
A good friend of mine and co-speaker at SQLGrillen this year, Paul Broadwith (@Pauby), said this during a practice run of our presentation, not in a Steve Ballmer way thankfully. Although we were talking about open source projects at the time, the concept applies to blogging, organising and speaking at user groups or conferences, everything Community related really.

Paul Broadwith (@Pauby)是我今年的好朋友,也是SQLGrillen的联合发言人,在我们演示的练习过程中表示了这一点,而不是用Steve Ballmer的方式。 尽管当时我们谈论的是开源项目,但该概念适用于在用户组或会议上进行博客撰写,组织和发表言论,而社区真正相关的一切。

It all fell into place when I was talking to a co-worker about starting a blog and I could see she was getting really interested in the idea and thanked me for the inspiration. Why don’t I take my own advice and blog about how I contribute, contribute, contribute! I have been meaning to share lessons learned and advice I received on many topics so I’ll spread this over a few posts starting with blogging.

当我与同事谈论建立一个博客时,一切都准备就绪了,我可以看到她对这个想法非常感兴趣,并感谢我的启发。 我为什么不就自己的贡献,贡献,贡献做自己的建议和博客! 我一直想分享我在许多主题上获得的经验教训和建议,因此我将在博客开始的几篇文章中进行介绍。

写博客 (Blogging)

I started a gaming blog with friends some 10+ years ago that we would post reviews and first impressions of games on, with the ultimate goal of sneaking into large scale industry conferences like E3 under the guise of a journalist. It didn’t last long and amounted to nothing, as you’d expect. That’s also not what I mean by blogging here.

大约10年前,我与朋友建立了一个游戏博客,我们将在其中发布游戏的评论和第一印象,最终目的是在记者的幌子下潜入E3之类的大型行业会议。 正如您所期望的那样,它持续了很长时间,什么也没有。 这也不是我在这里写博客的意思。

I’m talking about a technical blog.


什么 (The What)

So, I’ll explain the process I went through when a colleague suggested I start a blog and you can tick the parts that you’re thinking too.


  • What would I even blog about? 我什至会写什么博客?
  • I don’t know [Subject] well enough 我不太了解[主题]
  • Someone’s already posted about [Subject], and in more detail 有人已经发布了有关[主题]的信息,并且更加详细

Firstly, you don’t have to be an expert to start a blog and most people, no matter how knowledgeable, would not consider themselves “experts” when they usually are. Blogging is a tool to help you become an expert. It helps you grow as a professional in your field.

首先,您不必成为专家就可以创建博客,并且大多数人,无论多么有知识,都不会在通常情况下将自己视为“专家”。 博客是一种可以帮助您成为专家的工具。 它可以帮助您成长为该领域的专业人士。

Secondly, we’ve all came across that blank or useless search result when we’ve tried to find a solution to something. If you’ve looked for it, I’ll put money on it that someone else has or will. Pay it forward and tell people how you fixed it.

其次,当我们试图找到某种解决方案时,我们都遇到了空白或无用的搜索结果。 如果您正在寻找它,我会花钱给别人拥有或将会拥有的东西。 向前支付并告诉人们您如何解决它。

If someone has already posted about a topic you want to write about or a problem you’ve fixed, think of it as a reader. Would you rather have one post explaining a topic a specific way or 5 posts from different authors with different skill levels and methods of explaining a method or process? More is always better. I have experienced this first hand, just not understanding an explanation of a concept then finding another post on the same topic that just clicks right away. You will help somebody, I guarantee it.

如果某人已经发布了有关您要写的主题或已解决的问题的信息,请将其视为读者。 您是希望以一篇文章以一种特定的方式来解释一个主题,还是以5名来自不同作者,具有不同技能水平和方法来解释一种方法或过程的文章? 多多益善。 我已经亲身经历了这一过程,只是不了解一个概念的解释,然后就立刻单击同一主题找到了另一篇文章。 您会帮助某人的,我保证。

为什么 (The Why)

Think first about a problem you overcame, maybe something you couldn’t find a solution to online or your fix was different, (not necessarily better!). That’s your starting block. Take that and write about it. It doesn’t need to be lengthy but explain it the way you would/did to a colleague. You may find you’ll research the details further and learn more about the problem and solution in the process.

