
1.instead和instead of

instead 是副词,意为“不......而......”“作为替代”,但在汉语中常不译出。if Joe can't attend the meeting, I could go instend.
如果乔不能出席会议,我可以代他去。We walked down the stairs instead of' taking the lift
我们是走下楼梯的,而不是乘电梯。Give me the red pen inslead of' the blue one ,


**have to  需要
We have to express our thought by action .
我们要用行动表达我们的思想。**lay the foundations 意为“莫定基础”。
This laid the foundations for later modem economic growth .

3. long before和before long

I knew Smith long beforo I know you !
在认识你之前很久我就认识史密斯了It will not be long before you retire .

4.set out

set out 作不及物动词时,意为“出发”“启程”。Half an hour later I set out again on my journey .
半小时以后,我又启程赶路了set out 作“开始”“着手”“打算”“试图”解释时,后接动词不庭He failed in what he had sel out to do .
他没有做到自己原来想做的事。[注]set about 也有“着手”“打算”之意,但通常后接名词或动词OThey immediately set about repairing the machine .
他们立即动手修理这台机器。[注]set out 还有“列举”“详述”“装饰”“布置”之意。Darwin set out his theory in details in The Origin of Species .
PIt took them an hour to set out the room ready for the reception .

5. find oneself与turn out

fnd oneself...意思是“发现自己......”“不自觉地(来到某处)”He found himself walking in the direction of the zoo .
他发现自己不知不觉的在往动物园走。I found myself having more fun than I had had for years .
我发现自己比过去生活得有趣了。It's not the first time that you've found yourself in the situation.
你已不止一次地发现自己处于这种境地了。tum out 意为“结果”“原来(情况)是”,后面可跟形容词、名词、不定式或从句。
She was afraid things weren't going to turn out smooth for us .
她担心我们将来情况不会顺利。(结果)The person I spoke to turned out to be an Italian .
我找说话的那个人原来是意大利人。(原来)It turns out that he was never there .

6.board 利 aboard

[注]on board 可起介词的作用,后接表示交通工具的名词,后面再用其他的介词。He ran until he was on board a city bus .

7.wonder 的意思和用法

wonder about 意为“对··...·感到惊奇(不安)”
I often wonder about why she treated me like that.
我常常奇怪她为什么这样对待我。Do you often wonder about the future of the world?
你常为世界的未来感到不安吗?wonder 与 at 连用,表示“奇怪”“惊异”。
The failure to arrive at a common language on many problems is not to be
wondered at .
在很多问题上没有共同语言,是不足为奇的。wonder 可以用来比较委婉地提出请求。如:
**I wonder:不知道
I wonder whether you would mind doing me a favour.
不知道你能不能帮我一个忙。wonder 作“感到奇怪”“感到惊奇”解释时可直接跟不定式
I wondered to hear your voice. When did you get back?

8.begin with 的一些用法

begin with 的意思是“以·...··开始”。
The great man began with the second question .
那个伟人从第二个问题问起。begin with 可作“先(从某事做起)”解释。
Begin with this room and do the others afterwards .
先打扫这一间,然后再打扫其他几间。[注]**to begin wih 可以单独使用,意思是“首先”“第一点”。

9.desirc 的用法

desire 在本单元中作名词用,意为“渴望”“愿望”,后面可接不定式。
He fought a burning desire to break into the conversation .
他设法抑制住打断这段谈话的强烈欲望。desire 可作动词用,表示“期望(渴望)得到”。后面可跟名词、代词、不定式或从句。
We all desire happiness and health .
我们都希望获得幸福和健康。All he desired then was some spare time for study .
那时候他想要的只是有些空余时间能进行学习。**come at once 马上
He desires that you should come at once .


此处的 search 是名词,与介词 for 连用,意思与作动词时相同
I will make a search for your book , but I don't think I have got it.
我会找一下你的书,但我觉得我没有拿这本书。dream of 意为“渴望”“梦想"“梦见”,在口语中可用about代替
What does it mean if one dreams of mountains?
要是梦见大山那意味着什么呢?dream of 用在否定句中时,多表示“料想到”,“考虑到”,“想象”时,不能换用about。
I wouldn't dream of troubling you .
cure sb.of ones disease
Do you believe there is really some medicine which can cure you of your cold?
你相信真有什么药能治好你的感冒吗?cure 可引申为“纠正”“矫正”“消除”.
The shock of losing my purse cured me of my absent-mindedness.

