
Exercise 12. Modify your stack backtrace function to display, for each eip, the function name, source file name, and line number corresponding to that eip.In debuginfo_eip, where do __STAB_* come from? This question has a long answer; to help you to discover the answer, here are some things you might want to do:look in the file kern/kernel.ld for __STAB_*
run objdump -h obj/kern/kernel
run objdump -G obj/kern/kernel
run gcc -pipe -nostdinc -O2 -fno-builtin -I. -MD -Wall -Wno-format -DJOS_KERNEL -gstabs -c -S kern/init.c, and look at init.s.
see if the bootloader loads the symbol table in memory as part of loading the kernel binary
Complete the implementation of debuginfo_eip by inserting the call to stab_binsearch to find the line number for an address.Add a backtrace command to the kernel monitor, and extend your implementation of mon_backtrace to call debuginfo_eip and print a line for each stack frame of the form:K> backtrace
Stack backtrace:ebp f010ff78  eip f01008ae  args 00000001 f010ff8c 00000000 f0110580 00000000kern/monitor.c:143: monitor+106ebp f010ffd8  eip f0100193  args 00000000 00001aac 00000660 00000000 00000000kern/init.c:49: i386_init+59ebp f010fff8  eip f010003d  args 00000000 00000000 0000ffff 10cf9a00 0000ffffkern/entry.S:70: <unknown>+0
Each line gives the file name and line within that file of the stack frame's eip, followed by the name of the function and the offset of the eip from the first instruction of the function (e.g., monitor+106 means the return eip is 106 bytes past the beginning of monitor).Be sure to print the file and function names on a separate line, to avoid confusing the grading script.Tip: printf format strings provide an easy, albeit obscure, way to print non-null-terminated strings like those in STABS tables. printf("%.*s", length, string) prints at most length characters of string. Take a look at the printf man page to find out why this works.You may find that some functions are missing from the backtrace. For example, you will probably see a call to monitor() but not to runcmd(). This is because the compiler in-lines some function calls. Other optimizations may cause you to see unexpected line numbers. If you get rid of the -O2 from GNUMakefile, the backtraces may make more sense (but your kernel will run more slowly).


  1. 找出__STAB_*都来自哪里
  2. 确定bootloader是否将符号表作为加载内核的一部分加载到内存里了
  3. 补全debuginfo_eip函数的功能,让这个函数能查找行号
  4. 补全mon_backtrace函数的功能,使得其能够得到像上面那样的输出

1. 找出__STAB_*都来自哪里


 /* Include debugging information in kernel memory */.stab : {PROVIDE(__STAB_BEGIN__ = .);*(.stab);PROVIDE(__STAB_END__ = .);BYTE(0)       /* Force the linker to allocate spacefor this section */}



2. 确定bootloader是否将符号表作为加载内核的一部分加载到内存里了

这个我没想出来,看别人的答案是使用objdump -h找到stabstr段的地址,gdb调试时直接用x命令打印stabstr位置处有没有信息,如果有信息,就是加载成功了。

3. 补全debuginfo_eip函数的功能,让这个函数能查找行号


objdump -G obj/kern/kernel # -G, --stabs Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file



yichuan@ubuntu:~/6.828/lab$ objdump -G obj/kern/kernelobj/kern/kernel:     file format elf32-i386Contents of .stab section:Symnum n_type n_othr n_desc n_value  n_strx String-1     HdrSym 0      1241   000018fc 1
0      SO     0      0      f0100000 1      {standard input}
1      SOL    0      0      f010000c 18     kern/entry.S
2      SLINE  0      44     f010000c 0
3      SLINE  0      57     f0100015 0
4      SLINE  0      58     f010001a 0
5      SLINE  0      60     f010001d 0
6      SLINE  0      61     f0100020 0
7      SLINE  0      62     f0100025 0
8      SLINE  0      67     f0100028 0
9      SLINE  0      68     f010002d 0
10     SLINE  0      74     f010002f 0
11     SLINE  0      77     f0100034 0
12     SLINE  0      80     f0100039 0
13     SLINE  0      83     f010003e 0
14     SO     0      2      f0100040 31     kern/entrypgdir.c
15     OPT    0      0      00000000 49     gcc2_compiled.


