
rpm -qf /usr/bin/killall


rpm -qf /usr/bin/kill



killall kill

-e,--exact          require exact match for very long names

-I,--ignore-case    case insensitive process name match

-g,--process-group  kill process group instead of process

-y,--younger-than   kill processes younger than TIME

-o,--older-than     kill processes older than TIME

-i,--interactive    ask for confirmation before killing

-l,--list           list all known signal names

-q,--quiet          don't print complaints

-r,--regexp         interpret NAME as an extended regular expression

-s,--signal SIGNAL  send this signal instead of SIGTERM

-u,--user USER      kill only process(es) running as USER

-v,--verbose        report if the signal was successfully sent

-V,--version        display version information

-w,--wait           wait for processes to die

-Z,--context REGEXP kill only process(es) having context

(must precede other arguments)



kill GitHub - util-linux/util-linux at v2.23.2

killall https://gitlab.com/psmisc/psmisc/-/tree/v22.20

killall 代码实现关键点:kill 调用,正则表达式匹配、虚拟目录(/proc/)枚举进程

/** killall.c - kill processes by name or list PIDs** Copyright (C) 1993-2002 Werner Almesberger* Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Craig Small** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or* (at your option) any later version.**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of*  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the*  GNU General Public License for more details.**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software*  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA*/#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#endif#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include <config.h>
#endif#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>#ifdef WITH_SELINUX
#include <selinux/selinux.h>
#include <locale.h>
#endif /* HAVE_LOCALE_H */#include "i18n.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "signals.h"#define PROC_BASE "/proc"
#define MAX_NAMES (int)(sizeof(unsigned long)*8)#define TSECOND "s"
#define TMINUTE "m"
#define THOUR   "h"
#define TDAY    "d"
#define TWEEK   "w"
#define TMONTH  "M"
#define TYEAR   "y"#define TMAX_SECOND 31536000
#define TMAX_MINUTE 525600
#define TMAX_HOUR   8760
#define TMAX_DAY    365
#define TMAX_WEEK   48
#define TMAX_MONTH  12
#define TMAX_YEAR   1       #define ER_REGFAIL -1
#define ER_NOMEM   -2
#define ER_UNKWN   -3
#define ER_OOFRA   -4static int verbose = 0, exact = 0, interactive = 0, reg = 0,quiet = 0, wait_until_dead = 0, process_group = 0,ignore_case = 0;
static long younger_than = 0, older_than = 0;static int
ask (char *name, pid_t pid, const int signal)
{int res;size_t len;char *line;line = NULL;len = 0;do {if (signal == SIGTERM)printf (_("Kill %s(%s%d) ? (y/N) "), name, process_group ? "pgid " : "",pid);elseprintf (_("Signal %s(%s%d) ? (y/N) "), name, process_group ? "pgid " : "",pid);fflush (stdout);if (getline (&line, &len, stdin) < 0)return 0;/* Check for default */if (line[0] == '\n') {free(line);return 0;}res = rpmatch(line);if (res >= 0) {free(line);return res;}} while(1);/* Never should get here */
}static double
{char * savelocale;char buf[2048];FILE* file;if (!(file=fopen( PROC_BASE "/uptime", "r"))) {fprintf(stderr, "killall: error opening uptime file\n"); exit(1);}savelocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL);setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"C");if (fscanf(file, "%2047s", buf) == EOF) perror("uptime");fclose(file);setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,savelocale);return atof(buf);
}/* process age from jiffies to seconds via uptime */
