
想看下开源的服务器框架,本以为挺复杂,但mangos代码写的很清楚。mangos不是一个魔兽私服模拟器,它是一个开源的自由软件项目,是用c++和C#编程语言,实现的一个支持大型多人在线角色扮演游戏服务器的程序框架。svn的路径:http://svn.code.sf.net/p/mangos/code/trunk 下载下来貌似有100多兆,我用的vs2005编译vc8工程release版本一次就编译过了。

contrib 第三方的工具
dep 依赖的开源库ace sqlite等
src 项目代码
sql 数据库脚本

realmd 文件夹中是游戏区域信息,包括RealmList等内容。
shared文件夹中 应该是公用的函数和库,database的内容包含在其中。

1、主线程 main—- 主要功能:初始化world、创建子线程、回收资源
2、WorldRunnable ——-主线程
3、CliRunnable —–调试线程 command line
4、RARunnable ——-Remote Administration 处理远程管理命令?
6、FreezeDetectorRunnable —- 心跳检测
7、SqlDelayThread — 数据线程
8、PatcherRunnable —- 给客户端升级(发送补丁文件)




/// Heartbeat for the World
void WorldRunnable::run()
{///- Init new SQL thread for the world databaseWorldDatabase.ThreadStart();                                // let thread do safe mySQL requests (one connection call enough)sWorld.InitResultQueue();uint32 realCurrTime = 0;uint32 realPrevTime = getMSTime();uint32 prevSleepTime = 0;                               // used for balanced full tick time length near WORLD_SLEEP_CONST///- While we have not World::m_stopEvent, update the worldwhile (!World::m_stopEvent){++World::m_worldLoopCounter;realCurrTime = getMSTime();uint32 diff = getMSTimeDiff(realPrevTime,realCurrTime);sWorld.Update( diff );realPrevTime = realCurrTime;// diff (D0) include time of previous sleep (d0) + tick time (t0)// we want that next d1 + t1 == WORLD_SLEEP_CONST// we can't know next t1 and then can use (t0 + d1) == WORLD_SLEEP_CONST requirement// d1 = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST - t0 = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST - (D0 - d0) = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST + d0 - D0if (diff <= WORLD_SLEEP_CONST+prevSleepTime){prevSleepTime = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST+prevSleepTime-diff;ZThread::Thread::sleep(prevSleepTime);}elseprevSleepTime = 0;}... // 清理资源
  1. 这是游戏世界的驱动线程,一开始很困惑“Heartbeat”难道是用来保持长连接用的?其实这里的Heartbeat应该理解为是整个世界的驱动的地方,像人的心脏,汽车的发动机之类。

  2. WorldDatabase.ThreadStart();这里名字很明确,“ThreadStart”,线程启动,如果内部带线程运行,名字中最好体现,不要叫做“Start”之类。同样结束线程名字为WorldDatabase.ThreadEnd();

  3. 在线程中,每次处理完都sleep了一段时间,有注释如下
    // diff (D0) include time of previous sleep (d0) + tick time (t0)
    // we want that next d1 + t1 == WORLD_SLEEP_CONST
    // we can’t know next t1 and then can use (t0 + d1) == WORLD_SLEEP_CONST requirement
    // d1 = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST - t0 = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST - (D0 - d0) = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST + d0 - D0



那么有DO = d0 + t0, d1 = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST + d0 - D0 = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST - t0;
那么假设WORLD_SLEEP_CONST为100ms,处理花费10ms(t0),那么就sleep90ms(100 - 10)就可以了;然后,diff = 10 + 90 = 100ms,这种理想的情况下,diff一直是100ms,但是在线程很忙的时候,sWorld.Update时间大于100ms时候,也就是diff>WORLD_SLEEP_CONST+prevSleepTime <==> t0 + d0 > WORLD_SLEEP_CONST+prevSleepTime(d0),即t0 > WORLD_SLEEP_CONST时候,diff就不等100了,这个时候prevSleepTime,diff等于sWorld.Update。


