android 流量消耗

It’s all too easy to stuff your Android phone or tablet to the gills with data and find yourself without room to install new apps or download new media. Today we’re taking a look at how to quickly assess what’s eating up all your disk space.

将您的Android手机或平板电脑塞满数据,发现自己没有空间安装新应用或下载新媒体,这太容易了。 今天,我们来看看如何快速评估正在消耗所有磁盘空间的内容。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Everytime I install an Android app, that little notification pops up at the bottom of the screen and tells me how much free space I have left. I’ve been watching it dwindle for months but never got around to investigating (or, for that matter, uninstalling anything). Last night I went to install a new app and it failed to install because there wasn’t enough room to install it. Ouch.

每次安装Android应用程序时,屏幕底部都会弹出一个小通知,告诉我还剩多少可用空间。 我一直在观察它的减少,但是从来没有去研究(或者就此卸载任何东西)。 昨晚我去安装一个新应用,但安装空间不足,导致安装失败。 哎哟。

What can I do? I know I could just blindly uninstall applications or remove media I have saved on the phone, but there has to be a more calculated way to go about it, right? Back in the day when computer HDD space was at a premium I remember using disk space visualizers to help me decide what directories to look at pruning. Is there such a thing for Android?

我能做什么? 我知道我可以盲目地卸载应用程序或删除我保存在手机上的媒体,但是必须有一种更合理的方法来解决,对吗? 在计算机硬盘空间非常珍贵的那一天,我记得使用磁盘空间可视化工具来帮助我确定要修剪的目录。 Android有这样的东西吗?



Droid Crunched


You’re definitely on the right path with the request for a disk space visualize as they’re quite handy for your needs. Before we dive into that, however, let’s look at the built-in disk space visualizer.

对磁盘空间的要求可视化,因此您的选择正确了,因为它们很方便满足您的需求。 但是,在深入探讨之前,让我们看一下内置磁盘空间可视化器。

If you navigate to Settings -> Storage you’ll see a simple breakdown of how your internal and external SD card space is divided.


This screen is the only practical way to visualize your storage consumption in Android and it’s fairly limited; you can’t drill down into the categories and see what in, say, “Audio” is chewing up all your disk space. The best feedback you’ll get here is a general sense of what category is consuming the most storage. Sometimes this is useful in the sense that you can easily glance over it and say, “OK, I need to clear out my ‘Downloads’ folder” or some simple solution. Oftentimes it leaves you wanting more information.

该屏幕是可视化Android中存储空间消耗的唯一实用方法,而且相当有限; 你不能钻到类别,看看有什么 ,比如说,“音频”咀嚼你所有的磁盘空间。 您将在这里获得的最佳反馈是对哪种类别消耗最多的存储空间的一般理解。 有时这很有用,因为您可以轻松浏览一下,然后说:“好,我需要清除“下载”文件夹”或一些简单的解决方案。 通常,它会让您需要更多信息。

That’s where the very handy and free app DiskUsage. It’s exactly like the kind of data visualizers you recall from your days of managing small Windows HDDs. Once you’ve installed the application you can fire it up and view your data. Upon first run it will prompt you to select which storage device you want to examine. Here’s what one of our phone’s rather full internal SD cards looked like:

那是非常方便和免费的应用程序DiskUsage的地方 。 就像您在管理小型Windows HDD的日子里回忆起的那种数据可视化工具一样。 安装该应用程序后,可以启动它并查看数据。 首次运行时,它将提示您选择要检查的存储设备。 这是我们手机一部相当完整的内部SD卡的外观:

Just by looking at the first display, we can see a huge amount of wasted space we can immediately clean up. The Dolphin Browser’s cache has swelled to 1.6GB, and various firmware files like Cyanogen Mod updates and the ClockworkMod installer take up a collective 3GB or so. Those files alone account for roughly one fourth of our total internal SD card storage use.

仅通过查看第一个显示,我们就可以看到大量浪费的空间,我们可以立即清理它们。 海豚浏览器的缓存已扩大到1.6GB,各种固件文件(如Cyanogen Mod更新和ClockworkMod安装程序)总共占用了3GB左右。 仅这些文件就占了我们内部SD卡存储总使用量的大约四分之一。

Even better yet (and unlike the built-in space analyzer) you can also use the same tool to browse your external SD card to get a sense of how you’ve filled up your add-on storage.


Once you’ve located the source of your disk-clogging woes you can mediate the situation. Oftentimes, it’s as simple as moving some media off your phone (like audiobooks you’re no longer using), other times you’ll need to cull through your apps or purge the cache files of apps like Dolphin Browser and Facebook that tend to eat up disk space. For additional advice on dealing with disk space and how to purge it, check out this How-To Geek School lesson.

找到磁盘阻塞问题的根源后,您可以进行调解。 通常,这很简单,例如将某些媒体从手机上移开(例如不再使用的有声读物),有时则需要清除应用程序或清除诸如Dolphin Browser和Facebook之类的容易吃掉的应用程序的缓存文件磁盘空间。 有关如何处理磁盘空间以及如何清除磁盘空间的其他建议,请参阅本方法入门课程 。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,我们将尽力答复。


android 流量消耗

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