static double process_age(const unsigned long long jf)
{double age;double sc_clk_tck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);assert(sc_clk_tck > 0);age = uptime() - jf / sc_clk_tck;if (age < 0L)return 0L;return age;
}/* returns requested time interval in seconds, negative indicates error has occurred*/
static long
parse_time_units(const char* age)
{char *unit;long num;num = strtol(age,&unit,10);if (age == unit) /* no digits found */return -1;if (unit[0] == '\0') /* no units found */return -1;switch(unit[0]) {case 's':return num;case 'm':return (num * 60);case 'h':return (num * 60 * 60);case 'd':return (num * 60 * 60 * 24);case 'w':return (num * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);case 'M':return (num * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4);case 'y':return (num * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4 * 12);}return -1;
}static int
match_process_uid(pid_t pid, uid_t uid)
{char buf[128];uid_t puid;FILE *f;int re = -1;snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, PROC_BASE "/%d/status", pid);if (!(f = fopen (buf, "r")))return 0;while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, f)){if (sscanf (buf, "Uid:\t%d", &puid)){re = uid==puid;break;}}fclose(f);if (re==-1){fprintf(stderr, _("killall: Cannot get UID from process status\n"));exit(1);}return re;
}static regex_t *
build_regexp_list(int names, char **namelist)
{int i;regex_t *reglist;int flag = REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB;if (!(reglist = malloc (sizeof (regex_t) * names))){perror ("malloc");exit (1);}if (ignore_case)flag |= REG_ICASE;for (i = 0; i < names; i++){if (regcomp(&reglist[i], namelist[i], flag) != 0) {fprintf(stderr, _("killall: Bad regular expression: %s\n"), namelist[i]);exit (1);}}return reglist;
static int
kill_all(int signal, int names, char **namelist, struct passwd *pwent, regex_t *scontext )
#else  /*WITH_SELINUX*/
static int
kill_all (int signal, int names, char **namelist, struct passwd *pwent)
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*/
{DIR *dir;struct dirent *de;FILE *file;struct stat st, sts[MAX_NAMES];int *name_len = NULL;char *path, comm[COMM_LEN];char *command_buf;char *command;pid_t *pid_table, pid, self, *pid_killed;pid_t *pgids;int i, j, okay, length, got_long, error;int pids, max_pids, pids_killed;unsigned long found;regex_t *reglist = NULL;;
#ifdef WITH_SELINUXsecurity_context_t lcontext=NULL;
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*/if (names && reg) reglist = build_regexp_list(names, namelist);else if (names){if (!(name_len = malloc (sizeof (int) * names))){perror ("malloc");exit (1);}for (i = 0; i < names; i++) {if (!strchr (namelist[i], '/')){sts[i].st_dev = 0;name_len[i] = strlen (namelist[i]);}else if (stat (namelist[i], &sts[i]) < 0){perror (namelist[i]);exit (1);}}} self = getpid ();found = 0;if (!(dir = opendir (PROC_BASE))){perror (PROC_BASE);exit (1);}max_pids = 256;pid_table = malloc (max_pids * sizeof (pid_t));if (!pid_table){perror ("malloc");exit (1);}pids = 0;while ( (de = readdir (dir)) != NULL){if (!(pid = (pid_t) atoi (de->d_name)) || pid == self)continue;if (pids == max_pids){if (!(pid_table = realloc (pid_table, 2 * pids * sizeof (pid_t)))){perror ("realloc");exit (1);}max_pids *= 2;}pid_table[pids++] = pid;}(void) closedir (dir);pids_killed = 0;pid_killed = malloc (max_pids * sizeof (pid_t));if (!pid_killed){perror ("malloc");exit (1);}if (!process_group)pgids = NULL;        /* silence gcc */else{pgids = calloc (pids, sizeof (pid_t));if (!pgids){perror ("malloc");exit (1);}}for (i = 0; i < pids; i++){pid_t id;int found_name = -1;double process_age_sec = 0;/* match by UID */if (pwent && match_process_uid(pid_table[i], pwent->pw_uid)==0)continue;
