
Why would you want to link Google Analytics to Google AdWords? After linking them, you can:

您为什么要将Google Analytics(分析)链接到Google AdWords? 链接它们之后,您可以:

  • Import goals and transactions from Analytics 从Analytics(分析)汇入目标和交易
  • View  site engagement data from Analytics in AdWords在AdWords中查看来自Google Analytics(分析)的网站参与度数据
  • Create remarketing lists in Analytics to use in AdWords for ad targeting 在Google Analytics(分析)中创建再营销列表,以在AdWords中用于广告定位
  • View your AdWords CPC data together with your Analytics site engagement data查看您的AdWords每次点击费用数据以及Google Analytics(分析)网站的参与度数据

1. Sign in to your AdWords account and click the “Tools” tab in the top menu. Select “Google Analytics” from the dropdown menu.

1.登录到您的AdWords帐户,然后点击顶部菜单中的“工具”标签。 从下拉菜单中选择“ Google Analytics(分析)”。

3. Under the Account column, choose the account you want to link to your AdWords account. In the Property column, choose the Analytics property you want to link and click “AdWords Linking”. Check the box next to the AdWords account you are linking with your Google Analytics property and click “Continue”.

3.在“帐户”列下,选择要链接到您的AdWords帐户的帐户。 在“属性”列中,选择要链接的Google Analytics(分析)属性,然后单击“ AdWords链接”。 选中您要与Google Analytics(分析)媒体资源关联的AdWords帐户旁边的框,然后点击“继续”。

6. Click the “Link Accounts” button, and you’re done!  If you opted to keep auto-tagging on, Analytics will start associating your AdWords data with clicks. With your linked accounts, you can import your Analytics goals, view site engagement in AdWords, and create remarketing lists to use in AdWords targeting.

6.单击“链接帐户”按钮,您就完成了! 如果您选择继续启用自动标记功能,则Google Analytics(分析)将开始将您的AdWords数据与点击次数相关联。 通过关联的帐户,您可以导入Google Analytics(分析)目标,查看AdWords中的网站参与度以及创建再营销列表以用于AdWords定位。



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