  1. 以后主要逻辑到sWorld.Update( diff ) 更新整个世界模型。

三、 World类

/// The World
class World
{public:...//player Queuetypedef std::list<WorldSession*> Queue;void AddQueuedPlayer(WorldSession*);void RemoveQueuedPlayer(WorldSession*);void Update(time_t diff);void UpdateSessions( time_t diff );void ProcessCliCommands();void QueueCliCommand(CliCommandHolder* command) { cliCmdQueue.add(command); }void UpdateResultQueue();void InitResultQueue();...protected:void _UpdateGameTime();void ScriptsProcess();// callback for UpdateRealmCharactersvoid _UpdateRealmCharCount(QueryResult *resultCharCount, uint32 accountId);void InitDailyQuestResetTime();void ResetDailyQuests();private:...typedef HM_NAMESPACE::hash_map<uint32, WorldSession*> SessionMap;SessionMap m_sessions;std::set<WorldSession*> m_kicked_sessions;uint32 m_maxActiveSessionCount;uint32 m_maxQueuedSessionCount;std::multimap<time_t, ScriptAction> m_scriptSchedule;uint32 m_ShutdownTimer;uint32 m_ShutdownMask;...// CLI command holder to be thread safeZThread::LockedQueue<CliCommandHolder*, ZThread::FastMutex> cliCmdQueue;SqlResultQueue *m_resultQueue;//Player QueueQueue m_QueuedPlayer;//sessions that are added asyncvoid AddSession_(WorldSession* s);ZThread::LockedQueue<WorldSession*, ZThread::FastMutex> addSessQueue;// 这里,用户添加不是直接添加到m_sessions列队里面,异步添加,先添加到一个临时队列,等待定时器到时候从队列取出放入m_sessions列队
/// Update the World !
void World::Update(time_t diff)
{///- Update the different timersfor(int i = 0; i < WUPDATE_COUNT; i++)if(m_timers[i].GetCurrent()>=0)m_timers[i].Update(diff);else m_timers[i].SetCurrent(0);///- Update the game time and check for shutdown time_UpdateGameTime();/// Handle daily quests reset timeif(m_gameTime > m_NextDailyQuestReset){ResetDailyQuests();m_NextDailyQuestReset += DAY;}/// <ul><li> Handle auctions when the timer has passedif (m_timers[WUPDATE_AUCTIONS].Passed()){...}/// <li> Handle session updates when the timer has passedif (m_timers[WUPDATE_SESSIONS].Passed()){m_timers[WUPDATE_SESSIONS].Reset();UpdateSessions(diff);}/// <li> Handle weather updates when the timer has passedif (m_timers[WUPDATE_WEATHERS].Passed()){...}/// <li> Update uptime tableif (m_timers[WUPDATE_UPTIME].Passed()){...}/// <li> Handle all other objectsif (m_timers[WUPDATE_OBJECTS].Passed()){...}// execute callbacks from sql queries that were queued recentlyUpdateResultQueue();///- Erase corpses once every 20 minutesif (m_timers[WUPDATE_CORPSES].Passed()){m_timers[WUPDATE_CORPSES].Reset();CorpsesErase();}///- Process Game events when necessaryif (m_timers[WUPDATE_EVENTS].Passed()){m_timers[WUPDATE_EVENTS].Reset();                   // to give time for Update() to be processeduint32 nextGameEvent = gameeventmgr.Update();m_timers[WUPDATE_EVENTS].SetInterval(nextGameEvent);m_timers[WUPDATE_EVENTS].Reset();}/// </ul>///- Move all creatures with "delayed move" and remove and delete all objects with "delayed remove"MapManager::Instance().DoDelayedMovesAndRemoves();// update the instance reset timessInstanceSaveManager.Update();// And last, but not least handle the issued cli commandsProcessCliCommands();
void World::UpdateSessions( time_t diff )
{while(!addSessQueue.empty()){WorldSession* sess = addSessQueue.next ();AddSession_ (sess);}///- Delete kicked sessions at add new sessionfor (std::set<WorldSession*>::iterator itr = m_kicked_sessions.begin(); itr != m_kicked_sessions.end(); ++itr)delete *itr;m_kicked_sessions.clear();///- Then send an update signal to remaining onesfor (SessionMap::iterator itr = m_sessions.begin(), next; itr != m_sessions.end(); itr = next){next = itr;++next;if(!itr->second)continue;///- and remove not active sessions from the listif(!itr->second->Update(diff))                      // As interval = 0{delete itr->second;m_sessions.erase(itr);}}
  1. Session的创建是在worldSocket中,而Session的释放是在word中,在World::UpdateSessions( time_t diff )时候如果检测到Session无效则释放。非常规但是有利于管理。

  2. 整个程序的有个基本原则,逻辑单线程,尽量少用锁。锁还是比不可少的,因为不能所有的处理都在tcp的reactor读回调线程中,根据生产者消费者模型,从缓冲区取得数据处理的时候是需要加锁的。其实锁多少也不是关键问题,使用锁首先不能让锁竞争时候等待时间过长,即持有锁的时间不能长,否则直接影响系统的吞吐量。其次锁竞争不要多。要做到上述条件即要求锁的粒度要小。其次锁多,不一定锁竞争就多。就像线程多,不一定线程的切换开销多一样,可能大多数线程是sleep的不需要切换。持有锁的时间足够短,即使访问锁频率很快也可能没有竞争问题,线程占用锁的时候这个锁是没有被持有的,如果持有锁时间短,那么在其他线程申请占用锁的时候锁已经被释放掉了。



