
据彭博社报道,一位知识产权律师表示,中国科技公司在政府推动知识产权保护措施的帮助下,可能会在开发区块链技术方面超越外国同行。该知识产权律师表示,中国国家和地方当局一直在向公司提供激励措施,包括补贴专利费,提交申请奖励和以及专利产出相关的税收抵免,以保护区块链知识产权,来应对区块链技术日益增长的重要性。 Deacons 律师事务所知识产权业务高级助理 Ian Liu 称,包括百度,京东和阿里巴巴在内的中国领先科技公司已经认识到区块链作为未来技术的重要性,并开始利用其来改善业务运营。

According to Bloomberg News, an intellectual property attorney said that Chinese technology companies may overtake foreign counterparts in developing blockchain technology with the help of the government's promotion of intellectual property protection measures. The intellectual property attorney said that Chinese national and local authorities have been providing incentives to companies, including subsidizing patent fees, filing application awards, and tax credits related to patent output to protect blockchain intellectual property rights. The growing importance of chain technology. Ian Liu, senior assistant in intellectual property at Deacons, said that leading Chinese technology companies, including Baidu, JD and Alibaba, have recognized the importance of blockchain as a future technology and are beginning to use it to improve business operations..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

国际金融理财师( CFP )标准委员会将在今年晚些时候推出使用区块链技术验证金融理财师真实性的数字证书。 CFP 首席执行官 Kevin R. Keller 表示,董事会正在与一家公司合作,为数字 CFP 证书提供银行级加密和区块链记录,该组织希望能够使伪造   数字 CFP 证书成为不可能。

The International Financial Planner (CFP) Standards Committee will launch a digital certificate to verify the authenticity of financial planners using blockchain technology later this year. CFP CEO Kevin R. Keller said the board is working with a company to provide bank-level encryption and blockchain records for digital CFP certificates, and the organization hopes to make it possible to fake digital CFP certificates..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

印度国家转型研究院 (NITI) 正将区块链技术整合至药品供应链管理中,旨在从制造商到消费者追溯药品以防药物仿制问题。 NITI 与美国信息技术巨头 Oracle 和印度阿波罗医院连锁企业合作实施该项目。它计划通过将医院连锁的完整库存转移到区块链供电系统来消除所有假冒医疗产品渠道,包括药品。该技术有望减少欺诈行为并更好地管理药品生产和分销的质量。最初跟踪制药公司、分销商、药剂师和消费者。之后将增加额外的医院以记录药物输送。当地政府希望通过该项目能够实时了解该国生产和出口的所有药物。

The National Institute for Transformation of Research (NITI) is integrating blockchain technology into drug supply chain management to trace drugs from manufacturers to consumers to prevent drug imitation problems. NITI is working with the US information technology giant Oracle and the Indian Apollo Hospital chain to implement the project. It plans to eliminate all counterfeit medical product channels, including pharmaceuticals, by transferring complete inventory of hospital chains to the blockchain power supply system. The technology is expected to reduce fraud and better manage the quality of pharmaceutical production and distribution. Initially tracked pharmaceutical companies, distributors, pharmacists and consumers. Additional hospitals will be added to record drug delivery. The local government hopes that the project will provide real-time access to all drugs produced and exported in the country..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

美国联邦贸易委员会 (FTC) 利用官网向消费者提醒,警惕比特币敲诈欺诈行为。 FTC 警告称会有人利用电邮与电话诈骗,而新型诈骗则舍弃了银行转账的方式,大多会让受害人进行比特币转账。联邦贸易委员会建议:在给陌生人汇款前先与他们信任的人商量、不要向陌生人提供个人信息、通过搜索网站了解数字货币诈骗受害人案例、警惕提前支付承诺的奖励并注册 FTC 所提供的免费的防欺诈电子子邮件提醒服务。

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) uses the official website to alert consumers to beware of bitcoin extortion fraud. The FTC warned that someone would use email and phone scams, while new scams would abandon the way banks transfer money, and most would allow victims to make bitcoin transfers. The Federal Trade Commission recommends that you discuss with strangers before sending money, don't provide personal information to strangers, learn about digital currency fraud victims through search sites, be wary of paying advance promises, and register with the FTC. Free anti-fraud e-mail alert service..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."