#ifdef WITH_SELINUX/* match by SELinux context */if (scontext) {if (getpidcon(pid_table[i], &lcontext) < 0)continue;if (regexec(scontext, lcontext, 0, NULL, 0) != 0) {freecon(lcontext);continue;}freecon(lcontext);}
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*//* load process name */if (asprintf (&path, PROC_BASE "/%d/stat", pid_table[i]) < 0)continue;if (!(file = fopen (path, "r"))) {free (path);continue;}free (path);okay = fscanf (file, "%*d (%15[^)]", comm) == 1;if (!okay) {fclose(file);continue;}if ( younger_than || older_than ) {rewind(file);unsigned long long proc_stt_jf = 0;okay = fscanf(file, "%*d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %Lu", &proc_stt_jf) == 1;if (!okay) {fclose(file);continue;}process_age_sec = process_age(proc_stt_jf);}(void) fclose (file);got_long = 0;command = NULL;      /* make gcc happy */length = strlen (comm);if (length == COMM_LEN - 1){if (asprintf (&path, PROC_BASE "/%d/cmdline", pid_table[i]) < 0)continue;if (!(file = fopen (path, "r"))) {free (path);continue;}free (path);while (1) {/* look for actual command so we skip over initial "sh" if any */char *p;int cmd_size = 128;command_buf = (char *)malloc (cmd_size);if (!command_buf)exit (1);/* 'cmdline' has arguments separated by nulls */for (p=command_buf; ; p++) {int c;if (p == (command_buf + cmd_size)) {int cur_size = cmd_size;cmd_size *= 2;command_buf = (char *)realloc(command_buf, cmd_size);if (!command_buf)exit (1);p = command_buf + cur_size;}c = fgetc(file);if (c == EOF || c == '\0') {*p = '\0';break;} else {*p = c;}}if (strlen(command_buf) == 0) {okay = 0;break;}p = strrchr(command_buf,'/');p = p ? p+1 : command_buf;if (strncmp(p, comm, COMM_LEN-1) == 0) {okay = 1;command = p;break;}}(void) fclose(file);if (exact && !okay){if (verbose)fprintf (stderr, _("killall: skipping partial match %s(%d)\n"),comm, pid_table[i]);continue;}got_long = okay;}/* mach by process name */for (j = 0; j < names; j++){if (reg){if (regexec (&reglist[j], got_long ? command : comm, 0, NULL, 0) != 0)continue;}else /* non-regex */{if ( younger_than && process_age_sec && (process_age_sec > younger_than ) )continue;if ( older_than   && process_age_sec && (process_age_sec < older_than ) )continue;if (!sts[j].st_dev){if (length != COMM_LEN - 1 || name_len[j] < COMM_LEN - 1){if (ignore_case == 1){if (strcasecmp (namelist[j], comm))continue;}else{if (strcmp(namelist[j], comm))continue;}}else{if (ignore_case == 1){if (got_long ? strcasecmp (namelist[j], command) :strncasecmp (namelist[j], comm, COMM_LEN - 1))continue;}else{if (got_long ? strcmp (namelist[j], command) :strncmp (namelist[j], comm, COMM_LEN - 1))continue;}}}else{int ok = 1;if (asprintf (&path, PROC_BASE "/%d/exe", pid_table[i]) < 0)continue;if (stat (path, &st) < 0) ok = 0;else if (sts[j].st_dev != st.st_dev ||sts[j].st_ino != st.st_ino){/* maybe the binary has been modified and std[j].st_ino* is not reliable anymore. We need to compare paths.*/size_t len = strlen(namelist[j]);char *linkbuf = malloc(len + 1);if (!linkbuf ||readlink(path, linkbuf, len + 1) != len ||memcmp(namelist[j], linkbuf, len))ok = 0;free(linkbuf);}free(path);if (!ok)continue;}} /* non-regex */found_name = j;break;}  if (names && found_name==-1)continue;  /* match by process name faild *//* check for process group */if (!process_group)id = pid_table[i];else{int j;id = getpgid (pid_table[i]);pgids[i] = id;if (id < 0){fprintf (stderr, "killall: getpgid(%d): %s\n",pid_table[i], strerror (errno));}for (j = 0; j < i; j++)if (pgids[j] == id)break;if (j < i)continue;} if (interactive && !ask (comm, id, signal))continue;if (kill (process_group ? -id : id, signal) >= 0){if (verbose)fprintf (stderr, _("Killed %s(%s%d) with signal %d\n"), got_long ? command :comm, process_group ? "pgid " : "", id, signal);if (found_name >= 0)/* mark item of namelist */found |= 1 << found_name;pid_killed[pids_killed++] = id;}else if (errno != ESRCH || interactive)fprintf (stderr, "%s(%d): %s\n", got_long ? command :comm, id, strerror (errno));}if (!quiet)for (i = 0; i < names; i++)if (!