一、 辞职信√√√ 2
二、 道歉信 3
(1) 客观原因并且说服他也取消活动 3
(2) 主观原因好好道歉并且说明补偿方式 3
三、 邀请信√ 4
四、 感谢信√√√ 5
五、 求职信√√ 6
六、 通知 7
(1) 比赛类√√√ 7
(2) 通告类 7
(3) 招募类告示(周黑鸭)√ 7
七、 订购信 9
八、 祝贺信 10
(1) 祝贺+邀请√√ 10
(2) 祝贺+建议√√√ 10
(3) 祝贺信+请求信+邀请信+建议信(祝贺考上研究生) 11
九、 推荐信√ 12
十、 建议信(周黑鸭)√√ 13
十一、 投诉+建议 14
(1) 投诉和建议信(餐厅改进建议) 14
(3) 道歉+答复 15
十二、 介绍信(周黑鸭)√ 16

You have worked in a company for several years, but now you need to quit the job, Write a letter to your boss Mr. Smith to tell him your decision and the reason, and your appreciation for the work experience in this agency.
  You should write about 100 words

Dear Mr. Smith,
As an employee working for several years in your company, I am sorry to inform you by this letter that I plan to resign from my present job next month(离职时间) for some reason.
I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and my other colleagues. However, it is exhausting for me to spend almost数字hours commuting every day, and I realize that the job is not quite suitable for me. In addition, what I have learned can be of little help to my present job, and I would like to find a job related to my major.
I want to apologize for any inconveniences I have caused. I hope you could accept my resignation.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
① take the postgraduate entrance examination and go to another city for further study
② I decide to study abroad for better career development

Dear Mr.Smith,
I am writing this letter to make an apology for my failing to visit you as promised. I feel terribly sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.
I have been looking forward to seeing you after we made the appointment. Unexpectedly, an acute stomachache attacked me, which made me have to turn to the hospital. In all honesty, this by all means is on me.
If possible, I would like to reschedule our appointment to a time convenient for you. I would appreciate it very much if you could accept my sincere apology. Thanks for your understanding and I will be looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

Dear Bob,
As your intimate friend, I am writing to make an apology for my failing to participate in the party you plan to hold next week as promised since the sudden outbreak of pneumonia caused by coronavirus.
I have been looking forward to seeing you after the time I got your invitation. Unexpectedly, the epidemic grows fiercely and spreads rapidly. Our local government has issued a first-level public health emergency response and the whole city is on lockdown.
I hope you will be safe and also advise you to cancel the party genuinely. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

Dear Mr.Smile,
I am the president of the Students’ Union of Peking University. I am writing this letter to offer you my invitation to (deliver a speech或)attend the opening ceremony(开幕式)/meeting of our university.
First and foremost, the ceremony(开幕式)/meeting is to be held on December 7, 2021 at the Students’ Auditorium and lasts for 3 days. What’s more, there will be many wonderful activities, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. Last but not least, a lot of well-known professors will fill the hall and it would be stirring to them if you could make it.
I hope you can accept our invitation. If you have further questions, please let me know.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
首先,仪式(开幕式)/ 12月7日举行的会议是2021年中央大礼堂和持续3天。更重要的是,将有许多精彩的活动,我相信你会彻底享受。最后,会有很多知名教授来,如果你能来,他们会很激动。

Dear Babara,
I hope you are doing great! I am Li Ming, the president of the Students’ Union in our school. The main purpose of this letter is to cordially invite you to deliver a speech in the upcoming seminar held by our school.
Here are some details: The seminar will be held on 7 January, 2022, which is a Friday. It will begin at 9 am and end at 5 pm. Besides, the event will take place at the Grand Lecture Hall, which is on the second floor of the library.
The seminar centers on climate change. Y our speech is expected to begin at 11 am, and the length can be up to 20 minutes. Besides, you are suggested to give a speech on new energy resources as a solution to global warming.
I hope you can accept our invitation. If you have further questions, please let me know.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

以下是- -些细节:

Dear Dr.Zhang,
I am writing this letter to express my sincere thanks to you for your help in my study in The UK.
It was with your help that I made such rapid progress in solving problems. You not only helped me out when l was in trouble, but also helped me build my confidence. Although many people are currently talking about the need to help others selflessly, we rarely see those who fulfill their promises. Your help to me shows that you are the exception.
Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget. I will follow your example to make more contributions to our society. I hope everything goes well with you.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

The pneumonia caused by coronavirus broke out in Wuhan, Hubei province in January of this year, which became a piece of terrible news that swept the whole country rapidly. It’s your calm and standing out that stabilized everyone’s restless heart. With your day and night work, the number of cured cases increased quickly and the spread of the epidemic was contained soon. I also learn from you well to handle troubles heroically and calmly. Once again, I would like to extend my heartfelt admiration for your dedication. Touched by you, I will follow your example to make more contribution to our society to let people know that we are together.

