
[Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built.]

[Dark Ages] 欧洲⿊暗时代,在编史⼯作上是指在⻄欧历史上,从罗⻢帝国的灭亡到⽂艺复兴开始,⼀段⽂化层次下降或者社会崩溃的时期。⿊暗时代的概念是由意⼤利学者彼特拉克在1330年代提出的,原本是为了⼤⼒批评当时的拉丁语⽂学。随着对中世纪的认知,现这⼀说法受到质疑。
[Cyber Monday] 剁手星期一 is a marketing term for the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. The term “Cyber Monday” was created by marketing companies to persuade people to shop online. The term was coined by Ellen Davis and made its debut on November 28, 2005 in a Shop.org press release entitled “‘Cyber Monday Quickly Becoming One of the Biggest Online Shopping Days of the Year

Petroleum 石油
Make inroads into sth. 取得进展;产生效果
Scrape into 勉强通过(考试);勉强获得(一份工作、一个大学或政府职位等)
Confluence (两件或更多事情的)同时发生,会集
Pint 品脱(约等于半升)
Lager (一杯)淡啤酒
Clamour 大声(或吵闹)地抱怨,大声地要求
Stodgy 古板的;烦躁乏味的
Voracious 渴求的,求知欲极强的
Revile 谩骂,辱骂
Pulp 劣质书刊,低级书刊,庸俗电影
Nostrum (实际上也许毫无用处的)妙计,妙策

define a country’s transformation 诠释国家变革
Internal-combustion engine 内燃机
ruthless dealing 不留情面的经营作风
a cramped apartment 狭小的空间
capitalize on 充分利用
consumerism 消费主义
entrepreneurship 企业家精神
clamour for 大声(或吵闹)地要求
pulp fiction 低俗小说
six-vein spirit sword 六脉神剑
retain a grip on 维持控制权,牢牢抓住
big-data analysis 大数据分析
national champions 国家领军企业
newfound cults of 新兴热潮
e-commerce transactions 在线交易
state-owned enterprises 国有企业
private enterprises 民营企业
private firms 私营企业
net new urban jobs 城镇新增就业机会
Team-building exercises 团队建设
distribute shares 分配股份
philanthropic fund 慈善股份

Rockefeller’s Standard Oil capitalised on the rise of petroleum and the internal-combustion engine, a combination that powered a century of American greatness.

It utterly dominates e-commerce in China, and has also made inroads into internet finance, cloud computing and logistics.
//utterly 完全 dominates 主导地位 e-commerce 在线

Though state-owned enterprises and national champions lumber on, it is private enterprise that has created nearly all net new urban jobs in China over the past two decades, and private firms account for perhaps two-thirds of all economic output.

Milton Friedman’s nostrum “the business of business is business”

With liberalisation would come rising incomes and global travel, reasoned Mr Ma, and soon hundreds of millions of Chinese would clamour for the goods and services enjoyed by the comfortable classes elsewhere.

*Today I read a passage about how Jack Ma conquered China’s internet. Jack Ma, a man who started a cramped apartment in Hangzhou in 1999, has defined a country’s transformation.The reason why he success is that he spotted a confluence of technologies and market opportunities. He makes inroads into the China’s internet finance, cloud computing and logistics. As a result, he not only becomes one of China’s richest men, but also become a legend.
What’s more, I really appreciate Jack’s word in Stanford University that :”If you want to learn how other people to success, it’s very difficult, a lot of lucky things are there. But if you learn how people fail, you will benefit a lot. And I always like to read those books that talking about how people fails. Because if you look into it how company that fail, the reasons why they fail almost the same, and that really matters. ”
Unlike the past, benefit is not the only goal that businessman aspiring, to find out the way to make a better world is the right key.*

Like John Rockefeller, Jack Ma has defined a country’s transformation. Alibaba is now one of the world’s biggest internet companies,and went public in New York in 2014. It utterly dominates e-commerce in China, and has also made inroads into internet finance, cloud computing and logistics. How did a poor boy who barely scraped into a teacher’s college manage this? Mr Ma’s success owns a lot to spotting a confluence of technologies and market opportunities. With liberalisation would come rising incomes and global travel, e-commerce could quickly become a potent force. At the same time ,China’s online consumers are now the world’s most voracious. The cult of the entrepreneur is strong in China too. How did he come from nowhere to overcome his American rivals? The answer lies in the most powerful cult of all: a team of martial-arts heroes with Jack Ma as its leader. Mr Ma distributed shares to employees, and his share is smaller than that held by comparable tycoons. He has set up a philanthropic fund, but uses Alibaba itself as a vehicle for social change.

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