上期真题答案:1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A


1. Estimates of income elasticity of demand for selected food items in Cyprus and the Maldives.

It may be deduced from the data in the table that

A the demand for fish is income inelastic in both countries

B the demand for oils and fats is perfectly income elastic in Cyprus

C cereals are a normal good in Cyprus but an inferior good in the Maldives

D the demand for oils and fats is more responsive than the demand for fish to a change in income in the Maldives

2.The table below shows the value of income elasticities of demand for three goods, X, Yand Z, over a period of time.

From the data in the table, it may be concluded that an increase in consumer income would lead to

A a decrease in demand for Good Z only.

B an increase in demand for all three goods.

C a more than proportionate increase in demand for GoodY.

D an equal percentage increase in demand for Good X



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