iphone xr xs

If you care about battery life on your iPhone, you may want to take a closer look at the XR. It has the best battery life of any iPhone before it, despite being the most affordable in the new lineup.

如果您在意iPhone的电池续航时间,则可能需要仔细研究XR。 尽管它是新产品系列中价格最便宜的,但它具有之前所有iPhone中电池寿命最长的电池。

So, how does it offer the best battery life compared to the other new devices? This is thanks to a couple of things.

那么,与其他新设备相比,它如何提供最佳的电池寿命? 这要归功于几件事。

仔细查看电池容量 (A Closer Look at the Battery Capacities)

Recent filings have exposed the battery capacity for each of the new iPhone models:


  • iPhone XS: 2,658 mAh

    iPhone XS: 2,658毫安时

  • iPhone XS Max: 3,174 mAh

    iPhone XS Max: 3,174毫安

  • iPhone XR: 2,942 mAh

    iPhone XR: 2,942毫安时

By comparison, the original X has a 2,716 mAh battery, the iPhone 8 has 1,821 mAh battery, and the 8 Plus packs a 2,675 mAh battery.

相比之下,原始X电池的电量为2716 mAh,iPhone 8电池的电量为1821 mAh,而8 Plus电池的电量为2675 mAh。

So, the XR has a larger battery than the original X, the 8, and even the 8 Plus. This makes the fact that it has a claimed improvement of 90 minutes over the 8 Plus unsurprising.

因此,XR的电池比原始X,8,甚至8 Plus大。 这使得事实证明它比8 Plus缩短了90分钟,这不足为奇。

But according to Apple, the XR’s battery life matches the XS Max on most counts, and even surpasses it in others, despite having a smaller battery. For example, Apple claims the XS Max gets 25 hours of talk time, 13 hours of “internet use,” 15 hours of video playback, and 65 hours of audio playback. By comparison, the XR matches all of those numbers, save for one: it gets 16 hours of video playback.

但是据苹果公司称,尽管电池容量较小,但XR的电池寿命在大多数情况下都与XS Max相匹配,甚至超过了XS Max。 例如,苹果声称XS Max拥有25个小时的通话时间,13个小时的“互联网使用”,15个小时的视频播放和65个小时的音频播放。 相比之下,XR匹配所有这些数字,只是其中之一:它可以播放16小时的视频。

It may seem like a minor difference, but better battery life is still better battery life—even if this is a best-case, theoretical scenario.


那么,XR如何在iPhone中获得最佳的电池寿命? (So How Does the XR Achieve the Best Battery Life Yet in an iPhone?)

Despite the XS and XS Max both having much more efficient OLED displays, the LCD-packing XR still manages to best both models when it comes to theoretical battery usage.

尽管XS和XS Max都具有效率更高的OLED显示屏,但在理论电池使用率方面,LCD装箱的XR仍然设法在两种型号上均达到最佳。

It makes sense when compared to the XS—the XR has a larger battery. But what about when compared to the XS Max?

与XS相比,这很有道理-XR的电池更大。 但是与XS Max相比呢?

For that, we have to take a closer look at the display itself. Despite having a traditionally more power-hungry LCD, the XR uses the panel to its advantage to improve battery life. How? With the display resolution.

为此,我们必须仔细看一下显示器本身。 尽管具有传统上更耗电的LCD,XR还是利用了面板的优势来延长电池寿命。 怎么样? 具有显示分辨率。

Where the XS Max has a 2688×1242 display resolution (458 PPI), the XR sticks to a 1792×828 (326 PPI) panel. This means that despite having a panel that uses more power, the CPU and GPU don’t have to work as hard to push the pixels to the display.

如果XS Max的显示分辨率为2688×1242(458 PPI),则XR会坚持使用1792×828(326 PPI)面板。 这意味着,尽管有一个面板使用了更多的功率,但CPU和GPU不必费劲将像素推到显示器上。

The XR’s display is comparable to the iPhone 8’s 1334×750 panel, which comes in at an identical 326 PPI. But, thanks to its bigger footprint, Apple was able to use a battery that’s almost 1,000 mAh larger than what’s in the iPhone 8, though it’s only slightly larger than the battery in the 8 Plus (about 300 mAh difference).

XR的显示屏与iPhone 8的1334×750面板相当,后者的326 PPI相同。 但是,由于其更大的占地面积,苹果能够使用比iPhone 8电池大近1,000 mAh的电池,尽管它仅比8 Plus中的电池稍大(相差约300 mAh)。

But again, thanks to the lower PPI in the XR compared to the 8 Plus—326 vs. 401—Apple was able to achieve the best battery life it’s ever had in an iPhone.

但同样,由于XR的PPI低于8 Plus(326和401),因此Apple能够获得iPhone所拥有的最佳电池寿命。

The question you have to ask yourself is whether or not you’ll even be able to tell the difference in display density. Research indicates that the human eye can’t discern anything beyond 300 PPI, so the odds are—unless you’re really looking—you won’t miss those extra pixels.

您必须问自己的问题是,您是否能够分辨出显示密度的差异。 研究表明,人眼无法识别超过300 PPI的任何东西 ,因此除非您真的在看,否则您将不会错过那些多余的像素。

Just something to consider when trying to decide which new iPhone you should buy. The XR continues to show why it could be the best bang for your buck out of the new iPhones.

试图确定应该购买哪种新iPhone时,只需考虑一下。 XR继续显示出为什么它可能是新iPhone中物超所值的最佳选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367237/why-the-iphone-xr-has-the-best-battery-life-of-the-new-iphone-x-series/

iphone xr xs

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