11.throw light on

lhrow light on 意思是“使·....·清楚起来”“提供线索”,
也可以表达为cast light on , come to light或bring light  toThe new facts throw some light on the matter .
新的事实为此事件提供了---些线索。Let Mrs Danvers read the note . She may be able to throw light on it.
让丹弗斯太太看看那张字条,她也许会帮着弄清楚这件事的。But there was nothing to throw light on the connection between the two
men .
但没有什么东西使人了解这两人之间的关系。Her book throws new light on the poems .


1.unfold 原意为“展开”“打开”“摊开”
Mr Smith unfolded a newspaper and began to read it as he was waiting
for the train.
史密斯先生一面等车一面打开报纸阅读。2.unfold 还可引申为“展现”“呈现”
The beautiful scenery unfolded before us .
美丽的风景展现在我们面前。As the story unfolded itself, we became more and more exeited.
随着故事情节的展开,我们越来越激动。3.unfold 的反义词为 fold,原意是“对折”“合拢”交迭”
She folded the chair and put it against the wall.
她把椅子折好,靠在墙上。He stood there , his arm folded.
他站在那里,双臂交叉。4.fold 可引申为“笼罩”“包”
The mountain village was folded in the morning mist.


1.cause 可以作名词和动词,在本单元中作名词,作名词通常作“原因”“起因”解释,
What was the cause of this all?这一切起因何在?[注]cause 偶尔也可意为“理由”,这时是不可数名词,后或动词不定式。
There is no cause to be anxious.
没有理由感到不安。2.reason 主要作“理由”解释,是指逻辑推理方面的理由或解释某些已发生的事的理由,
后接 for 个词短语、不定式或从句。
She had every reason for thinking so.
她有充分的理由这样想These are our reasons for doing it.
这就是我们这样做的理由That's one of the reasons I asked you to come.


1.doubt 在本单元中作动词用,意为“怀疑”,在肯定句中,后whether引导的宾语从句
I doubt whether that was what he wanted.
I don't doubt that you are honest.
我确信你是诚实的。[注]doubt 作名词时,后面所跟的同位语从句也按上述规则:即在肯定句中,同位语从句用if
I have no doubt that we shall be able to do something for you .
我并不怀疑我们是能为你做点什么的。[注]no doubt 和 without (a) doubt 表示“毫无疑问”,可用作状语
He's the most attractive man in the building, no doubt about it .
他无疑是这幢楼里最吸引人的男子。[注]no doubt 还有 I think 或 I agree 之意
IDShe is no doubt pretty , but isn't beautiful.

15.of **


but 作介词时意为“除了”,与 except 同义,一般与 evory,any,no 以及这类复合
词如 evorywhere,ything, nothing,nobody 或疑同词等还用,而 cxcept则不
I've enten nothing but bread and cheese since Sunday.
自从星期目以来,除了面包和乳酪外,我别的什么东西也没吃。Everybody has anived but Simon and Virginia
除了西蒙和弗吉尼亚之外,别人都到了。It is nothing but a low peed engine .
这只不过是台低速发动机。Energy is nothing but the capaeity to do work .
能量不过是做功的能力。It is anything but a new type of machine .
This library can lend books to none but the teachers and students of our
这个图书信只能把书借给我校师生。从上述例句可以看出,but 与否定词连用,意为“只不过·.....!“仅仅”,而 but与anything连用时意
His English is anything but correct .
他的英语错误百出(原意:他的英语决不是正确的)。[注]but 后可以跟动同不定式,需要注意的是,若 bu 前的动词是do的各种形式,不定式应省去to,若其前的动词不是do,则to不可省去,请细读下列例句,理解这一规则。
He does nothing but think about it .
他什么也不做,只想这件事。There is nothing for it but to lay emphasis on its importance.
对于这件事只能强调其重要性。He had no choico but to wait .
他除了等待,别无选择。I couldn't do anything but just sit there and wait .
除了坐等之外,我毫无办法。They desire nothing but to enjoy the present moment .
他们只渴望今朝有酒今朝醉。[注]在 cannot but 后不定式不带to,亦即跟动词原形。
I cannot but laugh .
我不禁笑了起来。I could not but choose to go .
我不得不去。I cannot but take care of a pump .
我不得不看泵。[注]but for 意为“要不是”“若不是”,句中谓语用虚拟语气。如
But for air and water, nothing could live .
没有空气和水,什么都活不了。But for the rain , we would have had a nice holiday .
要是没下雨,我们的假日会过得很愉快。We would have no money but for their aid .
要没有他们的救济,我们本会身无分文。[注]but that 引出虚构的含有否定意思的假设从句,作“假如
But that he saw it, he could not have believed it .
要不是他亲眼看见,他早就不相信了。I would fail my exams but that the classmates help me with my lesson.


