1. May not 和 can’t 的区别

1.may not 2.can’t 3.can’t / may not 4.can’t

5.can’t 6.may not / can’t 7.may not

8.may not 9.can’t 10.may not

2 .might 与 might not

1.might not want 2.might not finish 3.might miss 4.might give

5.might not believe 6.might not pass 7.might not know

8.might be 9.might have to 10.might not have 11.might not

【情态动词练习题】may not 和 can‘t / might 的区别相关推荐

  1. 【情态动词练习题】 May 与 might

    1. May 1.Sarah may be ill 2.We may not go out. 3.It may not rain. 4.We may buy a car. 5.Joe may not ...

  2. 【情态动词练习题】Can / Could you

    1. Can / Could you 表 "请求" 1.give 2.tell 3.pass 4.clean 5.tell 6.drive 7.hold 8.babysit 9.l ...

  3. 【情态动词练习题】will 与 would

    1. Would like to 造句 1.I would like two tickets. 2.Would you like coffee? 3.I would like a black T-sh ...

  4. 【情态动词练习题】mustn‘t 和 don‘t have to

    1. mustn't 1.Mustn't light. 禁止玩火 2.Mustn't wash. 禁止在洗澡的地方洗盘子 3.Mustn't play. 不要放这么大声 4.Mustn't let. ...

  5. 【情态动词练习题】had to 和 will have to

    1. had to 和 will have to 1.翻译为有无必要. 1.Jack had to learn French. 2.Jack didn't have to play tennis. 3 ...

  6. 【情态动词练习题】can 和 could

    1. can 1.Can she walk? 2.What can he play? 3.Can he cook? 4.Can she speak Spanish? 5.How much can th ...

  7. 【情态动词练习题】Can I / We ... ?

    1. Can I / We - ? Could I 面向的对象通常为:长辈.老师.老板.陌生人 1.Can I borrow your pen? 2.Can I have a glass of wat ...

  8. 【情态动词练习题】should 与 must

    1. should 1.should be 2.should keep 3.should learn 4.shouldn't believe 5.should eat 6.shouldn't smok ...

  9. 【考研英语语法】情态动词

    习题 类型 练习题链接地址 1.初识情态动词 点击跳转 2.must 与 have to 点击跳转 3.mustn't 和 don't have to 点击跳转 4.had to 和 will hav ...


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