
It’s that time of the week again — your recurring hour-long Zoom meeting.


As you join, you hear people already in the middle of a conversation. Was it just small talk? Was it work-related? You’ll probably never know.

加入时,您会听到有人正在对话中。 只是闲聊吗? 它与工作有关吗? 您可能永远不会知道。

The meeting officially starts. The person running the meeting unsuccessfully tries to share their screen for the first five minutes, but does eventually manage it, and begins going over the agenda items for the meeting.

会议正式开始。 开会的人在前五分钟尝试共享他们的屏幕失败,但最终还是对其进行管理,并开始浏览会议的议程项目。

Halfway through the meeting, someone finally brings up a topic relevant to your work. You lean in, determined to get something out of this meeting. As the person starts talking, their screen freezes and you can’t hear them talk. Eventually, they unfreeze, but they seem to have finished talking. Did my internet die or did theirs? What did they say? Did other people hear them? You’ll probably never know.

会议进行到一半时,有人终于提出了与您的工作相关的主题。 您倾身而下, 决心从这次会议中受益。 当此人开始讲话时,他们的屏幕冻结,您听不到他们讲话。 最终,他们解冻,但似乎已经结束谈话了。 我的互联网死了还是他们的死了? 他们说了什么? 其他人听到了吗? 您可能永远不会知道。

As the meeting comes to an end, you come up with a brilliant idea. Eager to share it with the world, you redirect the conversation and say your piece. But when you finish, no one responds. Was the idea that bad? Did I confuse everyone? No, I was on mute.

会议结束时,您想到了一个绝妙的主意。 渴望与世界分享它,您可以重定向对话并说出自己的观点。 但是当您完成操作时,没有人回应。 这个想法不好吗? 我混淆了所有人吗? 不,我处于静音状态。

The meeting finally ends and everyone waves goodbye. All of the custom Zoom backgrounds glitch in harmony as hands pop in and out of sight. People drop out one-by-one until the meeting host leaves and it kicks you out.

会议终于结束,大家挥手告别。 当手弹出或移出视线时,所有自定义的Zoom背景都会出现小故障。 人们会一一退出,直到会议主持人离开并把您踢出去。

变焦疲劳 (Zoom Fatigue)

If the mere thought of these situations makes you tired, then you’re probably suffering from Zoom fatigue. This refers to the feelings of tiredness and anxiousness that often accompany meeting people over video calls, especially work-related ones.

如果仅考虑这些情况会使您感到疲劳,那么您可能正在遭受Zoom疲劳 。 这是指通过视频通话,尤其是与工作相关的通话与人们相遇时经常出现的疲倦和焦虑感。

Video calls have many subtle (and not-so-subtle) differences when compared to face-to-face in-person communication:


  • In a video call, you need to focus harder to take in non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and body language.在视频通话中,您需要更加集中精力来接受非语言提示,例如面部表情和肢体语言。
  • The pace of conversation also changes since there is most likely a delay between when a person speaks and when you can hear them.对话的步调也有所变化,因为在一个人讲话和您听到他们之间很可能会有一个延迟。
  • Finally, the visuals of the software are quite different from an in-person conversation. On Zoom, for example, you can see yourself while you speak, and everyone can see everyone else simultaneously, so it can seem like you are putting on a performance, even when you’re not speaking.最后,软件的视觉效果与面对面的交谈完全不同。 例如,在Zoom上,您可以边讲话边看自己,而每个人都可以同时看到其他人,所以即使您不讲话,也好像在表演。

These differences can cause us to spend more energy and feel less relaxed in meetings when everyone is working remotely.


避免变焦疲劳 (Avoiding Zoom fatigue)

Despite these inherent differences, there are things you can do to make video meetings feel more natural and less tiring.


The first thing, which is perhaps an obvious one, is to limit the number of meetings you actually have. If it can easily be done through Slack or through email, then you probably don’t even need to start a video call.

第一件事,也许是显而易见的,是限制您实际开会的次数。 如果可以轻松地通过Slack或电子邮件完成此操作,那么您甚至无需发起视频通话。

Next, consider turning off your camera when appropriate. For example, in large meetings where you may not be speaking, you probably don’t need to show your face, since you’re simply spectating.

接下来,考虑在适当的时候关闭相机。 例如,在您可能不讲话的大型会议中,您可能不需要露面,因为您只是在旁听。

If you do have to keep your camera on, try to simulate an in-person meeting. Don’t feel like you have to stare at your screen for an hour straight. Look around the room you’re in, out the window, or anything else to give yourself a break from looking at your screen and feeling like you need to make eye contact the whole time.

如果必须打开相机,请尝试模拟面对面的会议。 不必连续一个小时盯着屏幕看。 环顾您所处的房间,窗外或其他任何地方,可以让自己从看屏幕时休息一下,感觉自己需要始终保持眼神交流。

Finally, consider always leaving gaps between meetings to simulate the experience of walking between different meeting rooms. It’s easy to just schedule meetings back-to-back while working remotely, since you’re just opening another link. But it’s important to give everyone the short breaks that you would normally get with in-person meetings.

最后,考虑始终在会议之间留出空隙以模拟不同会议室之间的步行体验。 在远程工作时,只需背对背安排会议很容易,因为您只是在打开另一个链接。 但是,重要的是给大家短暂的休息,通常是面对面的会议。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/zoom-fatigue-and-remote-work-363d337e961d




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