1.come up with

The young engineer came up with a new design .
那个年轻工程师提出一种新的设计方案。2.come up with 有“拿出”“筹措钱”之意
You have no choice but to come up with  18 , 000 .
你别无选择,必须拿出一万八千英镑。3.come up wit 亦可作“赶上”解。如:
Let's hurry up so that we may come up with them
咱们快些走,以便赶上他们。We shall have to work hard so as to come up with the other fimm.

2.benefit from/by

1.benefit from/by 意为“从·.....中得益”“得益于......”。如;
We can all benefit from his knowledge .
我们均可得益于他的知识。You benefit from what he told you in the letter
你会从他的信中受益。[注]benefit 可作为及物动词用,意为“有益于”。
The trade agreement will greatly benefit the developing countries.


1.百分数作主语时,即 percent 后有数时,应注意两点:一是 percent不能用复数形式;
二是谓语动词的单复数。如果 percent后的名词为单数,谓语动词用单数;其后的名词
About 70 percent of the surface of the earth is water
地球表面大约百分之七十是水。[注]percent 可作为副词用,在句中作状语。
I notice you don't say that you're a hundred percent convinced yourself.
我注意到你没有让你自己完全信服。[注]percent 也可作形容词用,在句中充当定语。
I paid him six percent interest .
我付给他百分之六的利息。[注]percentage 意为“百分比”,多与 of 连用。如果连用的名词是复数,后面的动词就用复数形式,
What percentage of his income is paid in income tax?


1.varied 是由动词 vary 变化而来的过去分词,在句中作定语或表语
They made varied efforts to bring about a peaceful solution of the problems.
他们做了种种努力来和平解决这些问题。They are rich in content and varied in style.
它们内容丰富、风格多样。He had had varied training and had held many offices.
Courses vary according to the needs of the students .
课程根据学生的需要而不同。People vary very much in their ideas .
人与人的想法差别是很大的。The answers given by different people vary greatly .
You should vary your diet.
你的饮食应经常变换花样。She varies her dress as fashion changes 她的衣着随潮流而变化。
[注]my充当及物动词时,可用现在分词作定语。如: vanying prices不断变化的价格。


1.species 意为“种”“类”。单复数同形,主要指生物学上有相同特征的动植物品种、种类。
Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not
adapt to a changing environment .
有一些动物已经灭绝了,因为它们不能适应环境的变化。[注]species 可用来表示“人类”。如:
OThe use of nuclear weapons is a horrible threat to the species .
核武器的使用对人类是一个严重的威胁。[注]species 在口语中表示“种类”,相当于 a kind,a type,a sort。
Various species of business advertisements on the television sometime
make TV programs rather dull .
电视上五花八门的商业广告有时使电视节 目十分乏味。A strange species of car attracted the attention of people .
[注]英语中还有 specie 这个词,不要把它误认为是 species 的单数
这是两个完全不同的词。species 意为“硬币”。