Dear Sir or Madam,
As a student who loves your esteemed company deeply, I am writing this letter to apply for the post as a Java programmer in your company.
From my view, I have the following advantages that make me more suitable for this job than my peers. First and foremost, I have been majoring in computer technology for more than three years. What’s more, I’m a team player. Last but not least, I would love to take exercises such as tennis every week, which enables me to be in good health.
I’ll appreciate it if l am employed and expect further communication with you if possible. Please contact me via ABC@XXX.com. Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

I am convinced that my previous project experiences and school list in the university can prove my potential to be a qualified coder.
Last but not least, the internship in school period made me realize the significance of team spirit, which can make it more efficient for me to work in a team.


Chinese Speaking Contest
December 25, 2021
To improve students’ ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students’ Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (January 1) at the Students’ Auditorium. Those who are interested in taking part the contest may sign up with their class monitor before Tuesday next week. Priority and preference will be given to those experienced in other similar activities. Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.
The Students’ Union
Department of Chinese Language and Literature.

July 13th,2020(日期)
On behalf of主办方, I’m glad to offer you some information about活动名称, which intends to活动目的.
活动名称is to be held at时间on the日期in the地点. The detailed information is as follows. To begin with,活动的具体要求1. Secondly,活动的具体要求2. Last but not least, if you are interested in participating in this activity, please send an e-mail to邮箱地址listing个人信息before截止日期.
Everyone is warmly welcomed to be present at活动名称. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call联系方式to contact us.
The Student Union

January 9th,2020(日期)
To活动目的, the主办方名称is organizing a/an活动名称. 岗位for the活动名称are needed.
The requirements for the岗位are as follows. Basic requirements are基本要求. Other requirements include其他要求. Priority will be given to those who 优先者需要具备的品质.
Anyone who is interested in this post are cordially welcome! Please send your resume to邮箱地址before截止日期if you want to give it a try.
For the purpose of raising public awareness of caring about old people, the Students’ Union will recruit some volunteers to pay a visit to elderly people in the nursing home this Saturday.
The details of this activity can be listed as follows. First and foremost, preparing some basic necessities of life for them is on the top of the list. Secondly, you are allowed to bring some nutritious food, clothes and bedding to them. Last but not least, since it is not convenient for the elderly people to do chores/housework, we will cook for them and help them with some cleaning work.
It definitely will be a meaningful activity. Feel free to contact us if you need more details. Looking forward to your participation.
The Student Union


A volunteer activity for epidemic prevention has been arranged for Sunday at 2 pm at the
Student Center. The following are relevant details you should know pertaining to this event.
To start with, the fact that the registration deadline is June 6 is of great importance and requires your consideration. Additionally, the mobilization speech will be delivered by our beloved headmaster. Last but not least, every volunteer who participates in the activity will receive a medal of honour created by the Office of Student Affairs.
We would be delighted for your participation. Should you want to disclose more, feel free to contact us via ABC@Student Union.edu.cn.
The Students’ Union
周日下午2点在学生中心安排了一次疫情防控志愿者活动。以下是你应该知道的有关这个事件的细节首先,注册截止日期是6月6日这一事实非常重要,需要您的考虑。此外,我们敬爱的校长将发表动员讲话。最后但并非最不重要的是,每一个参与活动的志愿者将获得一枚荣誉奖章由学生事务处。我们将很高兴您的参与。如果您想了解更多信息,请通过ABC@Student Union.edu.cn与我们联系。

Dear Sir or Madam,
As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates(NETEM), I have decided to place an order for some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books.
Firstly, please give me detailed information as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sale service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by Express Mail Service to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by December 25, 2021. I have arranged to pay for the service.
I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
                                                    Yours sincerely,    
  Li Ming
I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.

