Deque with iterator实现细节

deque采用一块所谓的map(注意,不是STL的map容器)作为主控。这里所谓map是一小块连续空间,其中每个元素(此处称为一个节点,node)都是指针,指向另一段(较大的)连续线性空间,称为缓冲区。缓冲区才是deque的储存空间主体。SGI STL 允许我们指定缓冲区大小,默认值0表示将使用512 bytes 缓冲区。



//  Deque.h
//  deque
//  Created by 颜泽鑫 on 6/3/16.
//  Copyright © 2016 颜泽鑫. All rights reserved.
///*template <typename T>  // template declaration.class DequeIterator {public:typedef DequeIterator              iterator;typedef DequeIterator              const_iterator;typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;// iterator tag.typedef T                          value_type;typedef T*                         pointer;typedef T&                         reference;typedef size_t                     size_type;typedef ptrdiff_t                  difference_type;typedef T**                        map_pointer;typedef DequeIterator              self;T* cur;// pointer, pointing to the current element.T* first;// pointer, pointing to the first element in current buffer.T* last;// pointer, pointing to the last element in current buffer.map_pointer node;// pointer, pointing to the buffer.public:  // constructorDequeIterator(Tx x, map_pointer y);DequeIterator();DequeIterator(const iterator& x);public:// basic operationreference operator*() const;reference operator->() const;void set_node(map_pointer new_node);difference_type operator-(const self& x) const;// logic operationbool operator==(const self& x);bool operator!=(const self& x);bool operator<(const self& x);// random accessself& operator++();self operator++(int);self& operator--();self operator--(int);self& operator+=(difference_type n);self& operator-=(difference_type n);self operator+(difference_type n) const;self operator-(difference_type n) const;reference operator[](differece_type n) const;*/#ifndef DequeIterator_
#define DequeIterator_
#include <iostream>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
using namespace std;
namespace Deque {template <typename T>class DequeIterator {public:typedef DequeIterator iterator;typedef const DequeIterator const_iterator;typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;// iterator tag.typedef T value_type;typedef T* pointer;typedef T& reference;typedef size_t size_type;typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;typedef T** map_pointer;typedef DequeIterator self;T* cur;    // pointer, pointing to the current element.T* first;  // pointer, pointing to the first element in current buffer.T* last;   // pointer, pointing to the last element in current buffer.map_pointer node;  // pointer, pointing to the buffer.static size_t buffer_size() { return BUFFER_SIZE; }DequeIterator(T* x, map_pointer y): cur(x), first(*y), last(*y + buffer_size()), node(y) {}DequeIterator() : cur(0), first(0), last(0), node(0) {}DequeIterator(const iterator& x): cur(x.cur), first(x.first), last(x.last), node(x.node) {}// return *current;定义解引用操作reference operator*() const { return *cur; }// return current;定义箭头操作符reference operator->() const { return cur; }// 判断两个迭代器是否相等bool operator==(const self& x) const { return cur == x.cur; }// 判断两个迭代器是否不相等bool operator!=(const self& x) const { return !(*this == x); }// 先比较map的node,在比较curbool operator<(const self& x) const {return (node == x.node) ? (cur < x.cur) : (node < x.node);}// 将当前的迭代器设置为new_node,主要是设置node、first、last属性的值void set_node(map_pointer new_node) {node = new_node;first = *new_node;last = first + buffer_size();}difference_type operator-(const self& x) const {return difference_type(buffer_size()) * (node - x.node - 1) +(cur - first) + (x.last - x.cur);}/***  Preincrement ++*  @return *this*/self& operator++() {++cur;if (cur == last) {set_node(node + 1);cur = first;}return *this;}/***  Postincrement ++*  @param int just for placement.