7.up to

His interests ranged from chess to surfing.
他的爱好从下棋到冲浪,无所不有。Their ages ranged from 25 to 50 .
他们的年龄在二十五岁到五十岁之间。2.range 后接介词 over 时表示“漫游”“涉及”“包括”。
We ranged over the hills and valleys .
我们在山上和山谷中漫游。Our conversation ranged over many topics .
我们的谈话涉及许多话题。[注]range 作“漫游”解释时,可作为及物动词用。如:
DHe spent the summer ranging the countryside .
他在乡间漫游,度过了夏天。3.**all the way 意为“一直”“始终”,也可以用 **to whole way。
8There being no bus , he had to walk all the way home .
没有公共汽车,他不得不一直步行到家。4.up to此处是与 mom 连用的。up to 单独使用时有“直到”“至多意。
It could be up to two years before the project is completed.
可能需要两年时间这项工程才能完成。She was here up to a few minutes apo .
她直到数分钟前还在这里。Our minibus can hold up to eight people .
我们的小车能容纳 8 人。5.[注]up to 有很多意思,常见的还有“忙于”“由-....·决定、负责”
What have you been up to all day while I' ve been busy?
我整天忙着的时候你在干什么?Go and see what these girls are up to.
去看看这些女孩子在于什么。It's up to you whether you decide to take the job .
要不要这份工作由你自己决定。lt's up to you to break the news to him.
该由你把这消息告诉他。6.[注]up to 还可作“及得上”“可以与-..-.-相比较”解。如:
This new book of Green's isn't up to his last .
格林的这本书不如上一本好。He is not up to his father as a scholar .



1.make up of 常用被动式,意为“由··...·所组成”。
**for instance 例如
Paper, for instance , is made up of transparent fibres .
例如纸就是由透明纤维构成的。2.make up 可作“弥补”“赔偿”“补足”解
This will make up for what he lasked in book knowledge.
这就可以补足他所缺少的书本知识。The new tencher made up for his ineaperience by careful preparation for
each lenson .
这位新教师每节课都认真准备,以此惊补自己的经验不足。3.make mp 亦可作“编选”“虚构”解
He asked ench of us to make up a dialogue .
他让我们每人编一段对话。4.make up 还有“和解”“言归于好”之意。如:
She told us about their quarrele and how they made up.
她给我们讲到了他们的争吵以及他们怎样又和好。When a quarrel has once been made up, the best thing is to forget it.
一场争吵和解后,最好是把它忘掉。They advised him to make things up with his wife.
他们劝他和变子盲归于好。5.make up 亦有“傲成”“创好”之意。如:
Then they made them up into tablets .
然后他们把它们制成了药。They made up their beds immediately after getting up .

10.break down

1.break down 是个常用词组,我们在高二上册同步讲解中已作过解释,但此处 break down作“分解”解。
Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances .
##人体里的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。The figures on living expenses must be broken down into food, shelter,
education , medical bills and so on .
His health broke down because he had strained himself too mu
work .
他因工作劳累过度而把身体搞垮了。Their plan has broken down .
他们的计划失败了。3.break down 可作“(机器等)坏了”解。如:
Then the car I was in broke down .
那时我乘坐的汽车坏了。When the pumps broke down, they would repair them for us
水泵坏了,他们就帮我们修。4.break down 有“中断”之意。如:
He broke down in the middle of his speech .
他讲到一半儿停了下来。That is how the talks broke down .
谈判就是那样中断的。5.break down 还“打破”“摧毁”“制服”之意。如:
We have broken down the resistence of the enemy.
我们已经打垮了敌人的顽抗。The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.

11 . take advantage of

1.take advantage of 意为“利用”“占便宜”。如:
They often took advantage of his lack of experience
他们常常利用他缺乏经验这个弱点。He took advantage of his friend's kindness.
他利用广他朋友的好心肠。He didn't want take unfair advantage .
他不底意占人便宜。Jone took adyanlage tothe lunch hour to fnish her homework .
珍和用个饭时闻完成家庭作业。OWe took advantage of ihe fne weather to air quilis .
我们腔好关气晾晒被褥。They took full advantape of the sahool's faoilidies
他们充分利用学校的设施。[注]take advantape of sb,查为“骗(提界)某人”“利用某人(的弱点。)
He's tking advantope of her pood nature .
他在利用她更性善良的弱点。She took advantape of' him even after they were divoreed .
即使在高婚后,她还在顺骗他。[注]take advantage of 查为“利用”而
have the adyantage of 则意为“胜过......”“对....具有优势”“具有·..的优点”。
He has the advantage of  me in experience .
他在经验方面胜过我。Cereals have the advantage of' being rich in iron .
take te opportunity , take , (one's ) time。He likes to lake his time over breakfast .
他喜欢不紧不慢地吃早饭。Some of' the soldierg took the opportunity the next day to go ashore .