According to China News Network, Shen Zhixiong, deputy inspector of the Guangdong Provincial Economic and Information Committee, said that the industry needs to continue to look at blockchain technology with a developmental perspective, look at blockchain labels with a scientific eye, and look at blockchains with a strategic eye. Industry, look at the blockchain business opportunities with a calm eye, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the blockchain industry..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

财通证券表示, 5G 商用带来的通信速度提升和延迟减少,将会大幅提升区块链、人工智能等技术的发展,新技术在 5G 周期中有望迎来新的突破,迎来新的增长点和商业模式。

Caitong Securities said that the increase in communication speed and delay caused by 5G commercial services will greatly enhance the development of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies. New technologies are expected to usher in new breakthroughs in the 5G cycle and usher in new growth. Point and business model..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

据 Cryptovest 报道,专注于风险管理和保险市场的区块链联盟 RiskBlock 表示,将委任会计师事务所安永( EY )成为区块链相关的网络安全和风险管理指导的服务提供商。

According to Cryptovest, the blockchain alliance RiskBlock, which focuses on risk management and insurance markets, said it will appoint accounting firm Ernst & Young (EY) as a service provider for blockchain-related cybersecurity and risk management guidance.    .This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

据曼谷邮报报道,泰国央行表示,央行数字货币( CBDC )在第一阶段将用于银行间资金转账,将于 2019 年第一季度完成。泰国银行和 Inthanon 项目第一阶段的八家商业银行将使用 CBDC 设计、开发和测试国内批量资金转移的概念验证原型。八家参与银行分别是曼谷银行、 Krungthai 银行、 Ayudhya 银行、 Kasikorn 银行、暹罗商业银行、 Thanachart 银行、渣打银行和汇丰银行。

According to the Bangkok Post, the Bank of Thailand said that the central bank's digital currency (CBDC) will be used for interbank fund transfers in the first phase and will be completed in the first quarter of 2019. The Bank of Thailand and the eight commercial banks of the first phase of the Inthanon project will use CBDC to design, develop and test proof-of-concept prototypes for domestic bulk fund transfers. The eight participating banks are Bangkok Bank, Krungthai Bank, Ayudhya Bank, Kasikorn Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, Thanachart Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and HSBC..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."

据财新网消息,昨晚火币资讯和火币研究院、金色财经网等一批区块链微信号被封。尽管大量公众号被关闭,但目前仍有不少平台 “ 打一枪换一个地方 ” ,重新注册新的公众号继续发布消息。财新记者了解到,对此,监管部门态度坚决,计划将部分重点区块链、虚拟货币自媒体纳入监管整治范畴,且不排除开展一揽子打击的可能。

According to Caixin.com, a batch of blockchain micro-signals such as the Firecoin Information and the Fire Coin Research Institute and the Golden Finance Network were sealed last night. Although a large number of public numbers have been closed, there are still many platforms that “shoot one shot for another” and re-register the new public number to continue to publish the news. Caixin reporter learned that the regulatory authorities have a firm attitude and plan to include some key blockchains and virtual currencies from the media in the scope of supervision and rectification, and does not rule out the possibility of launching a package of attacks..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."


The Leading Group for Financial Social Risk Prevention and Control in Chaoyang District of Beijing issued a notice prohibiting the promotion of virtual currency, requiring all shopping malls, hotels, hotels, office buildings and other places not to undertake any form of virtual currency promotion and publicity activities, such as knowing relevant information and timely The district office does not report. "Coin World" has been verified by the department. It is true that this document has been notified and the document was prepared last week and will be distributed to various locations this week. The current ban on hosting virtual currency promotion activities is only a regulation of Chaoyang District, and there is no action at the Beijing level..This technology is still in its early stages,but it can bring more efficient processes." Dutch National Bank CEO said:"I think the banks are really Dedicated to the blockchain, because itspotential is so huge. If the top 5 or 6 banks in the world can unify ideas,they can force the world to reach a standard."



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