(found & (1 << i)))fprintf (stderr, _("%s: no process found\n"), namelist[i]);if (names)/* killall returns a zero return code if at least one process has * been killed for each listed command. */error = found == ((1 << (names - 1)) | ((1 << (names - 1)) - 1)) ? 0 : 1;else/* in nameless mode killall returns a zero return code if at least * one process has killed */error = pids_killed ? 0 : 1;/** We scan all (supposedly) killed processes every second to detect dead* processes as soon as possible in order to limit problems of race with* PID re-use.*/while (pids_killed && wait_until_dead){for (i = 0; i < pids_killed;){if (kill (process_group ? -pid_killed[i] : pid_killed[i], 0) < 0 &&errno == ESRCH){pid_killed[i] = pid_killed[--pids_killed];continue;}i++;}sleep (1);     /* wait a bit longer */}return error;
}static void
usage (const char *msg)
{if (msg != NULL)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
#ifdef WITH_SELINUXfprintf(stderr, _("Usage: killall [-Z CONTEXT] [-u USER] [ -eIgiqrvw ] [ -SIGNAL ] NAME...\n"));
#else  /*WITH_SELINUX*/fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: killall [OPTION]... [--] NAME...\n"));
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*/fprintf(stderr, _("       killall -l, --list\n""       killall -V, --version\n\n""  -e,--exact          require exact match for very long names\n""  -I,--ignore-case    case insensitive process name match\n""  -g,--process-group  kill process group instead of process\n""  -y,--younger-than   kill processes younger than TIME\n""  -o,--older-than     kill processes older than TIME\n"           "  -i,--interactive    ask for confirmation before killing\n""  -l,--list           list all known signal names\n""  -q,--quiet          don't print complaints\n""  -r,--regexp         interpret NAME as an extended regular expression\n""  -s,--signal SIGNAL  send this signal instead of SIGTERM\n""  -u,--user USER      kill only process(es) running as USER\n""  -v,--verbose        report if the signal was successfully sent\n""  -V,--version        display version information\n""  -w,--wait           wait for processes to die\n"));
#ifdef WITH_SELINUXfprintf(stderr, _("  -Z,--context REGEXP kill only process(es) having context\n""                      (must precede other arguments)\n"));
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*/fputc('\n', stderr);exit(1);
}void print_version()
{fprintf(stderr, "killall (PSmisc) %s\n", VERSION);fprintf(stderr, _("Copyright (C) 1993-2012 Werner Almesberger and Craig Small\n\n"));fprintf(stderr, _("PSmisc comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n""This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under\n""the terms of the GNU General Public License.\n""For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.\n"));
}static int
have_proc_self_stat (void)
{char filename[128];struct stat isproc;pid_t pid = getpid();snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), PROC_BASE"/%d/stat", (int) pid);return stat(filename, &isproc) == 0;
main (int argc, char **argv)