12. add to和 add up to

The music added to our enjoyment of the film .
这部电影的音乐使我们更加喜欢这部电影。Every book you need will edd to your store of knonledze
你每读一本书就会增加一点儿知识。2.add up to意为“总数是”“加起来是”。
Their knowleige of how other people live doesn't add up to much.
他们关于别人生活情况的了解合在一起也没有多少。[注]add up to 还可用于引申意义,表示“意味着”“等于说”。
Your long answer just adds up to a refusal .
你这冗长的回答就等于是拒绝。She gave many ercuses , but what they added up to was that she did not
want to come.

13 . be sensitive to

1.be sensitive to 意为“对.....·敏感”。
Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light .
照相纸对光十分敏感。2.sensitive 有“神经质的”“神经过敏的”意思。如:
You really must stop being so sensitive about your accent .
Don't mention she's put on weight -- she's very sensitive about it.
不要说她胖了一-她对此非常敏感。3.sensitive 可引申为“善解人意的”。如;
He is very sensitive to his pupils’ need for encourgement and knows when
to praise them .
他非常理解学生对鼓励的需要,并知道何时表扬他们。4.[注]另一个词 eensible 和 sensitive一样都是形容词但意思不sensible
Why don't you do something sensible in your spare time?
咨为什么不在业余时间干些有意义的事情呢?You are sersible to take his aivice .
你听从随的动告 是明智的。

14.play a trick on

1.play a tick on 意为“提弄”"开玩笑”,也可以说 play sb.a tick
He plsyed her a bad trick by taking all her money.
他跟她开了个恶劣的玩笑,把她的钱全拿去了。it nerer occumed to me that they were plaving a trick on me .
我从未想到他们是在捉弄我。Thev played a thousand tricks on him.
他们千方百计地欺骗他。They are playing harmless tricks on one another.
他们正彼此毫无恶意地恶作剧。(play sb.a tick)2.call  in 作“我来”“请来”解,通常是指请医生或警察。如:
Call in a doctor at once.
马上把医生请来。He insisted that we should call in a expert at this point .
这时他坚决主张我们去请一位专家来。3.call in 可作“来访”“到···那里去”解。如:
He called in and told us that the machine had been badly damased.
他来告诉我们机器受到了严重损坏。I fcmed the habit of calling in on them in the evenings .
我每天晚上都到他们那里去,这已形成了习惯。4.call in 还有“收回”之意。如:
The librarinas has called in all the books
图书馆管理员把书都收回去了。5.[注]call in 作“来访”解时,可看作不及物动词,如表示“访问某人”
要说 call in on sb.。
Could you call in on Mum on your way home?
你能不能在回家的路上看看妈妈?I got into the habit of calling in on the bookstore on my way home.


1.creale 在本课中作“造成”“引起”解。如:
##That of course would create a tense situation in the area .
这自然会造成这个地区的紧张形势。##His speech created much ill will among the lower classes.
他的讲话在下层民众中引起极大反感。2.create 可作“创造”“创作”解。
Dickens created many wonderful characters in his works .
Then she filled everyone's cup with steaming tea .
然后她给大家斟上热腾腾的茶。The announcement flled her with excitement.
那项声明使她激动不已。[注]fill with 常用过去分词作表语或定语。
These days were filled with important and exciting events .
这些日子发生了许多重要的激动人心的事。The hall was at once filled with great joy .