* A FastMutex is a small fast implementation of a non-recursive, mutually exclusive
* Lockable object. This implementation is a bit faster than the other Mutex classes
* as it involved the least overhead. However, this slight increase in speed is
* gained by sacrificing the robustness provided by the other classes.
* A FastMutex has the useful property of not being interruptable; that is to say
* that acquire() and tryAcquire() will not throw Interrupted_Exceptions.
*//// Player session in the World
class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC WorldSession
{public:void QueuePacket(WorldPacket* new_packet);bool Update(uint32 diff);public:                                                 // opcodes handlersvoid Handle_NULL(WorldPacket& recvPacket);          // not usedvoid Handle_EarlyProccess( WorldPacket& recvPacket);// just mark packets processed in WorldSocket::OnRead...// 为阅读方便删除很多handle方法void HandleGuildBankSetTabText(WorldPacket& recv_data);private:...Player *_player;WorldSocket *m_Socket;ZThread::LockedQueue<WorldPacket*,ZThread::FastMutex> _recvQueue; // 这里使用非递归锁,可以加快速度
};/// Update the WorldSession (triggered by World update)
bool WorldSession::Update(uint32 /*diff*/)
{if (m_Socket)if (m_Socket->IsClosed ()){ m_Socket->RemoveReference (); // 操作引用计数来表示对象释放,没有使用智能指针m_Socket = NULL;}WorldPacket *packet;///- Retrieve packets from the receive queue and call the appropriate handlers/// \todo Is there a way to consolidate the OpcondeHandlerTable and the g_worldOpcodeNames to only maintain 1 list?/// answer : there is a way, but this is better, because it would use redundant RAMwhile (!_recvQueue.empty()){packet = _recvQueue.next();/*#if 1sLog.outError( "MOEP: %s (0x%.4X)",LookupOpcodeName(packet->GetOpcode()),packet->GetOpcode());#endif*/if(packet->GetOpcode() >= NUM_MSG_TYPES){sLog.outError( "SESSION: received non-existed opcode %s (0x%.4X)",LookupOpcodeName(packet->GetOpcode()),packet->GetOpcode());}else{OpcodeHandler& opHandle = opcodeTable[packet->GetOpcode()]; // 非主流,提高性能switch (opHandle.status){case STATUS_LOGGEDIN:if(!_player){// skip STATUS_LOGGEDIN opcode unexpected errors if player logout sometime ago - this can be network lag delayed packetsif(!m_playerRecentlyLogout)logUnexpectedOpcode(packet, "the player has not logged in yet");}else if(_player->IsInWorld())(this->*opHandle.handler)(*packet);// lag can cause STATUS_LOGGEDIN opcodes to arrive after the player started a transferbreak;case STATUS_TRANSFER_PENDING:if(!_player)logUnexpectedOpcode(packet, "the player has not logged in yet");else if(_player->IsInWorld())logUnexpectedOpcode(packet, "the player is still in world");else(this->*opHandle.handler)(*packet);break;case STATUS_AUTHED:m_playerRecentlyLogout = false;(this->*opHandle.handler)(*packet);break;case STATUS_NEVER:sLog.outError( "SESSION: received not allowed opcode %s (0x%.4X)",LookupOpcodeName(packet->GetOpcode()),packet->GetOpcode());break;}}delete packet;}///- If necessary, log the player outtime_t currTime = time(NULL);if (!m_Socket || (ShouldLogOut(currTime) && !m_playerLoading))LogoutPlayer(true);if (!m_Socket)return false;                                       //Will remove this session from the world session mapreturn true;
  1. 这个WorldSession::Update就是系统的hotpath,限制性能的地方。没一句都会影响到系统的性能。这里为了提高性能,从写法上,有点走偏锋的意思,例如:
    OpcodeHandler& opHandle = opcodeTable[packet->GetOpcode()];
    struct OpcodeHandler
    char const* name;
    SessionStatus status;
    void (WorldSession::*handler)(WorldPacket& recvPacket);
    这样做可以把复杂的容易变动的地方封装但不影响性能(如果写个大型的switch case也可以效率应该差不多,可读性差,而且会经常修改)。