{char *name;int sig_num;int optc;int myoptind;struct passwd *pwent = NULL;char yt[16];char ot[16];//int optsig = 0;struct option options[] = {{"exact", 0, NULL, 'e'},{"ignore-case", 0, NULL, 'I'},{"process-group", 0, NULL, 'g'},{"younger-than", 1, NULL, 'y'},{"older-than", 1, NULL, 'o'},{"interactive", 0, NULL, 'i'},{"list-signals", 0, NULL, 'l'},{"quiet", 0, NULL, 'q'},{"regexp", 0, NULL, 'r'},{"signal", 1, NULL, 's'},{"user", 1, NULL, 'u'},{"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'},{"wait", 0, NULL, 'w'},
#ifdef WITH_SELINUX{"context", 1, NULL, 'Z'},
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*/{"version", 0, NULL, 'V'},{0,0,0,0 }};/* Setup the i18n */
#ifdef ENABLE_NLSsetlocale(LC_ALL, "");bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);textdomain(PACKAGE);
#ifdef WITH_SELINUXsecurity_context_t scontext = NULL;regex_t scontext_reg;if ( argc < 2 ) usage(NULL); /* do the obvious thing... */
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*/name = strrchr (*argv, '/');if (name)name++;elsename = *argv;sig_num = SIGTERM;opterr = 0;
#ifdef WITH_SELINUXwhile ( (optc = getopt_long_only(argc,argv,"egy:o:ilqrs:u:vwZ:VI",options,NULL)) != -1) {
#elsewhile ( (optc = getopt_long_only(argc,argv,"egy:o:ilqrs:u:vwVI",options,NULL)) != -1) {
#endifswitch (optc) {case 'e':exact = 1;break;case 'g':process_group = 1;break;case 'y':strncpy(yt, optarg, 16);yt[15] = '\0';if ( 0 >= (younger_than = parse_time_units(yt) ) )usage(_("Invalid time format"));break;case 'o':strncpy(ot, optarg, 16);ot[15] = '\0';if ( 0 >= (older_than = parse_time_units(ot) ) )usage(_("Invalid time format"));break;case 'i':interactive = 1;break;case 'l':list_signals();return 0;break;case 'q':quiet = 1;break;case 'r':reg = 1;break;case 's':sig_num = get_signal (optarg, "killall");break;case 'u':if (!(pwent = getpwnam(optarg))) {fprintf (stderr, _("Cannot find user %s\n"), optarg);exit (1);}break;case 'v':verbose = 1;break;case 'w':wait_until_dead = 1;break;case 'I':/* option check is optind-1 but sig name is optind */if (strcmp(argv[optind-1],"-I") == 0 || strncmp(argv[optind-1],"--",2) == 0) {ignore_case = 1;} else {sig_num = get_signal (argv[optind]+1, "killall");}break;case 'V':/* option check is optind-1 but sig name is optind */if (strcmp(argv[optind-1],"-V") == 0 || strncmp(argv[optind-1],"--",2) == 0) {print_version();return 0;}sig_num = get_signal (argv[optind]+1, "killall");break;
#ifdef WITH_SELINUXcase 'Z': if (is_selinux_enabled()>0) {scontext=optarg;if (regcomp(&scontext_reg, scontext, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB) != 0) {fprintf(stderr, _("Bad regular expression: %s\n"), scontext);exit (1);}} else fprintf(stderr, "Warning: -Z (--context) ignored. Requires an SELinux enabled kernel\n");break;
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*/case '?':/* Signal names are in uppercase, so check to see if the argv* is upper case */if (argv[optind-1][1] >= 'A' && argv[optind-1][1] <= 'Z') {sig_num = get_signal (argv[optind-1]+1, "killall");} else {/* Might also be a -## signal too */if (argv[optind-1][1] >= '0' && argv[optind-1][1] <= '9') {sig_num = atoi(argv[optind-1]+1);} else {usage(NULL);}}break;}}myoptind = optind;
#ifdef WITH_SELINUXif ((argc - myoptind < 1) && pwent==NULL && scontext==NULL)
#elseif ((argc - myoptind < 1) && pwent==NULL)
#endifusage(NULL);if (argc - myoptind > MAX_NAMES) {fprintf (stderr, _("killall: Maximum number of names is %d\n"),MAX_NAMES);exit (1);}if (!have_proc_self_stat()) {fprintf (stderr, _("killall: %s lacks process entries (not mounted ?)\n"),PROC_BASE);exit (1);}argv = argv + myoptind;/*printf("sending signal %d to procs\n", sig_num);*/
#ifdef WITH_SELINUXreturn kill_all(sig_num,argc - myoptind, argv, pwent, scontext ? &scontext_reg : NULL);
#else  /*WITH_SELINUX*/return kill_all(sig_num,argc - myoptind, argv, pwent);
#endif /*WITH_SELINUX*/

