hive表想使用动态分区的方法,insert overwrite 的时候,必须把动态分区字段放在select 的字段最后面。好多中文帖子写的都不对!坑人

On the other hand, if you used dynamic partitioning -- i.e. INSERT ... PARTITION (country) with no literal value -- then the actual value for the partitioning "column" would have to be fed as an extra column in SELECT, after the real columns.

宝藏来源:hadoop - Inserting into Hive table - Non Partitioned table to Partitioned table - Cannot insert into target table because column number/types - Stack Overflow

target table has x column(s) but the inserted data has y column(s), including z partition column(s相关推荐

  1. Cannot insert into target table because column number/types are differen

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  2. Mysql语句提示You can't specify target table 'XXX' for update in FROM clause解决方案

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  3. 【MySQL】Error Code: 1093. You can‘t specify target table ‘xxx‘ for update in FROM clause

    1. 报错信息: Error Code: 1093. You can't specify target table 'self_check' for update in FROM clause 错误的 ...

  4. [Django](1093, quot;You can#39;t specify target table #39;fee_details_invoices#39; for update in...

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  5. You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

    今天使用mysql,写出一个sql语句: update service_re set is_deleted=0 where id=(select id from service_re where p_ ...

  6. 错误:You can't specify target table 'xxx' for update in FROM clause的解决

    今天在MySQL数据库删除重复数据的时候遇到了一个问题.如下脚本: DELETE FROM tempA WHERE tid IN ( SELECT MAX(tid) AS tid FROM tempA ...

  7. Mysql 错误 Code: 1093. You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

    You can't specify target table 'recharge_log' for update in FROM clause 这个问题出现的情况是: 更新一个表的数据时,where条 ...

  8. MySQL 语法问题:You can‘t specify target table ‘xxx‘ for update in FROM clause. 原因及解决方法

    报错信息如下: [Code: 1093, SQL State: HY000] You can't specify target table 'bd_bankaccbas' for update in ...

  9. 【mysql 】sql删除重复记录 You can't specify target table '表名' for update in FROM clause

    用下面的语句就报语法出错: delete from tab_record where recordid not in (select  min(c.recordid) as recordid from ...


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