*  @return temporary value*/self operator++(int) {self temp = *this;++*this;return temp;}/***  Predecrement*  @return *this*/self& operator--() {if (cur == first) {set_node(node - 1);cur = last;}--cur;return *this;}/***  Postdecrement --*  @param int just for placement*  @return temporary value*/self operator--(int) {self temp = *this;--*this;return temp;}/***  define increment for n steps*  inorder to realize random access*  @param n steps*  @return *this*/self& operator+=(difference_type n) {difference_type offset = n + (cur - first);if (offset >= 0 && offset < difference_type(buffer_size())) {cur += n;// The destination is in the same buffer.} else {// The destination is in the different buffer.difference_type node_offset =offset > 0 ? offset / difference_type(buffer_size()): -difference_type((-offset - 1) / buffer_size()) - 1;// transfer to the right buffer nodeset_node(node + node_offset);// transfer to the right nodecur = first + (offset - node_offset * difference_type(buffer_size()));}return *this;}//  The same as the += and we change the n to negative.self& operator-=(difference_type n) { return * this += -n; }/***  increment n step but to get temporary object.*  @param n steps*  @return temporary object.*/self operator+(difference_type n) const {self tmp = *this;//  call += operation.return tmp += n;}// The same as the += version and we change the n to negative.self operator-(difference_type n) const {self tmp = *this;return tmp -= n;}/***  subscript operation*  random access*  @param n steps*  @return reference of object value.*/reference operator[](difference_type n) const { return *(*this + n); }};
#endif /* DequeIterator *//*#include <new>#define MAP_SIZE 20template <typename T>class deque {public:typedef T value_type;typedef value_type* pointer;typedef value_type& reference;typedef size_t size_type;typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;typedef allocator<value_type> d_allocator;typedef allocator<pointer> m_allocator;typedef DequeIterator<T> iterator;typedef pointer* map_pointer;m_allocator map_allocator;d_allocator data_allocator;protected:static size_type buffer_size();static size_type initial_map_size();size_type max_size() const;protected:  // memeory operationpointer allocate_node();void deallocate_node(pointer n);void create_map_and_nodes(size_type num_elements);void reallocate_map(size_type nodes_to_add, bool add_at_front);void destroy_map_and_nodes();void reserve_map_at_back(size_type nodes_to_add = 1);void reserve_map_at_front(size_type nodes_to_add = 1);protected:iterator start;iterator finish;map_pointer map;size_type map_size;public:deque();~deque();iterator begin();iterator end();reference front();reference back();reference operator[](size_type n);size_type size() const;bool empty() const;public:// elements operationvoid push_back(const value_type& value);void push_back_aux(const value_type& value);void push_front(const value_type& value);void push_front_aux(const value_type& value);void pop_back();void pop_front();void pop_back_aux();void pop_front_aux();void insert(iterator pos, const value_type& value = value_type());void insert_aux(iterator pos, const value_type& value);iterator erase(iterator pos);iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);void clear();};*/#ifndef Deque
#define Deque
#include <new>
#define MAP_SIZE 20// we set the size of map is 20template <typename T>class deque {public:typedef T value_type;typedef value_type* pointer;typedef value_type& reference;typedef size_t size_type;typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;typedef allocator<value_type> d_allocator;typedef allocator<pointer> m_allocator;typedef DequeIterator<T> iterator;typedef pointer* map_pointer;m_allocator map_allocator;d_allocator data_allocator;protected:static size_type buffer_size() { return size_t(BUFFER_SIZE); }static size_type initial_map_size() { return 8; }size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }// The functions are used to allocate and deallocate memory./***  allocate memory for node.*  @return pointer with memory.*/pointer allocate_node() { return data_allocator.allocate(buffer_size()); }/***  deallocate memory of node.*  @param n pointer of node.