kill 代码关键点:kill 调用

/** Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994*  The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions* are met:* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software*    must display the following acknowledgement:*    This product includes software developed by the University of*  California, Berkeley and its contributors.* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors*    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software*    without specific prior written permission.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND* ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE* ARE DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE* FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL* DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS* OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)* HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT* LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY* OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF* SUCH DAMAGE.*/
/**  oct 5 1994 -- almost entirely re-written to allow for process names.*  modifications (c) salvatore valente <svalente@mit.edu>*  may be used / modified / distributed under the same terms as the original.**  1999-02-22 Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <misiek@pld.ORG.PL>*  - added Native Language Support**  1999-11-13 aeb Accept signal numers 128+s.**/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>        /* for isdigit() */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>#include "c.h"
#include "nls.h"
#include "closestream.h"
#include "procutils.h"
#include "strutils.h"
#include "ttyutils.h"
#include "xalloc.h"struct signv {const char *name;int val;
} sys_signame[] = {/* POSIX signals */{ "HUP",   SIGHUP },   /* 1 */{ "INT",   SIGINT },   /* 2 */{ "QUIT",  SIGQUIT },  /* 3 */{ "ILL",   SIGILL },   /* 4 */
#ifdef SIGTRAP{ "TRAP",   SIGTRAP },  /* 5 */
#endif{ "ABRT",   SIGABRT },  /* 6 */
#ifdef SIGIOT{ "IOT", SIGIOT },   /* 6, same as SIGABRT */
#ifdef SIGEMT{ "EMT", SIGEMT },   /* 7 (mips,alpha,sparc*) */
#ifdef SIGBUS{ "BUS", SIGBUS },   /* 7 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 10 (mips,alpha,sparc*) */
#endif{ "FPE",    SIGFPE },   /* 8 */{ "KILL",  SIGKILL },  /* 9 */{ "USR1",  SIGUSR1 },  /* 10 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 30 (alpha,sparc*), 16 (mips) */{ "SEGV",   SIGSEGV },  /* 11 */{ "USR2", SIGUSR2 },  /* 12 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 31 (alpha,sparc*), 17 (mips) */{ "PIPE",   SIGPIPE },  /* 13 */{ "ALRM", SIGALRM },  /* 14 */{ "TERM", SIGTERM },  /* 15 */
#ifdef SIGSTKFLT{ "STKFLT",   SIGSTKFLT },    /* 16 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc) */
#endif{ "CHLD",   SIGCHLD },  /* 17 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 20 (alpha,sparc*), 18 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGCLD{ "CLD", SIGCLD },   /* same as SIGCHLD (mips) */
#endif{ "CONT",   SIGCONT },  /* 18 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 19 (alpha,sparc*), 25 (mips) */{ "STOP",   SIGSTOP },  /* 19 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 17 (alpha,sparc*), 23 (mips) */{ "TSTP",   SIGTSTP },  /* 20 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 18 (alpha,sparc*), 24 (mips) */{ "TTIN",   SIGTTIN },  /* 21 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc,alpha,sparc*), 26 (mips) */{ "TTOU", SIGTTOU },  /* 22 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc,alpha,sparc*), 27 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGURG{ "URG", SIGURG },   /* 23 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 16 (alpha,sparc*), 21 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGXCPU{ "XCPU",   SIGXCPU },  /* 24 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc,alpha,sparc*), 30 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGXFSZ{ "XFSZ",   SIGXFSZ },  /* 25 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc,alpha,sparc*), 31 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGVTALRM{ "VTALRM",   SIGVTALRM },    /* 26 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc,alpha,sparc*), 28 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGPROF{ "PROF",   SIGPROF },  /* 27 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc,alpha,sparc*), 29 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGWINCH{ "WINCH", SIGWINCH }, /* 28 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc,alpha,sparc*), 20 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGIO{ "IO",       SIGIO },    /* 29 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 23 (alpha,sparc*), 22 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGPOLL{ "POLL",   SIGPOLL },  /* same as SIGIO */