1.provide 意为“提供”“借给”,通常用
“provide sb with sth"或
”provide sth.to /for sb,"
The sick were provided with blankets against cold.
给这些病人提供了御寒的毯子。[注]provide 与 against 连用。
They had already provided against the attack
他们已做好应付进攻的准备。We have to provide against accidents .
我们必须做好应付事故的准备。2.[注]provide 的过去分词可引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”“只要”。
You may keep the book a further week provided that no one else requiresit。
只要没有别人要这本书,你还可借一个星期。We'll visit Europe next year, provided we have the money .
如果我们有这笔钱,我们明年将去欧洲。[注]providing 也可引导条件状语从句。
You may go out providing you do your homework first.
只要你先把作业做好,你就可以出去。Providing ( that ) there is no oppositions , we shall hold the sports
meet here .


1.protect 意为“保护”,后接介词 from 或 against。
The eyelashes protect the eyes from dust and dirt
眼睫毛保护眼睛不让尘埃和脏东西进去。2.[注)动词 protect 表示“保护......免受......”,后用 fom 或 against可以,但对于较大的
事情如天灾等,介词一般用 against。较的事情用 from。
体会在protect 后用 from 和 against 的差别:
The tea plants must be protected against frost in winter
必须保护茶树在冬季不受霜冻。The insurance policy protects you against fire .



Take the fist turning on your right .
在第一个路口向右拐。Fortune smiled on his enterprise .
他的企业兴旺发达。Ellen is eating, her eves on her food.
海伦吃东西时两眼盯着食物。[注]on 作副词用时,也有“向前”之意。如:
##If you walk on , you'll come to the church .
如果你再向前走,就到教堂了。##If any letters come while you are away , shall I send them on?
如果你不在的时候有信来,我是不是要转寄给你?The two strolled on, arguing.
两人辩论着往前溜达。There's no use staying on .

2. treat  as

At that time in the southern states , blacks were not treated
as equal citizens.
那时在南方各州黑人不被当作平等的公民对待。1.动词 treat 与 as 或 like 连用,表示“把·-....当作.....·看待”。
Why do you treat the matter as a joke?
你为什么把这件事当作玩笑呢?she treated me as if I were a child .
她把我当作小孩看待。2.treat 可作“探讨”“处理”“讨论”解。
The novel treats the subjeet of justice.
这部小说的主题是正义。The theme of the play is skillfully treated .
这个剧的主题处理得很巧妙。3.treat 亦有“款待”“待客”之意。
[注]teat 作上述“款待”“待客”解释时,与介词 to 连用。
He treated his friends to a soda, and they treated him to a movie.
他请他的朋友们喝汽水,他们请他看电影。4.treat 与 of 连用时,表示“论述”“推论”。
[注]treat 还可作“治疗”解释,请参见《1 + 1 同步讲解》高二上册第228 页。
The report treats of the progress of cancer research .


1.section 为名词,在本课中意为“区”“地段”(a part of a place)。
The library has a section for teachers.


By doing this, he set an example to the rest sections of' the world.


1.本句中的表语从句中的动词用的是虚拟语气,当表示“要求"“建议”“命令”这类意义的名词作主语时,其后的名词性从句应该用虚拟语气,动词形式为“should + 动词原形”或直接用动词原形,这类名词常见的有
suggeslion,proposal,demand,request, order,requirement, advice, idea 等。
Sophia's idea was that they should lock up the home.
索菲娅的想法是把大门锁起来。Her suggestion was that they carry on their conversation in French.
她的建议是他们用法语对话。2.[注]下面是这类名词后的同位语从句,谓语动词也用“should + 动词原形”或直接用动词原形
They were faced with the demand that this tax ( should) be abolished.
他们面对着废除这个税的要求。the same...as...意为“和·.....相同的”,在这个结构中,as 为关系代词,引导定语从句,在从句中,as 可作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时,as 也不能省略。
[注]as作为关系代词代表前而生句的意思,和 which 代表主句的意思很相似,但 as 有“正如”的涵义,而which 没有。
Lincoln was killed in a thentro by an actor, an is dencribed in thin book正如这木书所描了的,林肯是在一家剧院里被一个演员谋养的。


