存储机型 4730



Lefthand Networks storage modules have an admin password which is needed to log into the storage module and to change any settings. In case you forget this password, this How-To explains how to reset the admin password through the console. Thanks to Jason H. in Wyoming for logging a support call and sharing this useful info with us.

Connect a Console to the Storage Module


For the storage module that you would like to reset the password on, connect a console connection to that module (monitor, keyboard, mouse). You'll see a screen like this one.

Start the Admin Interface


Type in: start to start the configuration console interface.

Enable Reset Password Option at Login Screen


This is the step where you can hold down the SHIFT button and type in LHN
This will give you more options at the login screen as shown in the step below.

Select Reset Password Option


The "Reset Password" option will now appear under the Login screen which you can select by using the arrow keys to select the Reset Password option and press Enter.

Reset Admin Password


Type in the new admin login (the default is: admin) and a new password for that login and use the tab key to select the Ok option and press Enter.

Reset Admin Password - Confirmation


Once you receive a confirmation, the admin password has been reset. You can now use the new login information to login or make edits to the storage module/management group.




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