isn’t Works for Nest renamed; it will require effort for companies to switch over. The experience will be different, both for the companies that implement it and you.

Google提供了一项名为“与Google Assistant一起使用”的替代服务。 替换服务不适用于Nest重命名; 公司将需要努力进行转换。 对于实施它的公司和您而言,经验将有所不同。

While Works with Nest handed data and control of Nest products to third-party companies, Works with Google Assistant does not. Instead, Google handles everything from data to control. Your data stays with your Google account. On the one hand, that provides more privacy and security for your data. On the other hand, it does offload some work to you.

虽然Works with Nest将数据和对Nest产品的控制权交给了第三方公司,但Works with Google Assistant却没有。 相反,Google处理从数据到控制的所有事务。 您的数据将保存在您的Google帐户中。 一方面,这为您的数据提供了更多的隐私和安全性。 另一方面,它确实使您分担了一些工作。

Your locks, garage door openers, and lights won’t be able to decide what the temperature of your house should be. And they’ll lack the access to make any changes. Instead, you’ll be required to set up routines in Google Assistant to accomplish those tasks. You choose to have the thermostat adjusted and by how much, or the camera started because someone turned on a light or opened a door.

您的锁,车库门开启器和照明灯将无法决定房屋的温度。 而且他们将无权进行任何更改。 相反,您将需要在Google Assistant中设置例程以完成这些任务。 您可以选择调节恒温器以及调节多少,或者因为有人打开灯或打开门而启动相机。

That’s how it will work if the companies can or will make the switch from Works With Nest to Works With Assistant. IFTTT is silent on the matter. On Twitter, Philips is referring users to Nest’s site for more information, but that doesn’t say anything of the light bulb company’s plans going forward. You can find Philips listed in the Works with Google program, but Philips may have more work to do to take full advantage of the service.

如果公司能够或将要从Works With Nest切换到Works With Assistant,那将是这样的方式。 IFTTT对此事保持沉默。 在Twitter上,飞利浦将用户引向Nest的网站以获取更多信息,但这并未说明灯泡公司的未来计划。 您可以在Works with Google程序中找到Philips,但Philips可能需要做更多的工作才能充分利用该服务。

On the other hand, Control4 and Lutron both sent us press releases pledging to make the jump to Works with Google Assistant.


您需要做什么 (What You’ll Need to Do)

In its FAQ, Google explains that to take advantage of the new service, you’ll need to convert your Nest account to a Google account when it sends out invites later this year. If you have both accounts already, you can merge them. But you may not want to do that immediately. The moment you make the switch, your Works with Nest integrations stop working. If the other products in your house aren’t updated yet, you’ll have to wait for added functionality. In its press statement, Control4 advises its users not to make the switch right away:

Google在其FAQ中解释说,要利用这项新服务,您需要在今年晚些时候发出Nest邀请后将Nest帐户转换为Google帐户。 如果您已经拥有两个帐户,则可以合并它们。 但是您可能不希望立即执行此操作。 进行切换的那一刻,您与Nest的集成将停止工作。 如果您家中的其他产品尚未更新,则必须等待其他功能。 Control4在其新闻声明中建议其用户不要立即进行切换:

Control4 is currently working on a new Nest driver through the “Works with Google Assistant” program with the intention to make it available before the shutdown of the “Works with Nest,” however this is dependent on receiving Google certification. Control4 is advising users to wait to make any changes to their “Works with Nest” or Google accounts until after the new driver has been installed.

Control4当前正在通过“与Google助手一起使用”程序开发一个新的Nest驱动程序,目的是在关闭“与Nest一起使用”之前使其可用,但这取决于是否获得Google认证。 Control4建议用户在安装新驱动程序之前,等待对其“与Nest一起使用”或Google帐户进行任何更改。

You should check what integrations you are using, and what those companies are saying before merging your accounts. After you do migrate, you’ll need to set up routines to control your devices. The process to migrate your account isn’t clear at any rate, Google says it will start emailing Nest users over “the next few months” so you have room to wait.

在合并您的帐户之前,您应该检查使用的集成以及这些公司在说什么。 迁移后,您需要设置例程来控制设备。 Google迁移帐户的过程目前还不清楚,Google表示将在“未来几个月”内开始通过电子邮件向Nest用户发送电子邮件,以便您有足够的空间等待。

If you never integrated your Nest with other smarthome products, this doesn’t affect you at all. If you have set it up, your data will be in the hands of fewer companies going forward. That’s good for your privacy, even if sole control of your data is also desirable for Google.

如果您从未将Nest与其他智能家居产品集成在一起,那么这完全不会影响您。 如果您进行了设置,那么您的数据将掌握在越来越少的公司手中。 即使您也希望完全控制自己的数据,对于Google而言,这也有利于您的隐私。

While this is inconvenient in the short run, it will make your smarthome more secure in the long run.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/413820/what-the-end-of-works-with-nest-means-for-you/

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