There are two methods of removing elements from web pages with JavaScript: the traditional, counter-intuitive way, and the new direct DOM4 method.


The traditional method is rather round-about: you cannot simply remove an element, but must do so via a reference to its parent. Given the following markup:

传统方法相当复杂:您不能简单地删除元素,而必须通过引用其父元素来删除它。 给定以下标记:

<div id="leftcol"><h1>Yggdrasil Explorer</h1><nav>  </nav><p id="description"> Yggdrasil is the "WorldTree" of Norse mythology, a cosmos-spanning ash that connects the nine worlds.</div>
<div id="norsemap"> </div>

If I wanted to remove description from the DOM, I could do the following.

如果我想从DOM中删除description ,可以执行以下操作。

var description = document.getElementById("description");

This method is bizarrely self-reflective, but it has the advantage of working in every browser. Visually, it has the same effect as setting description to display: none in CSS, but of course the element is completely removed from the DOM, not merely hidden.

这种方法具有奇特的自我反省功能,但具有在每种浏览器中均可使用的优势。 视觉上,它具有与设定相同的效果descriptiondisplay: none在CSS ,但当然该元素被完全从移除所述DOM ,不仅隐藏。

The removed element remains as a reference in JavaScript, floating in memory: if I wanted to attach the removed description to the norsemap element, I could do the following:


var norsemap = document.getElementById("norsemap");

An upcoming article will explore more possibilities of this “cut and paste” ability of JavaScript, particularly in how it can be used in responsive design.


。去掉() (.remove())

DOM4 provides a far more direct method. Returning to the original code, we can simply use:

DOM4提供了一种更为直接的方法。 回到原始代码,我们可以简单地使用:

var description = document.getElementById("description");

Great, right? There’s just one problem: the method only works on recent browsers (Chrome & Firefox 23+, Opera 10+, and Safari 7+), and not at all in Internet Explorer… not even IE11, at least as of this writing. However, polyfills exist, such as DOM4 & DOMShim.

太好了吧? 只有一个问题:该方法仅适用于最新的浏览器(Chrome和Firefox 23 +,Chrome Opera 10+和Safari 7+),而在Internet Explorer中根本不起作用,甚至在撰写本文时,甚至都不是IE11。 但是,存在polyfill ,例如DOM4和DOMShim 。



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