
  • 注意事项
  • 自我介绍
  • 一.个人信息
    • 1.1 本科大学
    • 1.2 家乡
    • 1.3 家庭
  • 二、自我评价
    • 2.1 兴趣爱好
    • 2. 2 性格、优缺点
  • 三、学习规划类(本科阶段)
    • 3.1 本科生活
    • 3.2 最喜欢的课程/书籍
    • 3.3 其余问题
  • 四、学习规划类(研究生阶段)
    • 4.1 研究生规划
    • 4.2 毕业后的计划、工作前景
    • 4.3 其他问题
  • 五、报考动机
    • 5.1 读研原因
    • 5.2. 为什么报考这个学校
    • 5.3为什么选择这个专业。
    • 5.4 希望研究的方向及原因
    • 5.5 其他问题
  • 六、书籍、电影、节日
    • 6.1 最喜欢的书
    • 6.2 喜欢的季节
    • 6.3 旅游、印象中最深刻的故事
    • 6.4 最喜欢的电影
    • 6.5 梦想
    • 6.6 其他问题
  • 七、工作实践类
    • 7.1 本科实习/工作经历
  • 八、应急回答及压力测试
    • 8.1考研失利怎么处理
    • 8.2 其他问题
  • 口语化表达
  • 其他小 TIPS:




What can you tell me about yourself?

Good morning, dear professors! I’m very glad be here with this interview. My name is **, an easy-going girl,23 years old and come from **. I majored in Computer Science and Technology in **University. Today I will introduce myself from the following three aspects: my past experiences, my hobbies and my future plan. Firstly, during my college years, I have been studying hard, obtaining a high GPA and passing CET-6. Moreover, I also participated in the Mathematical modeling contest and Math contest, both winning the National Second prize. Secondly, I have a wide range of hobbies, especially broadcasting and hosting. I was in charge of daily broadcasting at the Publicity Department in our university. In addition, I am also very fond of sports. Skiing in winter and swimming in summer. I like basketball best. It is an important way for me to keep full of energy and release pressure. it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people. Thirdly, I’d like to tell you my future plans. Among all the research fields, I feel my passion in computer vision, because I think this field will make a difference to the world and I want to make contributions. So, from now on, I plan to concentrate on study and research in my professional field, and I hope I can form a systematic view of it and make a solid foundation for future profession. I have a strong sense of responsibility so that I will try to accomplish all the tasks assigned to me. If I have a chance in the future, I would like to fight for a Doctor’s Degree. That’s all about me. Thank you


1.1 本科大学

Talk about your university.
I love my university. Its name is **. It has a beautiful landscape and it’s a garden style. The teachers in our university are all in the great patience. They tell us how to become an academic person.
Moreover, I think I am very lucky because I have some great classmates. We share the same interesting in study and sports. All of which make my life in the university become more meaningful. I love my university very much,but I think it’s time to say goodbye and move to A better place to start a whole new life and a post graduate.

1.2 家乡

Something about your hometown.
My hometown ** is a little city with long history over 2000 years. it has rich historical culture and many value buildings, like **. In spring, the sun is shining and there are some pleasant breezes. My families often have spring excursions here. It is how intoxicating when the spring breeze blowing over us. I think it’s a very cozy and comfortable city to live in and people there usually enjoy having a morning tea and having a chat. There are many delicious foods such Donkey burger, as you know, it is yamm. If possible, I would like to welcome teachers to Baoding and I believe you will have a good time.

1.3 家庭

Talk about your family.
I love my family very much, I think my families are harmonious and very warm. Every year we will celebrate many festivals together and we often spare our time by doing some sports, like running, swimming or playing balls.
Moreover, my parents both are kind and hardworking, they teach me right from wrong. They teach me how to become an independent and persistent. person.
At the same time, they always encourage me to learn new things and to explore new fields
And you know. with the preparation for this interview, my parents support have always been the source for my power.


2.1 兴趣爱好

Talk about your hobbies.What’s your favorite sport?/ Are you interested in any ball games?
I have many interests in my spare time and what I like most is playing basketball. Actully,I’m a basketball fan, even though I can’t play it well myself. I love watching NBA on TV. For me, the players are not simply sportsmen, instead, they are all artists, making each round of game a masterpiece for people to appreciate. I always feel relaxed when I practice basketball myself. In addition, playing basketball game can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people.
Moreover, I`m an avid reader. Reading can be enlightening and entertaining. It opens my eyes.

2. 2 性格、优缺点

Describe your personality/character.
What are your strengths/weaknesses?
[strengths] I think I am an assertive person and I have my own opinions and understandings on some issues.
In my opinion, my biggest advantage is my curiosity and exploration power. I am curious about many things and have a persistent pursuit of knowledge.
Besides, I like to stick to my goals. Once I set a goal, I will stick to it no matter what the difficulties I will encounter. Of course, sometimes I do fail, but I will never give up. I will sum up the lessons, constantly improve myself and achieve my goals.
[weaknesses] My work style is that I will take action only when I did a lot of preparations and feel ready. But this way may make me miss the best opportunities and even cause unnecessary losses.