*/void deallocate_node(pointer n) {data_allocator.deallocate(n, buffer_size());}/***  create map and node for deque*  @param num_elements the number of elements*/void create_map_and_nodes(size_type num_elements) {size_type num_nodes = num_elements / BUFFER_SIZE + 1;map_size = max(initial_map_size(), num_nodes + 2);//  begin and last will be allocate more memory//  to save time for inserting elements in = map_allocator.allocate(map_size);//  set start and finish node in the middle of map.map_pointer nstart = map + (map_size - num_nodes) / 2;map_pointer nfinish = nstart + num_nodes - 1;for (map_pointer cur = nstart; cur <= nfinish; cur++) {*cur = allocate_node();}start.set_node(nstart);finish.set_node(nfinish);start.cur = start.first;finish.cur = finish.first + num_elements % BUFFER_SIZE;}/***  reallocate map to reallocate nodes for map.*  @param nodes_to_add The number of nodes to add.*  @param add_at_front Add front or add back.*/void reallocate_map(size_type nodes_to_add, bool add_at_front) {size_type old_num_nodes = finish.node - start.node + 1;size_type new_num_nodes = old_num_nodes + nodes_to_add;map_pointer new_nstart;if (map_size > 2 * new_num_nodes) {//  to balance map size.//  just to avoid map size being off balance.new_nstart = map + (map_size - new_num_nodes) / 2 +(add_at_front ? nodes_to_add : 0);if (new_nstart < start.node)copy(start.node, finish.node + 1, new_nstart);elsecopy_backward(start.node, finish.node + 1, new_nstart + old_num_nodes);} else {size_type new_map_size = map_size + max(map_size, nodes_to_add) + 2;//  allocate new memory for new map.map_pointer new_map = map_allocator.allocate(new_map_size);new_nstart = new_map + (new_map_size - new_num_nodes) / 2 +(add_at_front ? nodes_to_add : 0);//  copy original map.copy(start.node, finish.node + 1, new_nstart);//  reallocate original map.map_allocator.deallocate(map, map_size);//  set new map and corresponding = new_map;map_size = new_map_size;}//  reset start and finish node.start.set_node(new_nstart);finish.set_node(new_nstart + old_num_nodes - 1);}protected:iterator start;iterator finish;map_pointer map;size_type map_size;public:/***  default constructor*/deque() : start(), finish(), map(0) { create_map_and_nodes(0); }/***  deconstructor*/~deque() {for (map_pointer node = start.node; node <= finish.node; ++node) {//  free memory of buffer.delete *node;}destroy_map_and_nodes();}/***  reallocate map memory.*/void destroy_map_and_nodes() { map_allocator.deallocate(map, map_size); }iterator begin() { return start; }iterator end() { return finish; }reference front() { return *start; }reference back() {iterator temp = finish;--temp;return *temp;}/***  random access to get reference of element.*  @param n steps*  @return reference of elements.*/reference operator[](size_type n) { return start[difference_type(n)]; }size_type size() const { return finish - start; }bool empty() const { return finish == start; }/***  insert value in the back of deque.*  @param t value.*/void push_back(const value_type& t) {//  check if there is the enough memory to insert elementif (finish.cur != finish.last - 1) {data_allocator.construct(finish.cur, t);//  directly constructor.++finish.cur;//  adjust the finish map iterator.} else {//  the special push back version.push_back_aux(t);}}/***  the speacial version of push_back.*  @param t value.*/void push_back_aux(const value_type& t) {value_type t_copy = t;reserve_map_at_back();*(finish.node + 1) = allocate_node();//  allocate new node buffer.map_allocator.construct(finish.cur, t_copy);//  constructe.finish.set_node(finish.node + 1);//  change finish iterator to point to new node.finish.cur = finish.first;//  set finish state.}/***  reserve map at back.*  @param nodes_to_add the number of nodes to add.*/void reserve_map_at_back(size_type nodes_to_add = 1) {if (nodes_to_add > map_size - (finish.node - map) - 1)//  if the size of back deque//  reallocate map at back.reallocate_map(nodes_to_add, false);}/***  insert elements in the front of deque.*  @param t value.