Dear Wuji,
Congratulations on your admission to Yale University. I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and We are so proud of you。
I have followed your progress with pleasure and interest for many years. I am sure, from the fine record you have made, that you will be a success in whatever you undertake. No doubt you are tired after the strain of the past few months, and if you would like to come to my hometown for a few weeks this summer, we’d be very happy to have you.
Really looking forward to your arrival. Feel free to contact me if you need any help. 
Yours faithfully, 
  Li Ming
Dear Li Ming,
①Congratulations on your admission to Peking University! We’re so proud of you!
②To make your university life better, I, beginning my college four years ago, can give you some practical suggestions. ③Firstly, to be independent is of utmost importance. Things will become easier only if you get used to dealing with things by yourself. ④Secondly, academic achievements and interpersonal skills are equally important. When pursuing academic outcomes, you shall join in various social activities and make many friends. The time you spend with them will be the wonderful memory in your whole life.
⑤I wish you would have a great time in college. Feel free to contact me if you need any help. 
Zhang Wei

Dear Zhang Wei,
Congratulations on your admission to Peking University! On behalf of the Student Union, I am writing this letter to express my warmest congratulations. It is our honor to invite you to share your experience with us.
Everybody says that you deserve the honor of the top student, and this shows your diligence. Therefore, we deeply look forward to your speech. This could be held in the auditorium at any evening next week. How about Saturday or Sunday? Plus, since the students come from different schools, would you please give us a general plan for the entrance exam to graduate schools? Lastly, there will be a “Q&A” section, which will last 10 minutes. According to a poll, most of the senior students care about the choices upon graduation, such as to work or to study.
Really looking forward to your arrival. Feel free to contact me if you need any help.

Best wishes,
Li Ming
每个人都说你的优秀学生荣誉实至名归,它显示了你的勤奋。因此,我们非常期待你的演讲。下周任何一个晚上在礼堂进行都可以。周六或周日怎么样?另外,由于学生来自不同的学院,你能给我们一个考研的总体规划吗?最后,将有一个持续 10 分钟的“问答”环节。根据一项调查,大多数毕业班学生关心毕业后的选择,比如去工作还是去深造。

Dear Michael,
As one of your closest friends, I’m writing the letter in purpose of recommend one of my favorite movies to you,  Around the World in Eighty Days.
The primary factors for my recommendation are as follows. For one thing, this is a movie of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his club mates and managers to travel around the world in eighty days. For another, it gives us a vivid description of the difficulties and incidents which happen in his journey.
Wish you enjoy the movie. Looking forward to your reply.
Li Ming
Dear Valerie,
As one of your close friends, I am writing to recommend one of my favorite movies to you, Forrest Gump.
The primary reasons for my recommendation are as follows. For one thing, it is a touching movie which tells us an inspiring story about an American gentleman, Mr. Forrest Gump.  Through his daily life, we know that the secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple happiness of every day. For another, it gives us a vivid description of many difficulties and incidents which happened during his life.  His optimistic spirit teaches me to adapt myself and keep trying hard.  I believe it will give you encouragement and inspiration.
Wish you enjoy the movie.  I am looking forward to your feedback.
Yours truly,
Li  Ming


I am (a student)介绍身份 and always concern about (the health problem)建议方向.
The purpose of my letter is to propose several conductive suggestions regarding how to improve students’ physical health(建议话题).
① First and foremost, it is better to建议内容as soon as possible. Perhaps it’s not easy to 目标in a short time, but it is very important in your daily life.
② Secondly, it is necessary to 干嘛干嘛.You should find someone who can study with you
③ Last but not least, we should explore some specific and effective measures to cultivate some good habits like a balanced diet(希望达成的目标).
④ First and foremost, the authority should formulate comprehensive rules and regulations on “White Pollution”某事名称.
⑤ The mass media, such as radio, television and the Internet, should make efforts to publish and report it.
⑥ From an individual’ perspective, people should enhance the consciousness of using paper bags 个人做法.
【第三段】Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.【或l hope that my suggestions are helpful for you.】
Feel free to contact me if you need further help.