  1. _recvQueue中的消息是m_Socket封包放入的。


/*** WorldSocket.* * This class is responsible for the comunication with * remote clients.* Most methods return -1 on failure. * The class uses refferece counting.** For output the class uses one buffer (64K usually) and * a queue where it stores packet if there is no place on * the queue. The reason this is done, is because the server * does realy a lot of small-size writes to it, and it doesn't * scale well to allocate memory for every. When something is * writen to the output buffer the socket is not immideately * activated for output (again for the same reason), there * is 10ms celling (thats why there is Update() method). * This concept is simmilar to TCP_CORK, but TCP_CORK * usses 200ms celling. As result overhead generated by * sending packets from "producer" threads is minimal, * and doing a lot of writes with small size is tollerated.* * The calls to Upate () method are managed by WorldSocketMgr* and ReactorRunnable.* * For input ,the class uses one 1024 bytes buffer on stack * to which it does recv() calls. And then recieved data is * distributed where its needed. 1024 matches pritey well the * traffic generated by client for now.*  * The input/output do speculative reads/writes (AKA it tryes * to read all data avaible in the kernel buffer or tryes to * write everything avaible in userspace buffer), * which is ok for using with Level and Edge Trigered IO * notification.* */
class WorldSocket : protected WorldHandler
public:/// Add refference to this object.long AddReference (void);/// Remove refference to this object.long RemoveReference (void);int ProcessIncoming (WorldPacket* new_pct);};//关键函数
int WorldSocket::ProcessIncoming (WorldPacket* new_pct)
{ACE_ASSERT (new_pct);// manage memory ;)ACE_Auto_Ptr<WorldPacket> aptr (new_pct);const ACE_UINT16 opcode = new_pct->GetOpcode ();if (this->closing_)return -1;// dump recieved packetif (sWorldLog.LogWorld ()){sWorldLog.Log ("CLIENT:\nSOCKET: %u\nLENGTH: %u\nOPCODE: %s (0x%.4X)\nDATA:\n",(uint32) get_handle (),new_pct->size (),LookupOpcodeName (new_pct->GetOpcode ()),new_pct->GetOpcode ());uint32 p = 0;while (p < new_pct->size ()){for (uint32 j = 0; j < 16 && p < new_pct->size (); j++)sWorldLog.Log ("%.2X ", (*new_pct)[p++]);sWorldLog.Log ("\n");}sWorldLog.Log ("\n\n");}// like one switch ;)if (opcode == CMSG_PING){return HandlePing (*new_pct);}else if (opcode == CMSG_AUTH_SESSION){if (m_Session){sLog.outError ("WorldSocket::ProcessIncoming: Player send CMSG_AUTH_SESSION again");return -1;}return HandleAuthSession (*new_pct);}else if (opcode == CMSG_KEEP_ALIVE){DEBUG_LOG ("CMSG_KEEP_ALIVE ,size: %d", new_pct->size ());return 0;}else{ACE_GUARD_RETURN (LockType, Guard, m_SessionLock, -1);if (m_Session != NULL){// OK ,give the packet to WorldSessionaptr.release ();// WARNINIG here we call it with locks held.// Its possible to cause deadlock if QueuePacket calls backm_Session->QueuePacket (new_pct);// 这里,向return 0;}else{sLog.outError ("WorldSocket::ProcessIncoming: Client not authed opcode = ", opcode);return -1;}}ACE_NOTREACHED (return 0);
  1. 这个类在封包后会调用ProcessIncoming这个方法,此时上线文还是在ACE_Reactor中唯一的一个读事件处理线程中,如果此处一阻塞所有的tcp的读就阻塞了。但是这里也处理了一个业务HandleAuthSession,这个处理登录的方法里面还有查询数据库等操作,有点费时间。但是如果登录数目不大的话,还可以理解。也可以理解这个操作是“十分重要”的,没有用户登录后面操作都没有任何意义。所以数目不大又重要的消息,直接在tcp线程中处理了。


  1. 为了提高系统性能,代码中并不够“面向对象”,很多地方switch case,甚至利用了一个不常用的方法例如通过函数指针调用类类方法。代码中很少有new delete操作。没有share_ptr智能指针,有部分使用auto_ptr。
  2. 对于游戏服务器,单机能支持5000连接已经不错,关键看在一个处理周期最长时间100ms是否能够处理全部的请求。
  3. IO操作单开线程,其他逻辑上处理单线程,减少线程切换、锁竞争开销,可以充分的利用cpu。设计到IO的地方不多,网络接收,这块ACE的Reactor都做好了,其次读写数据库需要一个线程,剩余大部分的操作都是逻辑操作。
  4. 在处理数据库操作的时候,有复杂的操作是放入单独的线程中处理的,简单的就在轮询线程中处理掉了。对于放入单独线程处理的地方,在更新完内存并放入数据库处理线程后就直接返回成功了。目前未看到处理失败的处理机制,看来mysql还是很靠谱的了。


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