where blnck peoplo hnd equnl rights nnd were free to live, study
and work as they wished .
**be free to do sth、意为”自由自在、不受拘束地做某事”。
You are hee to go or stay as you please .
去或留随你的便。Everyone is free to express himself.
每个人都可以畅所欲言。She is not free to marry because she has to look after her parents.
她不能结婚,因为她必须照顾双亲。She felt free when she left home and moved to the city .
他离开家乡到城市后感到无拘无束。The prisoner will be set free next week
那个囚犯在下周释放。2.free 还可解释为“免费的”,相当于 without payment of any kind,cost
Anyone who buys this breakfast food gets a free gift of a small
plastics toy .
购买这份早餐食物的人都可得到一件免费的塑料玩具。3.free 还可作“空闲的”“未被利用的”解。
##The doctor will be free in ten minutes. Can you wait that long?
医生十分钟后有空,你能等一下吗?4.free from/of 意为“不受·...··影响的”。
The old lady is never free from/of pain .
Don’t let the dog run free on the main road .
别让那条狗在大街上随便乱跑。Babies are allowed to travel frec on buses .
婴儿可免费乘公共汽车。Two of the screws in this old wooden door have worked themselves
The little boy freed the bird from its cage .
那小男孩把笼子里的鸟放了。I need to go out. Can you free me for an hour?
我需要出去一下,你能让我离开一小时吗?At last he freed himself from debt .
他终于还清了债务。7.[注]reely 也是副词,但与 free 作副词时解释不同。
freely 意为“地”“慷慨地”“坦率地”“自由地”。
##I freely admit that what I said just now was wrong .
我主动承认刚才我说的话错了。##He gives his time freely to help the school .
他用自己的大量时间来为学校办事。You can speak quite freely in front of me . I shan't tell anyone
what you say.
as they wished 中的 as 与讲解 5 中的 as 不同,在此用作连词,方式状语从句,
有关 as 的这种用法,请见本书第 11 单元讲解9。


act 在此处为名词,作“法案”解,常大写。
an Act of Parliament(美国)议院的法案
the Acts of Congress(美国)国会的法案The Congress has passed an Act forbidding the drug .
Last week the new government announced an Act of Grace


Police are still looking for the nuinder weapon .
警察们仍在寻找谋杀用的凶器There happened two murders this month in the tomn
这个镇上本周发生了两起凶杀案。One day , a man was murdered in the street .
有一天,一个人在街上被谋杀了。2.[注]请注意 murder 与 kill 的区别,kill 是个普通的词,意为“造任何生物)死亡”,
其主语可以是人,也可以是物或大自然,而murder 的意思是“谋杀”,是有目的、有预谋的行为。
The cold weather killed our tornato plants
寒冷的天气冻坏了我们种的西红柿She was sent to prison for murdering her husband .
她因谋杀丈夫而被关进监狱。3.murder 还可作“因缺乏技术或知识而损毁”解。
He murdered a piece cf music .
他把一支曲子演奏得不成样了。Do you ever murder the English language!
你有没有胡乱使用英语?It's a beautiful song, but they murdered it .
这首歌很动听,但他们唱砸了。4.[注]murder 在非正式用法中,可解释为“极艰难的事”
**At last 最后,终于
##At last I repaired the clock , but it was munder getting
the pieces back in .

9.fit  in

1.fit in 意为“(使)适合”“配合”,常与 with 连用。
The home fits in beautifully with its surroundings .
这房子同它周围的环境非常协调。The piece of evidence does not fit in with that of the other witness.
这一证据同另一证人提供的不一致。2.fit in可作“安排时间或地方”解。
Sony. I can't fit in any more callers this morning .
对不起,今天上午我不能再接待更多的来访者了。I think one can fit in an additional room behind the kitchen.

