1. 选词填空

1.open, until表示直到 … ,在前面一句的动作发生之前
3.am making
4.leaves 一般现在时表将来

5.write 6.get 7.am 8.stops

9.go 10.arrive 11.is finished

2. 选词填空

1.will give 2.gets 3.travels

4.will help 5.starts 6.will tell 7.looks after 8.will look

9.finds 10.come 11.will get

3. 填空训练

1.will phone, arrive 2.will have, go 3.will wait, arrives 4.come wiil, be 5.wiil be , goes 6.get, will cook

7.will send, receive 8.will be, are 9.go, will take 10.stops, will go 11.will have, gets up

12.have, will write 13.Will you stay, takes 14.arrive, will phone 15.get 16.will see, am 17.will open, stops

18.brings 19.will wait, have 20.finish, will have 21.will be, get

4. 造句训练


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