#ifdef SIGINFO{ "INFO",   SIGINFO },  /* 29 (alpha) */
#ifdef SIGLOST{ "LOST",   SIGLOST },  /* 29 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc,sparc*) */
#ifdef SIGPWR{ "PWR", SIGPWR },   /* 30 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc), 29 (alpha,sparc*), 19 (mips) */
#ifdef SIGUNUSED{ "UNUSED",   SIGUNUSED },    /* 31 (arm,i386,m68k,ppc) */
#ifdef SIGSYS{ "SYS", SIGSYS },   /* 31 (mips,alpha,sparc*) */
};static int arg_to_signum (char *arg, int mask);
static void nosig (char *name);
static void printsig (int sig);
static void printsignals (FILE *fp, int pretty);
static int usage (int status);
static int kill_verbose (char *procname, int pid, int sig);#ifdef HAVE_SIGQUEUE
static int use_sigval;
static union sigval sigdata;
#endifint main (int argc, char *argv[])
{int errors, numsig, pid;char *ep, *arg;int do_pid, do_kill, check_all;setlocale(LC_ALL, "");bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);textdomain(PACKAGE);atexit(close_stdout);numsig = SIGTERM;do_pid = (! strcmp (program_invocation_short_name, "pid"));     /* Yecch */do_kill = 0;check_all = 0;/*  loop through the arguments.actually, -a is the only option can be used with other options.`kill' is basically a one-option-at-most program.  */for (argc--, argv++; argc > 0; argc--, argv++) {arg = *argv;if (*arg != '-') {break;}if (! strcmp (arg, "--")) {argc--, argv++;break;}if (! strcmp (arg, "-v") || ! strcmp (arg, "-V") ||! strcmp (arg, "--version")) {printf(UTIL_LINUX_VERSION);return EXIT_SUCCESS;}if (! strcmp (arg, "-h") || ! strcmp (arg, "--help"))return usage(EXIT_FAILURE);if (! strcmp (arg, "-a") || ! strcmp (arg, "--all")) {check_all++;continue;}if (! strcmp (arg, "-l") || ! strcmp (arg, "--list")) {if (argc < 2) {printsignals (stdout, 0);return EXIT_SUCCESS;}if (argc > 2)return usage (EXIT_FAILURE);/* argc == 2, accept "kill -l $?" */arg = argv[1];if ((numsig = arg_to_signum (arg, 1)) < 0)errx(EXIT_FAILURE, _("unknown signal: %s"), arg);printsig (numsig);return EXIT_SUCCESS;}/* for compatibility with procps kill(1) */if (! strncmp (arg, "--list=", 7) || ! strncmp (arg, "-l=", 3)) {char *p = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;if ((numsig = arg_to_signum(p, 1)) < 0)errx(EXIT_FAILURE, _("unknown signal: %s"), p);printsig (numsig);return EXIT_SUCCESS;}if (! strcmp (arg, "-L") || ! strcmp (arg, "--table")) {printsignals (stdout, 1);return EXIT_SUCCESS;}if (! strcmp (arg, "-p") || ! strcmp (arg, "--pid")) {do_pid++;if (do_kill)return usage (EXIT_FAILURE);continue;}if (! strcmp (arg, "-s") || ! strcmp (arg, "--signal")) {if (argc < 2) {return usage (EXIT_FAILURE);}do_kill++;if (do_pid)return usage (EXIT_FAILURE);argc--, argv++;arg = *argv;if ((numsig = arg_to_signum (arg, 0)) < 0) {nosig (arg);return EXIT_FAILURE;}continue;}if (! strcmp (arg, "-q") || ! strcmp (arg, "--queue")) {if (argc < 2)return usage (EXIT_FAILURE);argc--, argv++;arg = *argv;
#ifdef HAVE_SIGQUEUEsigdata.sival_int = strtos32_or_err(arg, _("invalid sigval argument"));use_sigval = 1;
#endifcontinue;}/*  `arg' begins with a dash but is not a known option.so it's probably something like -HUP, or -1/-ntry to deal with it.-n could be signal n, or pid -n (i.e. process group n).In case of doubt POSIX tells us to assume a signal.If a signal has been parsed, assume it's a pid, break */if (do_kill)break;arg++;if ((numsig = arg_to_signum (arg, 0)) < 0) {return usage (EXIT_FAILURE);}do_kill++;if (do_pid)return usage (EXIT_FAILURE);continue;}if (! *argv) {return usage (EXIT_FAILURE);}if (do_pid) {numsig = -1;}/*  we're done with the options.the rest of the arguments should be process ids and names.kill them.  */for (errors = 0; (arg = *argv) != NULL; argv++) {pid = strtol (arg, &ep, 10);if (! *ep)errors += kill_verbose (arg, pid, numsig);else  {struct proc_processes *ps = proc_open_processes();int ct = 0;if (!ps)continue;if (!check_all)proc_processes_filter_by_uid(ps, getuid());proc_processes_filter_by_name(ps, arg);while (proc_next_pid(ps, &pid) == 0) {errors += kill_verbose(arg, pid, numsig);ct++;}if (!ct) {errors++;warnx (_("cannot find process \"%s\""), arg);}proc_close_processes(ps);}}if (errors != 0)errors = EXIT_FAILURE;return errors;