*/void push_front(const value_type& t) {if (start.cur != start.first) {//  check if there is enough memory to allocate new element.data_allocator.construct(start.cur - 1, t);--start.cur;} else//  if there isn't enough memory to insert new element//  call the special push front version.push_front_aux(t);}/***  the special version of push front.*  @param t value*/void push_front_aux(const value_type& t) {value_type t_copy = t;reserve_map_at_front();*(start.node - 1) = allocate_node();start.set_node(start.node - 1);start.cur = start.last - 1;data_allocator.construct(start.cur, t_copy);}void reserve_map_at_front(size_type nodes_to_add = 1) {if (nodes_to_add > start.node - map) reallocate_map(nodes_to_add, true);}/***  erase the back element of the deque.*/void pop_back() {if (!empty()) {if (finish.cur != finish.first) {data_allocator.destroy(finish.cur);--finish.cur;} elsepop_back_aux();}}/***  the special version of pop back.*/void pop_back_aux() {deallocate_node(finish.first);  // reallocate tha last buffer.finish.set_node(finish.node - 1);finish.cur = finish.last - 1;data_allocator.destroy(finish.cur);  // deconstructor element}/***  erase the front element*/void pop_front() {if (!empty()) {if (start.cur != start.last - 1) {data_allocator.destroy(start.cur);++start.cur;} elsepop_front_aux();}}void pop_front_aux() {data_allocator.destroy(start.cur);deallocate_node(start.first);  //  free the first map iterator.start.set_node(start.node + 1);start.cur = start.first;}/***  random insert elements*  @param position iterator of random position.*  @param value*  @return iterator.*/iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& value = value_type()) {if (position == start) {push_front(value);return start;} else if (position == finish) {push_front(value);return finish;} else {return insert_aux(position, value);}}/***  speacial version of insert*  @param pos random position.*  @param x   value*  @return iterator of new element*/iterator insert_aux(iterator pos, const value_type& x) {difference_type index = pos - start;  // 插入点之前的元素个数value_type x_copy = x;if (index < size() / 2)  // 如果插入点之前的元素个数比较少{push_front(front());  // 在最前端加入与第一元素同值的元素iterator front1 = start;  // 以下标示记号,然后进行元素移动++front1;iterator front2 = front1;++front2;pos = start + index;iterator pos1 = pos;++pos1;copy(front2, pos1, front1);  // 元素移动} else                         // 插入点之后的元素个数比较少{push_back(back());  // 在最尾端加入与最后元素同值的元素iterator back1 = finish;  // 以下标示记号,然后进行元素移动--back1;iterator back2 = back1;--back2;pos = start + index;copy_backward(pos, back2, back1);  // 元素移动}*pos = x_copy;  // 在插入点上设定新值return pos;}/***  erase elements at random position.*  @param pos position*  @return the next element's iterator.*/iterator erase(iterator pos) {iterator next = pos;++next;difference_type index = pos - start;//  check operate at which side will cost less price.if (index < (size() >> 1)) {copy_backward(start, pos, next);pop_front();} else {copy(next, finish, pos);pop_back();}return start + index;}/***  erase elements at random position*  between first iterator and last iterator.*  @param first start position*  @param last  finish position*  @return the next element's iterator.*/iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) {if (first == start && last == finish) {//  if erasing the whole deque.//  just clear.clear();return finish;} else {difference_type n = last - first;difference_type elems_before = first - start;if (elems_before < (size() - n) / 2) {copy_backward(start, first, last);  // 向后移动前方元素(覆盖清除区间)iterator new_start = start + n;  // 标记deque的新起点destroy(start, new_start);  // 移动完毕,将冗余的元素析构// 以下将冗余的缓冲区释放for (map_pointer cur = start.node; cur < new_start.node; ++cur)data_allocator.deallocate(*cur, buffer_size());start = new_start;  // 设定deque的新起点} else                // 如果清除区间后方的元素个数比较少{copy(last, finish, first);  // 向前移动后方元素(覆盖清除区间)iterator new_finish = finish - n;  // 标记deque的新尾点destroy(new_finish, finish);  // 移动完毕,将冗余的元素析构// 以下将冗余的缓冲区释放for (map_pointer cur = new_finish.node + 1; cur <= finish.node; ++cur)data_allocator.deallocate(*cur, buffer_size());finish = new_finish;  // 设定deque的新尾点}return start + elems_before;}}/***  clear every element in the deque.