首先考虑一下您克服的问题,也许是您找不到在线解决方案或者您的解决方案有所不同的问题(不一定更好!)。 那是您的出发点。 接受并写下来。 它并不需要冗长,但可以向同事解释。 您可能会发现您将进一步研究细节,并在此过程中了解有关问题和解决方案的更多信息。

This is the WHY. Blogging about a topic increases your understanding and helps others understand it too.

这就是为什么。 通过博客撰写有关主题的文章可以增进您的理解并帮助其他人也理解它。

如何 (The How)

There is a lot of technical preparation to get your blog online but there is also a lot of easy routes to get started quickly.


My suggested route is this:


  • Name – Buy a domain name. Easy enough to do and I’ll echo the section on picking your domain name in Brent Ozar’s great post on this topic: Use your own name. Avoiding technology specific names that could restrict your options in future.
  • 名称–购买域名。 这样做很容易,我会在Brent Ozar关于该主题的精彩文章中回馈有关选择域名的部分: 使用您自己的名字。 避免使用可能会限制您将来选择的技术特定名称。
  • WordPress.com] in your website name. WordPress.com ]。
  • SiteGroundand I do get paid for that link so feel free to find your own best fit. SiteGround ,但确实为该链接付款,因此随时可以找到最适合自己的链接。
  • Create your site – You’ll likely want to spend hours playing with WordPress themes until you get the one that looks just right but I’ll direct you to my next point in that case. 创建您的网站–您可能要花几个小时来研究WordPress主题,直到找到看起来合适的主题为止,但在这种情况下,我将指导您进行下一步。
  • Don’t spend time on this. Unless your career is in web design or WordPress theming, these steps should take you no more than a half day of setup. 不要花时间在此上。 除非您的职业是网络设计或WordPress主题,否则这些步骤仅需花费半天的时间即可完成设置。

I have wasted days on tweaking themes, setting up sites just right and fixing layouts when it’s all just procrastination and admin work around what you actually set out to do.


So you’ve now got a basic site online and you’re staring at a blank post with a blinking cursor!


快节奏 (Pace yourself)

Start off by setting yourself an easy goal of one post every 2 months. Now you need to start building up some ideas. You might overcome an issue or discover a new way to do something that took you a great deal of time, you don’t always want to blog about it right away. You’ll also have some months where you can’t think of anything to write. This is where you must pace yourself.

首先,为自己设定一个容易的目标,即每2个月发一个帖子。 现在您需要开始建立一些想法。 您可能会克服一个问题,或者发现一种新的方法来做一些花费大量时间的事情,但您并不总是希望立即就此发表博客。 您还会有几个月无法想到的东西。 这是您必须调整自己的速度的地方。

Anytime you come up with an idea or fix a problem, write it down quickly and add any details you can, like screenshots or code snippets that you might forget or not have access to later (error messages?). This is the start of your ideas folder.

每当您提出一个主意或解决问题时,请Swift将其写下来并添加任何详细信息,例如您可能会忘记或以后无法访问的屏幕截图或代码段(错误消息?)。 这是您的ideas文件夹的开始。

If you manage to write a few blog posts one month, unless they are time-sensitive (release of new product for example), keep to your schedule. I guarantee there will be months where you won’t have any new ideas to write about or just won’t have the time or interest to write anything.

如果您设法在一个月内写一些博客文章,除非它们是时间敏感的(例如,发布新产品),请按计划进行。 我保证会有几个月您不会有任何新想法要写,或者只是没有时间或兴趣来写任何东西。

告诉别人 (Tell people)

You’ve written your first blog post and it’s up on your shiny new site. What now?

您已经撰写了第一篇博客文章,并且该文章发布在您崭新的网站上。 现在怎么办?