}#ifdef SIGRTMIN
static int rtsig_to_signum(char *sig)
{int num, maxi = 0;char *ep = NULL;if (strncasecmp(sig, "min+", 4) == 0)sig += 4;else if (strncasecmp(sig, "max-", 4) == 0) {sig += 4;maxi = 1;}if (!isdigit(*sig))return -1;errno = 0;num = strtol(sig, &ep, 10);if (!ep || sig == ep || errno || num < 0)return -1;num = maxi ? SIGRTMAX - num : SIGRTMIN + num;if (num < SIGRTMIN || num > SIGRTMAX)return -1;return num;
#endifstatic int signame_to_signum (char *sig)
{size_t n;if (! strncasecmp (sig, "sig", 3))sig += 3;#ifdef SIGRTMIN/* RT signals */if (!strncasecmp(sig, "rt", 2))return rtsig_to_signum(sig + 2);
#endif/* Normal sugnals */for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(sys_signame); n++) {if (! strcasecmp (sys_signame[n].name, sig))return sys_signame[n].val;}return (-1);
}static int arg_to_signum (char *arg, int maskbit)
{int numsig;char *ep;if (isdigit (*arg)) {numsig = strtol (arg, &ep, 10);if (numsig >= NSIG && maskbit && (numsig & 128) != 0)numsig -= 128;if (*ep != 0 || numsig < 0 || numsig >= NSIG)return (-1);return (numsig);}return signame_to_signum (arg);
}static void nosig (char *name)
{warnx (_("unknown signal %s; valid signals:"), name);printsignals (stderr, 1);
}static void printsig (int sig)
{size_t n;for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(sys_signame); n++) {if (sys_signame[n].val == sig) {printf ("%s\n", sys_signame[n].name);return;}}
#ifdef SIGRTMINif (sig >= SIGRTMIN && sig <= SIGRTMAX) {printf ("RT%d\n", sig - SIGRTMIN);return;}
#endifprintf("%d\n", sig);
}#define FIELD_WIDTH 11
static void pretty_print_signal(FILE *fp, size_t term_width, size_t *lpos,int signum, const char *name)
{if (term_width < (*lpos + FIELD_WIDTH)) {fputc ('\n', fp);*lpos = 0;}*lpos += FIELD_WIDTH;fprintf (fp, "%2d %-8s", signum, name);
}static void printsignals (FILE *fp, int pretty)
{size_t n, lth, lpos = 0, width;if (!pretty) {for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(sys_signame); n++) {lth = 1+strlen(sys_signame[n].name);if (lpos+lth > 72) {fputc ('\n', fp);lpos = 0;} else if (lpos)fputc (' ', fp);lpos += lth;fputs (sys_signame[n].name, fp);}
#ifdef SIGRTMINfputs (" RT<N> RTMIN+<N> RTMAX-<N>", fp);
#endiffputc ('\n', fp);return;}/* pretty print */width = get_terminal_width();if (width == 0)width = 72;elsewidth -= 1;for (n = 0; n < ARRAY_SIZE(sys_signame); n++)pretty_print_signal(fp, width, &lpos,sys_signame[n].val, sys_signame[n].name);#ifdef SIGRTMINpretty_print_signal(fp, width, &lpos, SIGRTMIN, "RTMIN");pretty_print_signal(fp, width, &lpos, SIGRTMAX, "RTMAX");
#endiffputc ('\n', fp);
}static int usage(int status)
{FILE *out = (status == 0 ? stdout : stderr);fputs(USAGE_HEADER, out);fprintf(out, _(" %s [options] <pid|name> [...]\n"), program_invocation_short_name);fputs(USAGE_OPTIONS, out);fputs(_(" -a, --all              do not restrict the name-to-pid conversion to processes\n""                        with the same uid as the present process\n"), out);fputs(_(" -s, --signal <sig>     send specified signal\n"), out);fputs(_(" -q, --queue <sig>      use sigqueue(2) rather than kill(2)\n"), out);fputs(_(" -p, --pid              print pids without signaling them\n"), out);fputs(_(" -l, --list [=<signal>] list signal names, or convert one to a name\n"), out);fputs(_(" -L, --table            list signal names and numbers\n"), out);fputs(USAGE_SEPARATOR, out);fputs(USAGE_HELP, out);fputs(USAGE_VERSION, out);fprintf(out, USAGE_MAN_TAIL("kill(1)"));return status;
}static int kill_verbose (char *procname, pid_t pid, int sig)
{int rc = 0;if (sig < 0) {printf ("%ld\n", (long)pid);return 0;}
#ifdef HAVE_SIGQUEUEif (use_sigval)rc = sigqueue(pid, sig, sigdata);else
#endifrc = kill (pid, sig);if (rc < 0) {warn(_("sending signal to %s failed"), procname);return 1;}return 0;

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