  • symnum:条目序号
  • n_type:条目类型,各个缩写的含义不知道是啥。
  • n_othr:一直都为空,不知为何
  • n_desc:后来才知道这是符号在文件中的行号
  • n_value:符号的地址。FUN类型的地址是绝对地址,而对其他类型,如果前面有出现过FUN,那么SLINE指的就是这个函数内部的偏移地址,是相对地址。例子中的SLINE类型等前面都没出现过FUN,所以都是绝对地址。
  • n_strx:字符串表的索引,指的是这个符号名字首字母在字符串表中的索引位置。比如{standard input}的n_strx为1,因为其首字母位置1,结尾是17,可能有一个终止符,所以kern/entry.S的n_strx为18。后面同理。
  • String:即符号的字符串名。


debuginfo_eip(uintptr_t addr, struct Eipdebuginfo *info)


struct Eipdebuginfo {const char *eip_file;       // Source code filename for EIPint eip_line;            // Source code linenumber for EIPconst char *eip_fn_name;   // Name of function containing EIP//  - Note: not null terminated!int eip_fn_namelen;       // Length of function nameuintptr_t eip_fn_addr;        // Address of start of functionint eip_fn_narg;     // Number of function arguments



 stab_binsearch(stabs, &lline, &rline, N_SLINE, addr);if (lline <= rline)    {info->eip_line = stabs[lline].n_desc;  }else return -1;


4. 补全mon_backtrace函数的功能,使得其能够得到像题目中那样的输出


mon_backtrace(int argc, char **argv, struct Trapframe *tf)
{uint32_t *ebp;struct Eipdebuginfo tinfo;ebp = (uint32_t *)read_ebp();cprintf("Stack backtrace:\r\n");while (ebp){cprintf("  ebp %08x  eip %08x  args %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\r\n", ebp, ebp[1], ebp[2], ebp[3], ebp[4], ebp[5], ebp[6]);int res = debuginfo_eip(ebp[1], &tinfo);    //因为原型里指定的是指针,所以此处取地址if(res != 0)   cprintf("Error!\n");else {cprintf("\t\t%s:%d: %.*s+%u\n", tinfo.eip_file, tinfo.eip_line, tinfo.eip_fn_namelen, tinfo.eip_fn_name, ebp[1] - tinfo.eip_fn_addr);}ebp = (uint32_t *)*ebp;}return 0;


注意输出格式符 %.*s,表示这个位置要对应两个变量,第一个是一个整型数,表示最大字符串位数,第二个是字符串。如果字符串长度超过位数限制,就只输出位数规定的字符数。

最后使用了减法,ebp[1] - tinfo.eip_fn_addr,因为这个位置输出的是在文件中的行号,所以要用当前的eip指向的位置减去所在函数的起始地址才可以。



f01000c8:   c7 04 24 05 00 00 00    movl   $0x5,(%esp)
f01000cf:   e8 6c ff ff ff          call   f0100040 <test_backtrace>
f01000d4:   83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp// Drop into the kernel monitor.while (1)monitor(NULL);
f01000d7:   83 ec 0c                sub    $0xc,%esp
f01000da:   6a 00                   push   $0x0
f01000dc:   e8 37 07 00 00          call   f0100818 <monitor>


运行结果如下,可以使用make grade检测一下看看能得多少分。

yichuan@ubuntu:~/6.828/lab$ make grade
make clean
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/yichuan/6.828/lab'
rm -rf obj .gdbinit jos.in qemu.log
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/yichuan/6.828/lab'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/yichuan/6.828/lab'
+ as kern/entry.S
+ cc kern/entrypgdir.c
sh: echo: I/O error
+ cc kern/init.c
+ cc kern/console.c
+ cc kern/monitor.c
+ cc kern/printf.c
+ cc kern/kdebug.c
+ cc lib/printfmt.c
+ cc lib/readline.c
+ cc lib/string.c
sh: echo: I/O error
+ ld obj/kern/kernel
ld: warning: section `.bss' type changed to PROGBITS
+ as boot/boot.S
+ cc -Os boot/main.c
+ ld boot/boot
boot block is 390 bytes (max 510)
+ mk obj/kern/kernel.img
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/yichuan/6.828/lab'
running JOS: (0.6s) printf: FAIL AssertionError: ...leaving test_backtrace 4leaving test_backtrace 5Welcome to the JOS kernel monitor!Type 'help' for a list of commands.qemu: terminating on signal 15 from pid 21790MISSING '6828 decimal is 15254 octal!'backtrace count: OK backtrace arguments: OK backtrace symbols: OK backtrace lines: OK
Score: 30/50
GNUmakefile:200: recipe for target 'grade' failed
make: *** [grade] Error 1

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