*/void clear() {// 以下针对头尾以外的每一个缓冲区for (map_pointer node = start.node + 1; node < finish.node; ++node) {// 将缓冲区内的所有元素析构for (int i = 0; i != buffer_size() + 1; i++) {data_allocator.destroy(*node + i);}// 释放缓冲区内存data_allocator.deallocate(*node, buffer_size());}if (start.node != finish.node)  // 至少有头尾两个缓冲区{for (auto iter = start.cur; iter != start.last; iter++) {data_allocator.destroy(iter);}for (auto iter = finish.first; iter != finish.cur; iter++) {data_allocator.destroy(iter);}// 以下释放尾缓冲区。注意:头缓冲区保留data_allocator.deallocate(finish.first, buffer_size());} else  // 只有一个缓冲区for (auto iter = start.cur; iter != finish.cur; iter++) {data_allocator.destroy(iter);  // 将此唯一缓冲区内的所有元素析构}// 注意:并不释放缓冲区空间,这唯一的缓冲区将保留finish = start;  // 调整状态}};
#endif /* Deque_h */
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#include <iostream>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <deque>
#include "Deque.h"
using namespace std;
deque<int> deq_standard;
Deque::deque<int> deq_test;TEST(TestOperation, Test_push_back) {int n;cout << "input a random number" << endl;cin >> n;for (int i = 0; i != n; i++) {deq_standard.push_back(i);deq_test.push_back(i);}EXPECT_EQ(deq_standard, deq_test);
TEST(TestOperation, Test_push_front) {int n;cout << "input a random number" << endl;cin >> n;for (int i = 0; i != n; i++) {deq_standard.push_front(i);deq_test.push_front(i);}EXPECT_EQ(deq_standard, deq_test);
}TEST(TestOperation, Test_insert) {deq_test.insert(deq_test.begin(), 3);deq_standard.insert(deq_standard.begin(), 3);deq_test.insert(deq_test.end(), 4);deq_standard.insert(deq_standard.end(), 4);Deque::deque<int>::iterator iter_t = deq_test.begin();deque<int>::iterator iter_s = deq_standard.begin();iter_t += 3;iter_s += 3;deq_test.insert(iter_t, 10);deq_standard.insert(iter_s, 10);EXPECT_EQ(deq_standard, deq_test);
TEST(TestOperation, Test_erase) {Deque::deque<int>::iterator iter_t = deq_test.begin();deque<int>::iterator iter_s = deq_standard.begin();iter_t += 6;iter_s += 6;deq_test.erase(iter_t);deq_standard.erase(iter_s);EXPECT_EQ(deq_standard, deq_test);
TEST(TestOperation, Test_clear) {deq_standard.clear();deq_test.clear();EXPECT_EQ(deq_standard, deq_test);
TEST(Test_all, test_all) {int m, n;cout << "input two random number" << endl;cin >> m >> n;for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {deq_standard.push_front(i);deq_test.push_front(i);}EXPECT_EQ(deq_standard, deq_test);EXPECT_EQ(deq_standard.size(), deq_test.size());EXPECT_EQ(deq_standard[0], deq_test[0]);deque<int>::iterator tmp1 = deq_standard.begin();deque<int>::iterator tmp2 = tmp1;Deque::deque<int>::iterator tmp1_t = deq_test.begin();Deque::deque<int>::iterator tmp2_t = tmp1_t;tmp2 = tmp2 + 5;tmp2_t = tmp2_t + 5;EXPECT_EQ(*(tmp2++), *(tmp2_t++));++tmp2;++tmp2_t;EXPECT_EQ(*(tmp2++), *(tmp2_t++));tmp2 = tmp2 - 2;tmp2_t = tmp2_t - 2;EXPECT_EQ(*(tmp2++), *(tmp2_t++));tmp2 += 25;tmp2_t += 25;EXPECT_EQ(*(tmp2--), *(tmp2_t--));--tmp2;tmp2 -= 13;--tmp2_t;tmp2_t -= 13;EXPECT_EQ(*tmp2, *tmp2_t);EXPECT_EQ(tmp1[0], tmp1_t[0]);EXPECT_EQ(tmp1[8], tmp1_t[8]);EXPECT_EQ(tmp1[23], tmp1_t[23]);EXPECT_EQ(tmp2[-3], tmp2_t[-3]);
}int main(int argc, char **argv) {printf("Running main() from\n");testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
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[C++]Deque with iterator实现细节相关推荐

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  3. STL系列之一 deque双向队列

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  4. 【C++ STL学习笔记】C++ STL序列式容器(array,vector,deque,list)

    文章目录 C++ STL容器是什么? 迭代器是什么,C++ STL迭代器(iterator)用法详解 迭代器类别 迭代器的定义方式 C++序列式容器(STL序列式容器)是什么 容器中常见的函数成员 C ...

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  6. C++/C++11中std::deque的使用

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  7. C++_STL——deque and vector

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  8. C++知识点24——使用C++标准库(顺序容器deque的初始化,赋值,访问,添加,删除,交换与迭代器失效)

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