

1    监控解析nginx log:ngxtop

官方的解释是可以像top命令一样,实时的解析你的nginx访问日志。源码在这里github ngxtop,官方给的例子很多,下面主要解释一下ngxtop的参数:

Usage:ngxtop [options]ngxtop [options] (print|top|avg|sum) <var> ...ngxtop infongxtop [options] query <query> ...Options:-l <file>, --access-log <file>  需要分析的访问日志-f <format>, --log-format <format>  log_format指令指定的日志格式 [默认: combined]--no-follow  ngxtop default behavior is to ignore current lines in logand only watch for new lines as they are written to the access log.Use this flag to tell ngxtop to process the current content of the access log instead.-t <seconds>, --interval <seconds>  report interval when running in follow mode [default: 2.0]-g <var>, --group-by <var>  根据变量分组 [默认: request_path]-w <var>, --having <expr>  having clause [default: 1]-o <var>, --order-by <var>  排序 [默认: count]-n <number>, --limit <number>  显示的条数 [default: 10]-a <exp> ..., --a <exp> ...  add exp (must be aggregation exp: sum, avg, min, max, etc.) into output-v, --verbose  更多的输出-d, --debug  print every line and parsed record-h, --help  当前帮助信息.--version  输出版本信息.高级选项:-c <file>, --config <file>  运行ngxtop解析nginx配置文件-i <filter-expression>, --filter <filter-expression>  filter in, records satisfied given expression are processed.-p <filter-expression>, --pre-filter <filter-expression> in-filter expression to check in pre-parsing phase.范例:All examples read nginx config file for access log location and format.If you want to specify the access log file and / or log format, use the -f and -a options."top" like view of nginx requests$ ngxtop404前十的请求$ ngxtop top request_path --filter 'status == 404'总流量前十的请求$ ngxtop --order-by 'avg(bytes_sent) * count'访问量前十的ip地址$ ngxtop --group-by remote_addr输出400以上状态吗的请求以及请求来源$ ngxtop -i 'status >= 400' print request status http_refererAverage body bytes sent of 200 responses of requested path begin with 'foo':$ ngxtop avg bytes_sent --filter 'status == 200 and request_path.startswith("foo")'使用common日志格式分析远程服务器Apache访问日志$ ssh remote tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log | ngxtop -f common

2   开启Stub Status


location /nginx_status {stub_status on;access_log off;allow;deny all;


3    nginx plus

很好很强大的商业版,有个内置的http_stub_status_module模块可以统计每秒各种状态、连接数等等。亲自申请试用了一下,很赞。虽然用不起商业版的,但是在搜寻过程中发现了Server Density,这可是个好东东,虽然server没开源,但是client开源了,而且有一大堆插件,可以拿来主义了,地址在:github density

4    python script monitor

一系列python脚本,里面有监控nginx的脚本,地址:github script


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