3.1 本科生活

Talk about your university/ undergraduate life.
I think it would be “full and unforgettable”. In the years, I met a lot of amiable teachers and like-minded classmates.
When I was in class, I like to sit in the first few rows. As time passed, the teacher noticed me and sometimes recommended some online classes to expand my vision, giving me a great help in my study .Moreover, I also worked work-study in our vice dean’s office. The vice dean also made many suggestions on my future planning. I am very grateful to them.
In addition to the teachers, I joined the Student Union and the radio station in my freshman year. There are many excellent partners. We participated together in many professional competitions. In the process, my communication ability, coordination ability and writing level have been exercised,
Finally, I am also in the basketball team and the dance team, which make my undergraduate life become more colorful.
All of these have shaped how I am now and I will never forget the last few years.

3.2 最喜欢的课程/书籍

Talk about your favorite courses.
My favorite course is Principles of computer organization.
First of all, this course mainly introduces the formation and inner working principles of computers, which is the basis of computer.
Secondly, it is a challenging course, thus whenever I get a hang of a knowledge, I will have a sense of achievement.
Finally, the teacher, Professor Wang, is also a humorous and knowledgeable teacher. I like listening to his classes very much, and I can always learn a lot from his classes.

3.3 其余问题



4.1 研究生规划

What is your study plan if you are accepted as a postgraduate student?
(There must be many things to learn if I were enrolled into my ideal research field.)
Because I am looking forward to my postgraduate life, I have got some ideas. To be honest, there are a few topics that I am interested in, such as computer vision. Now I’m just get to know the classical machine learning algorithms. But I really can’t wait to learn more and I will try my best to become a dedicated team member and a keen learner.
Firstly, I will read and learn extensively and systematically, I want to read papers and accumulate idea in advance. Meanwhile, I will continue to enroll in courses such as the Professor Wu Enda and Stanford cs231n, I’m sure I will be more specialized.
Secondly, I will seize the opportunity to take part in any research projects to learn by doing.
Finally I will try to produce a dissertation that I can be proud of and even publish some high quality essays.
in short, I hope to be busy from the beginning and I really can’t wait to become a better person。

4.2 毕业后的计划、工作前景

What are your plans after graduation?
What are your job prospect/ Career planning?
my idea is that After the first year in the postgraduate life, I will conduct a comprehensive assessment of myself, recognize my level, and then choose to engage in related work or choose to study for a doctorate.So i`m not sure what I will become in the three years or five years,but I believe that I will become a better person.and I really hope I will become the wow person.

4.3 其他问题



5.1 读研原因

Why do you decide to go for the national postgraduateentrance examination?
During my undergraduate studies in the past four years, I gradually realized that the knowledge and skills I acquired in college would not be enough for me to fulfill my personal goals in society. Moreover, my desire for knowledge grew as I dug deeper into this field. Therefore, I feel it‘s necessary for me to further my study instead of going to work after graduation.

5.2. 为什么报考这个学校

Why do you prefer our university?
Why do you choose our institute/university to go on your postgraduate study?
I was initially attracted by your university’s high reputation. As the school motto implies, the university has never stopped it’s pace in pursuit of " Philosophically look at the museum" and provides students with excellent learning conditions.
After consulting with several friends who were studying at your university, I was even more impressed by the university’s strong academic atmosphere and the professors’ sense of responsibility, which strengthened my determination to continue my studies at your school.
By the way I’m dying to see the cherry blossoms in Wuhan. It must be beautiful.


The reason why I choose this major is that I really like my major and I want to further my study in this field.in my college, When I participated in the mathematical modeling contests, I came into contact with machine learning. I was surprised to find that there are some similarities between machine learning and mathematical modeling. Therefore, I learned the classical algorithms of machine learning of Professor WuEnDa on Bilibili website by myself, such as linear regression, logistic regression, neural network and clustering.i am crazy about it. But at present, I just do research in a superficial level owing to lack of enough professional knowledge and skills. So I think it‘s necessary for me to further my study.

5.4 希望研究的方向及原因

To be honest, there are a few topics that I am interested in, such as computer vision.
When I participated in the mathematical modeling contests, I came into contact with machine learning. I was surprised to find that there are some similarities between machine learning and mathematical modeling. Therefore, I learned the classical algorithms of machine learning of Professor WuEnDa on Bilibili website by myself, such as linear regression, logistic regression, neural network and clustering. which also made me decide to continue my postgraduate study. At the same time I took a brief look at deep learning and computer vision. I am very interested in these. I really can’t wait to learn more and I will try my best to become a dedicated team member and a keen learner.