It can take a long time for you to get traffic to your site but you can help it along in a few ways.


Consider SEO plugins for WordPress, these will help your content reach the people who want it when they search on google. I have a single post that seems to get a constant stream of views consistently 200% higher than any other page on my site.

考虑使用适用于WordPress的SEO插件,这些插件将帮助您在Google搜索时将您的内容吸引到需要它的人。 我有一篇帖子似乎比我网站上的任何其他页面持续不断地获得更高的观看次数200%。

Actually telling people you have blogged is one of the easiest ways to get it out there. SQL related posts have this great hashtag on twitter, #SQLNewBlogger, designed to help new bloggers and will guarantee retweets from community leaders. Post it on LinkedIn too if you have a profile.

实际上,告诉别人您已写博客是最简单的方法之一。 与SQL相关的帖子在Twitter上有一个很棒的主题标签#SQLNewBlogger ,旨在帮助新的博客作者,并确保社区领导者转发。 如果您有个人资料,也可以将其发布在LinkedIn上。

细化 (Refine)

So, you’ve got a few posts under your belt and you want to do something more in-depth or maybe you want to just get better at what you’re doing.


Your first port of call here should be other blogs. See how others in your profession are writing, do they use lots of images, code excerpts and links? This is great to try new ways of getting your information across but remember one thing, it doesn’t matter if other posts are better, or longer or more in-depth than yours. It doesn’t matter if someone has already written about a topic or problem you have encountered. The more posts and content on a subject, the more choice readers have to learn in different ways and at different levels.

您在这里的第一个停靠站应该是其他博客。 看看您所在行业的其他人是如何写作的,他们是否使用大量图像,代码摘录和链接? 尝试采用新的方式来传达信息的方法很棒,但要记住一件事,其他帖子是否比您的帖子更好,更长或更深入都没关系。 是否有人已经写过有关您遇到的主题或问题都没有关系。 一个主题上的帖子和内容越多,读者必须以不同的方式和不同的水平来学习更多的选择。

If you want some more structure consider writing guidelines. I started writing blog posts for SQLShack back in 2017 and they helped the consistency of my writing with their guidelines. Consider setting your own along the lines of:

如果需要更多结构,请考虑编写准则。 我早在2017年就开始为SQLShack撰写博客文章,他们使我的写作与其准则保持一致。 考虑按照以下方式设置您自己的:

  • At least 1000 words. That doesn’t mean waffle, take the time to fully explore and explain your topic) 至少1000个字。 这并不意味着胡扯,请花点时间充分探索和解释您的主题)
  • Include at least 3 images. A picture paints a thousand words after all. 至少包含3张图片。 一幅画毕竟画了一千个字。
  • Include at least 3 citations or references. This should be sites you used or maybe references that back up the points you make. 至少包含3条引用文献或参考文献。 这应该是您使用过的站点,或者可能是引用来支持您提出观点的站点。

These restrictions are a good start to getting your writing more consistent and refined and may result in larger blogs like SQLShack approaching you for paid contributions.


Try to think about the way you are writing. I am no literary expert and I know I still don’t get this right but you want to lead the user through your topic and keep them engaged. If this is about a problem you solved, share the frustration and the dead ends before revealing the solution but try not to waste the readers time. You don’t want them frantically searching for a TL; DR (Too long; didn’t read).

尝试考虑您的写作方式。 我不是文学专家,我知道我仍然做错了,但是您想引导用户了解您的主题并保持他们的参与度。 如果这是您要解决的问题,请在揭露解决方案之前先分享无奈与死胡同,但不要浪费读者时间。 您不希望他们疯狂地寻找TL。 DR(时间太长;未读)。

快乐博客 (Happy blogging)

Please, please, please reach out if you have any questions or want any more info. The more people I can help to start blogging, the more choice there is out there when I want to learn something new!

拜托,拜托,如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请与我们联系。 我可以帮助更多的人开始写博客,当我想学习新东西时,那里的选择就更多了!

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/contribute-contribute-contribute/



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