10.part in

1.in part 意为“在某种程度上”“部分地”。
This was in part due to the financial difficulties .
这部分上是由于财政困难造成的。The house has been painted in part.
这房子只是部分粉刷了。2.[注]in part 相当于 partly,上述 in 可以用 partly 替换。
Perhaps you are partly right .
或许你圯祷鹊顺徘侩¥罢一部分是对的。[注]注意 in part 与 in parts 的区别:后者作“分次”“分册”“有些分”解,
例如 novel in three parts 一本分为三部的小说

11 be well-known for, be well-known as 及 famous 的异同

be well known for 和 be well known as 都有“以......而著称”之意,但者表示主
Martin Luter king was well-known for fighting for equal right for
blacks .
马丁·路德金以为黑人的平等权利战斗而著称。Martin Luter king was well-known as a freedom fighter.
马丁·路德金以一名自由战上而著称。[注]well-known 的近义词是 famous。 famous 是个普通词,使用最广泛,多用于褒义。侧重好名声,
语义比 well-known 强;读上面的几个例句中 well-know 可用 famous替代。well-know
通常与名声好坏无关,也表示“广为人知”。下面的句子中,well-known 不能用 famous 替代。It is well-known that bamboo shoot is a panda's main food .
众所周知竹笋是熊猫的主食。It's a well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.

12.再谈“be+ of+ 名词”

1.关于“be + of +名词”,我们在 1+1 高二上册已作过分析,这里我们从另一角度来阐述一下。
介词 of 在这里表人或物的特征这是 of 的一种最常见的用法,只不过在这里是用在 be
That's one true act of friendship .
这是一个真正的友好行动。(定语)The act is of true friendship .
这个行动是真正友好的。(表语)The mantger is of the same opinion .


1.well 此处为副词,表示程度常用来修饰介词短语。
It's well past six o'clock . Let's hurry .
六点多了,快点吧。2.##well 表示程度时,也可修饰部分形容词或副词。
He's well advanced in his years.
They were well down in front.
The wheat is well forwaid now.小麦已经长得相当高了
The Glm is well worth seeing. 这电影很值得一看。

14 . start with

1.start with 意为“以·..·.·开始”“从·....·着手”“开头有”。
His illness started with a slight cough .
他的病开始时只是轻微的咳嗽。2.stat with 可作“开始时”“首先”解释,这时常作插入语。
You have no right to raise this question , to start with
首先,你们无权提这个问题。3.[注]to start with 也可作状语
They paid him only five dollars a week to slart with.

15.ask for

1.ask for 在此处作“要求得到”“需要”解。如:
The employees asked for an increase in their pay.
员工们要求提高工资。Everything that was asked for has now been sent
所要的东西现在全送去了。2.ask for 有“求见”“找(某)人”之意。
He is not the man you are asking for.
他不是你要找的人。Just now sorneone asked for you on the phone。
刚才有人打电话找你。3.**ask sb.for sth.有“向某人要某物”之意。
They asked us for our impressions of the fair.

16.in common

in common意为“共用”“共有”“共同"(如要表示“与..-.共有(用)”,后接介词with等)。
Freedom fighters in history had something in common, that is thfought
for freedom of most people , not few .
历史上的自由战士有共同点,那就是他们为大多数人的自由斗争,不是为少数人。(共同)The swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the town.
这个游泳池供镇上所有的孩子共同使用。(共用)In common with most Italian lakes , access to' the shores of Orta is re
stricted .
和大多数的意大利湖一样,进人奥培湖泊受到限制。He had little in common with his little sister .

17. give voice to

1.give voice to 意为“提出(意见)”“吐露(感情)”。
Dnly Jack dared to give voice to his discontent.
只有杰克敢于表达他的不满。2.有关 voice 的词组很多,常见的有 :
raise one's voice         放大声音讲话
with one voice            异口同声地,
at the top of one's voice 高声地,
lose one voice            发不出声音,
keep one’s voice dow      说话声要小一点等等I don't want to have to raise my voice to you again .
我不想再对你大声嚷嚷。Keep your voice down, and don't wake up the sleeping child .
声音小一点,不要吵醒熟睡的小孩。 With one voice, they agreed to go on strike.
他们一致同意继续罢工。He gave lessons at the top of his voice.
他放开嗓门讲课。I've got a bad cold, and I've lost my voice.


1.set fit

1.set fit意力“以为正确,合适”“愿意”“决定”,如要表示“认为做某事合适”,应在 see fit

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