Linkin Park - The Catalyst

God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人
We're a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人
And it can't be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗
It can't be outdone      永远没有结束
It can't be outmatched   永远无法停止较量
It can't be outrun       永远无法停下脚步
No                          no
God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人
We're a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人
And it can't be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗
It can't be outdone      永远没有结束
It can't be outmatched   永远无法停止较量
It can't be outrun       永远无法停下脚步
No                          no

And when I close my eyes tonight 当我今夜在无数的炫目的光线中闭上眼睛
To symphonies of blinding light
(God bless us every one / we're a broken people living under loaded gun)
Oh / like memories in cold decay 好像记忆彻底的腐朽了
Transmissions echoing away     传送的信息回荡着散开
Far from the world of you and I远离我们所在的世界
Where oceans bleed into the sky去到大海渗入天空的地方

God save us every one  上帝拯救我们每一个人
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns 我们会在一千个太阳的火焰中被焚烧吗
For the sins of our hand 因为我们手上肮脏的罪恶
The sins of our tongue   那源自我们语言中的罪恶
The sins of our father   那来自我们父辈的罪恶
The sins of our young    那来自下一代的罪恶
No                       no
God save us every one  上帝拯救我们每一个人
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns 我们会在一千个太阳的火焰中被焚烧吗
For the sins of our hand 因为我们手上肮脏的罪恶
The sins of our tongue   那源自我们语言中的罪恶
The sins of our father   那来自我们父辈的罪恶
The sins of our young    那来自下一代的罪恶
No                       no

And when I close my eyes tonight当我今夜在无数的炫目的光线中闭上眼睛
To symphonies of blinding light
(God save us every one上帝拯救我们每一个人 /
will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns我们会在一千个太阳的火焰中被焚烧吗)
Oh / like memories in cold decay好像记忆彻底的腐朽了
Transmissions echoing away传送的信息回荡着散开
Far from the world of you and I远离我们所在的世界
Where oceans bleed into the sky去到大海渗入天空的地方

Oh / like memories in cold decay 好像记忆彻底的腐朽了
Transmissions echoing away     传送的信息回荡着散开
Far from the world of you and I远离我们所在的世界
Where oceans bleed into the sky去到大海渗入天空的地方

Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
Lift me up, let me go 带我走 让我走
God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人
We're a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人
And it can't be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗
It can't be outdone      永远没有结束
It can't be outmatched   永远无法停止较量
It can't be outrun       永远无法停下脚步
No                          no
God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人
We're a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人
And it can't be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗
It can't be outdone      永远没有结束
It can't be outmatched   永远无法停止较量
It can't be outrun       永远无法停下脚步

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