
Good morning, my dear teachers and professors. I am very glad to be here for this interview. My name is xxx, and I am xx years old. I come from xx, which is a famous historical and cultural city in China.


I major in xxx at xxx. In the past 3 years and a half years,I spend most of my time on study. I guess I’m good a student,because my GPA is xxx,which helped me to rank on top of my class. Although I have acquired the essential knowledge of my major, I am not easily satisfied with it, because there is still too much I don’t know. That’s why I would like to further my education at your university.


Luckily, I was enrolled in this university. I will concentrate on the study and research in the field. First, I will work hard to learn the theoretical knowledge, making a solid foundation for my future profession; second I would like to do some practical experiments under the supervision of my professor. In this way, I can get something that cannot be acquired from a textbook. If possible, I will go on with my studies for a doctorate degree.


Well, in my spare time, I have intense interest in playing table tennis and badminton. They can make me physically strong. As a college student, I am facing a lot of pressure from my study and my future. They can let out my emotion and release my pressure.


OK, that’s all.Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity.


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