Dear Jack,
I am glad to hear that you will come to my university as a visiting student for one year. To help you learn mandarin better and make your college life colorful, I would like to give you several practical suggestions.
To begin with, it is beneficial to practice oral mandarin as much as you can. Your oral communication will be much fluent if you join in more activities such as attending public speech contests. Just as the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”. In addition, watching Chinese
television shows will help you have a better understanding of different application of languages. Last but not least, learning more Chinese traditions and local customs will enable you to express yourself more accurately and easily.
Hopefully these suggestions are useful. Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.
Best wishes,
Li Ming

首先,尽可能多地练习普通话口语是有益的。如果你参加更多的活动, 如参加公开演讲比赛,你的口头交流将会更加流利。正如那句老话所 说,“熟能生巧”。此外,看中国电视节目可以帮助你更好地理解不同语言的应用。最后但并非最不重要的是,学习更多的中国传统和当地习俗将使你更准确和容易地表达自己。

First and foremost, 团体名称should建议内容.
Besides, you may as well建议内容to help建议目的.
Last but not least, you are supposed to 建议内容to help it become建议目的.
First and foremost, I hold the opinion that we may focus on improving students’ physical health(建议话题).
Secondly,提出建议原因简述, it is necessary to do sth.建议2.
Last but not least, we should explore some specific and effective measures to cultivate some good habits like a balanced diet(希望达成的目标).

要求: 写信给一个餐厅的负责人,投诉食物、服务等。
(延伸:① 道歉并答复投诉 ② 投诉食堂、医院、餐饮服务等)
I am a consumer of your store who(消费行为简述 bought a digital camera) last month. I am writing this letter to express my great disappointment with your service / product.
The reasons for my dissatisfaction are as follows. First and foremost, what I am most dissatisfied with is the service/product far below my expectation. Moreover, what I can’t accept is that县体阐释投诉原因. I will appreciate it very much if you could refund me or replace the product.
If I do not receive any satisfying response, I will further complain to the Consumer Protection Association.



Dear Sir or Madam,
I was disappointed to find that the quality of materials and the variety of the foods here were far from satisfactory. I hope the present situation will be improved.
The advertisement claims that the raw materials are processed by well-qualified chefs and aims to provide customers with fantastic foods. However, there is a huge gap between these claims and the quality of meals. Firstly, the chef was not able to adapt materials to suit the needs of different customers. Secondly, the dinning environment was another problem. Long waits and crowed space happened all the time.
Therefore, I would like to suggest some changes in this restaurant. Customers can be assigned to different table through ordering app instead of waiting to be served in the long line. It is also important to provide us with a stable performance of your chefs which requires the improvement of materials and chefs.
Hopefully you will find the above proposals constructive. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.
If I do not receive any satisfying response, I will further complain to the Consumer Protection Association.

Yours sincerely,
Li Ming

其次,用餐环境是另一个问题。 漫长的等待和拥挤的空间一直都在发生。

希望以上建议对你有建设性意义。如果你对我的建议能及时关注,我 将不胜感激
I hope you are doing great! I am Li Ming, one of the students in our university. I saw the notice on the canteen bulletin saying the canteen would be renovated, so I am writing this letter to make some suggestions.
Firstly, could you add more varieties of dishes to the current ones? Our school has expanded its enrollment, so students may have more needs of flavors than before. Secondly, it is suggested that our canteen provide more food rich in protein and fibers, since more students begin to engage in sports activities and fitness programs. Besides, the price of dishes has been increasing a bit fast, and many students find it harder to afford tasty and healthy meals every day. We believe some measures can be taken to make the price more reasonable.
Thank you for your time and attention, and I hope the above is useful to you.

Dear Customer,
In response to your complaint about customer services you received from our company, I would like to apologize. Your opinion is important to us and that is why we would like to give you a satisfied explanation.
The concerning explanations are as follows. Firstly, we will not deny that a good accent is the first step of good customer services. Yet the salesman you complained about is new here for only one week, who is trying his best to get used to everything here and communicate with each customer. Additionally, we would like to give you a free new book in order to make up for all your loss.
If there is anything else we can do to be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We greatly appreciate your business.
 Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
I hope you are doing great, and welcome to China! I felt delighted to receive your letter, in which you mentioned you are interested in Chinese festivals(/celebrities). So I am writing this letter to introduce to you the Dragon Boat Festival(或Mr Qu Yuan), one of my favorite holidays/celebrities.
Dragon Boat Festival falls on 5 May on lunar calendar every year. The festival celebrates Mr Qu Yuan, who is a famous poet and statesman in ancient China. He committed suicide by jumping into a river because his mother country was conquered by its rival. Therefore, Chinese people uphold the tradition of dragon boat race in memory of his  bravery.
I believe you will love various amazing Chinese holidays/celebrities. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


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