5.5 其他问题

What do you think is the difference between a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree?本科和硕士有什么不同


6.1 最喜欢的书

Your favorite books.?
My favorite book is The Courage to Be Disliked and I actually read this book three times .This book is written by a Japanese writer Ichiro Kishimi, demonstrating how to unlock the power within yourself to be the person you truly want to be.
What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
I like reading detective stories. Whenever or wherever there is a case of murder, I will try to analyze and deduce “who did it" before the author explains eveiything. You know, once I even tried to help our school police catch a burglar. And we successfully did it. I think reading detective stories makes me excited and quick in mind.

6.2 喜欢的季节

Which season do you like?
Spring is my favorite season. Everything sprouted in spring. Take a walk outside and all you see is green.
In spring, our world is a sunny place, the sun is shining and there are some pleasant breezes. It is how intoxicating when the spring breeze blowing over us. everywhere is covered with green trees and colorful flowers. Especially when you are in the countryside, you can see green mountains, wide fields, clear streams, and all the living things coexist harmoniously. All these make up the most beautiful picture in the world.

6.3 旅游、印象中最深刻的故事

Where have you been traveling to?
Which place interested you most?
What is the deepest thing in your memory?
The most meaningful thing you’ve ever done ?
(The most profound thing in my memory is that )
During May Day in this years, my friends and I climbed Mount Tai at night. Fortunately, it was a fine day and we saw the sunrise in the morning.
First, there was a little light in the East, and then the sky became brighter and brighter. An orange hat rose from the top of the sea. Suddenly, the sun jumped out of the sea and looked like a big ellipsoid. The sky in the East turned red. And The whole mountain was bathed in golden sunshine.
When I saw the sunrise and the city at the foot of the mountain, I was so moved that all the tiredness disappeared from my body. That taught me to persevere, work hard and make progress. I believe these qualities will also help me keep moving forward in my future life. I think I will climb Mount Tai again someday.

6.4 最喜欢的电影

My favorite movie is Forrest Gump, performed by Tom Hanks. As a fascinating movie, It inspired me with Gump’s childlike optimism in life and study.
Watching this movie can educate us about slow-witted Gump’s life, his everyday sayings that helped him get by, and how he casually participated in some of the most major events of the 1960s.
The movie is so effortlessly powerful and I learned a lot from it. Instead of focusing on our own weaknesses ,we should make the most of what we’ve got. Of course, we should always give our own best effort ,respect others, and be willing to learn from others. That’s all lessons I learned from this movie.

6.5 梦想

What is your dream?
My dream is to be a useful person. I hope that I can keep growing, keep learning, keep improving myself, so that I can contribute to the motherland, society and family. It’s a tough road, but I’ll keep going.

6.6 其他问题



7.1 本科实习/工作经历

In my undergraduate study, I spent more time on basic learning and participating in competitions, so I have no internship or work experience. Therefore will seize all practical opportunities to improve my experience during the postgraduate period



I certainly hope that does not happen, but it happened, I would accept it, because my motto is that there is no such thing as failure, you either win or you learn. It doesn’ t mean I am a loser and this process will let me have stronger will power. What’ s more, I think I am totally successful because I have courage to stand in front of you.
if I quiet didn’t get into the schools, I don’t want to go to extremes, I will, maybe I can work for a few years to put everything into perspective and then try again, bacause I think I am young and I know I need this opportunity to fulfill my potentials and I know I can prove myself

8.2 其他问题



Actually yes I do, / NO I don’t
To be honest / actually/well嗯/ personally
I think it is absolutely/quiet clear that 一个事实
(1)I don’t remember when this was ,but I think it must been about ten years ago ,more or less anyway
(2)The reason why I choose this majory is because
(3)I find learning it usually quiet challageling
(4)I don`t think I had ever felt so nervous/ saw such a beautiful picture
(5)Okay,I am going to talk about**,and the thing I like most about him is that
例,Okay,I am going to talk about my best friend,and the thing I like most about him is that he always be positive ang optimistic about life.
I am going to talk about Tianshan mountains in xijiang provonce. And the thing I like most about it is that they are absolutely amazing and really stunning/spectacular

其他小 TIPS:

  1. 请求重复:
    I’m afraid of I’m not quite clear about …
    I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch you.
    Would you like to repeat the question?
    Excuse me. I can’t quite follow you. Would you please say it again?
  2. 确定问题:
    I think you were asking me about……Am I right?
  3. 表示赞同:
    I couldn’t agree more!
    That’s exactly what I think.
    I have the same opinion with you on that issue.
  4. 表示不赞同(慎用):
    I’m afraid I can’t agree.
    I’m afraid I’m not convinced.
  5. 表述观点:
    In the first place, I want to say…
    In my point of view,…
    Personally/ From my own perspective, I’d like to point out…
    From where I stand,


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