Google Reveals Its AI-Powered Search Engine to Keep Up With Competition

The world's dominant search engine is following in Microsoft Bing's footsteps with an attempt to make complicated searches faster and easier.

Stephen Shanklandprincipal writer
Stephen Shankland has been a reporter at CNET since 1998 and writes about processors, digital photography, AI, quantum computing, computer science, materials science, supercomputers, drones, browsers, 3D printing, USB, and new computing technology in general. He has a soft spot in his heart for standards groups and I/O interfaces. His first big scoop was about radioactive cat poop.
Stephen Shankland自1998年以来一直是CNET的记者,撰写有关处理器,数码摄影,AI,量子计算,计算机科学,材料科学,超级计算机,无人机,浏览器,3D打印,USB和新计算技术的文章。他对标准组和 I/O 接口情有独钟。他的第一个大独家新闻是关于放射性猫屎的。
Expertiseprocessors, semiconductors, web browsers, quantum computing, supercomputers, AI, 3D printing, drones, computer science, physics, programming, materials science, USB, UWB, Android, digital photography, science
处理器, 半导体, 网络浏览器, 量子计算, 超级计算机, AI, 3D打印, 无人机, 计算机科学, 物理, 编程, 材料科学, USB, UWB, 安卓, 数码摄影, 科学Credentials

  • I've been covering the technology industry for 24 years and was a science writer for five years before that. I've got deep expertise in microprocessors, digital photography, computer hardware and software, internet standards, web technology, and other dee

Google is building a generative AI feature into its search engine.


Microsoft beat Google to the punch with a search engine bolstered by the latest AI technologies. On Wednesday, Google revealed how it's fighting back with artificial intelligence that provides elaborate answers to what you're asking about.

At its Google I/O developer conference, the company will open a waitlist for people in the US to start testing the AI-augmented version of its dominant search in Google's Chrome browser or mobile app. The technology is called Search Generative Experience, or SGE.
在其Google I / O开发者大会上,该公司将为美国人开放一个候补名单,以开始在谷歌的Chrome浏览器或移动应用程序中测试其主导搜索的AI增强版本。该技术称为搜索生成体验(SGE)。

Google already uses AI techniques for many search functions, including understanding your search query and assessing the most relevant results. New abilities like large language models and generative AI, though, dramatically expand what's possible with the ability to package information into text written on the fly, which is what SGE tries to accomplish.

"These new generative AI capabilities make search smarter and search simpler," said Cathy Edwards, a vice president leading Google search, at Google I/O. "It's a new organization of web results, giving you a helping jumping-off point."
“这些新的生成人工智能功能使搜索更智能,搜索更简单,”谷歌I/O负责谷歌搜索的副总裁凯茜·爱德华兹(Cathy Edwards)说,“这是一个新的网络结果组织,给你一个帮助的起点。

It's the biggest example yet of how generative AI is breathing new life into search engine technology that to most folks probably has looked very much the same for several years. Long gone are the days when Google supplied just "10 blue links" pointing to websites, but AI means Google is taking a major step closer to giving you the information you want directly.

More from Google I/O 更多来自 Google I/O

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How Google's generative AI works 谷歌的生成式人工智能如何运作

Here's one example of how it could work. If you search for "good bike for a 5-mile commute with hills," Google will combine traditional results with a tinted box to house the generative AI results. After some processing work in Google's data centers, the results arrive: a list of factors like e-bikes and suspension you might consider, some links to related websites, some links to specific bikes, and some suggested followup questions.

After asking about options in red, Google also can show an ad labeled "sponsored" with shopping links. Because yes, Google plans to make money with AI-boosted search.

"We saw that users were coming to us with these very complex problems that might take many, many followup queries sometimes over multiple days," Edwards said. Google sought to reduce the friction of such search engine grunt work, trying to figure out how to get people to what they need in fewer steps.

AI-boosted results will mean people could have less reason to look further than search results, an amplification of Google putting answers like math calculation results, weather forecasts, Wikipedia excerpts and biographical details straight onto the search results page. But Google expects people will want to click through to original sources, especially for complex searches.

But one reason Google is launching the generative search technology through its Search Labs mechanism is to hear what people and businesses on the web think. "We want to get feedback from web publishers and advertisers and make sure that whatever we're building is really thoughtful," Edwards said.

Want an AI chatbot? Look elsewhere

Google is stopping well short of Bing's most famous feature, the chatbot powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 large language model. Google offers a chat interface through its Bard tool, but it's keeping that firmly separate from its search results. There's no hobnobbing with bots, at least for now, and Google reined in its search results with a lighter-weight language model that produces straightforward text, not more creative output.

"We ended up tuning much higher on the factuality side than the fluidity side because we think that's what users expect from Google search," Edwards said.

Another Google search changes: perspective

When you search on Google, the engine often supplies you with "chips" like shopping, maps, videos, or news that you can click or tap to refine your results. Now there's a new chip coming: perspectives.
当您在 Google 上搜索时,引擎通常会为您提供购物、地图、视频或新闻等“筹码”,您可以点击或点按这些芯片来优化搜索结果。现在有一个新的芯片来了:观点。

With it, Google is trying to spotlight personal experiences related to the search, like forum posts or short videos on social media.

"We know that users really like coming to Google for the authoritative information," Edwards said. "We also know that they're looking for those human voices, those authentic perspectives. The core search results page will have a blend of both."

Editors' note: CNET is using an AI engine to create some personal finance explainers that are edited and fact-checked by our editors. For more, see this post.
编者按:CNET正在使用AI引擎创建一些个人理财解释器,这些解释器由我们的编辑进行编辑和事实检查。有关更多信息,请参阅此帖子 。

First published on May 10, 2023 10:50 a.m. PT
首次发布于 2023 年 5 月 10 日太平洋时间上午 10:50


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