
This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

In 2017, any business that desires new customers or clients needs a website. Almost all of your customers will use the internet to find businesses before they try anything else.

在2017年,任何想要新客户或客户的企业都需要一个网站。 您几乎所有的客户在尝试其他任何方法之前都会使用互联网来查找商家。

If a person is new to an area and wants to find coffee shops, dentists, doctors, daycares, or mechanics, what do they do? They search online. Those searches take so little time that a business must be prepared to stand out, and capture the potential customer’s attention in the fleeting moments that they have.

如果一个人不熟悉该地区并想找咖啡店,牙医,医生,日托或机械师,他们会怎么做? 他们在线搜索。 这些搜索花费的时间很少,因此企业必须做好准备才能脱颖而出,并在瞬息万变的时刻抓住潜在客户的注意力。

A potential customer flipping through Google’s mapped results might ignore the first two businesses for not having websites to look at at all. They tap on the third business’s website only to find that it does not work well on their phone, so they move on to number four. Just like that, the three businesses closest to the customer have been written off due to their lack of a useful, up-to-date, mobile-friendly website.

潜在客户浏览Google的映射结果可能会忽略前两个业务,因为它们根本没有网站可供查看。 他们在第三家公司的网站上轻按,发现它在手机上无法正常工作,因此他们进入了第四名。 就像这样,由于缺乏有用的,最新的,移动友好的网站,与客户最接近的三家公司被注销。

The website for any business needs to be professional and practical. It needs to contain the right information to convince potential customers to make an order, call, or come visit. It needs to be consistent with your signage, your elevator pitch, and your brochures, but it also needs to be better than all of those things. It needs to drive traffic to your business, even if you don’t sell anything online.

任何业务的网站都必须专业且实用。 它需要包含正确的信息,以说服潜在客户下订单,致电或拜访。 它需要与您的标牌,电梯间距和手册保持一致,但也要比所有这些都要好。 即使您不在线销售任何商品,它也需要为您的业务吸引流量。

It needs to convince people that this business has the answers to the problem they’re trying to solve.

它需要说服人们, 企业可以解决他们要解决的问题。

More than being useful, a website is a point of pride for a business. The state of the site’s design, mobile friendliness, loading speed, and accuracy of its information may not be an issue to the business owner, employees, or regular customers — but it definitely matters to customers.

网站不仅有用,而且是企业的骄傲。 网站的设计状态,移动友好性,加载速度及其信息的准确性可能对企业所有者,员工或普通客户而言不是问题,但对客户而言绝对重要。

Regardless of your situation, you need this virtual signage and information online. Regardless of whether your entire business is conducted on the Internet as a software startup, or your mom and pop restaurant serves local clientele from a well-known, rustic location and you have no online services at all. Either way, you still benefit from the traffic and the good reputation that your business can gain from a website done right.

无论您遇到什么情况,都需要在线使用此虚拟标牌和信息。 无论您的整个业务是作为软件初创公司在互联网上进行的,还是您的妈妈和流行餐厅都在著名的乡村地区为本地客户提供服务,而您根本没有在线服务。 无论哪种方式,您仍然可以从正确的网站获得的流量和良好的信誉中受益。

良好的投资回报 (A Good Return on Investment)

In many cases, building a good website is a ridiculously easy choice to make. Take a look at the examples below to understand just why that is.

在许多情况下,建立一个好的网站是一个非常容易的选择。 请看下面的示例,以了解其原因。

案例研究1 (Case Study #1)

You own a local mechanic’s business. You’ve been quoted the cost of an informational website at $2,000. This website will be a responsive brochure website, including information on services, testimonials, contact details, and lots of imagery. But you balk at the price — after all, you aren’t in a high margin business, and you don’t have much money to spare. However, you need to consider the return on investment.

您拥有当地技工的业务。 一个信息网站的报价为2,000美元。 该网站将是一个响应式小册子网站,包括有关服务,推荐,联系方式和大量图像的信息。 但是,您为此付出了代价–毕竟,您从事的业务不高,您没有多少钱可花。 但是,您需要考虑投资回报率。

In 2015, AAA estimated the annual maintenance cost of owning a single vehicle was about $766. That means that every customer driven your way by a website can grant you another $766 in revenue, on average, per year.

在2015年, AAA估计拥有一辆汽车的年度维护成本约为766美元。 这意味着,每位通过网站行进的客户每年平均可以再为您带来766美元的收入。

If the website produces three new clients in the first year, you’ll already have covered the cost of the website. Convert one visitor per year after that, and you can cover ongoing maintenance and hosting fees. Any other conversions after that are pure profit!

如果该网站在第一年产生了三个新客户,则您已经负担了该网站的费用。 之后,每年转换一位访客,您就可以支付持续的维护和托管费用。 此后进行的任何其他转换都是纯利润!

Perhaps not all of that revenue is profit. After all, there are costs to providing services beyond that of your website. But many families own multiple vehicles, so you may double or triple that revenue each time you convert a household.

也许并不是所有的收入都是利润。 毕竟,提供超出您的网站服务范围的成本。 但是许多家庭拥有多辆汽车,因此每次转换家庭时,收入可能翻一番或三倍。

With that data in mind, why wouldn’t you want a website?


案例研究2 (Case Study #2)

Not convinced? Let’s take a look at an interesting type of business — wedding venues. If there was ever a business that needs a website, this is it. Couples scour the internet for images, as many as they can find, of various locations, before going to visit them in person. Without a good visual website, your venue may never make that shortlist!

不服气吗? 让我们来看看一种有趣的业务类型-婚礼场地。 如果曾经有需要网站的公司,那就是它。 夫妻在亲自访问之前,会在互联网上搜寻尽可能多的图像,这些图像可能来自各个位置。 没有良好的视觉网站,您的场地可能永远不会入围!

The average expenditure on a wedding venue, according to WeddingStats is $1,993. If this website also cost $2,000, one or two customers driven to your website will pay for it in revenue, and when considering actual profit, it will only take a negligible uptick in business to pay for the website.

根据WeddingStats的数据 ,婚礼场地的平均支出为1,993美元。 如果该网站的价格也为2,000美元,则吸引到您网站的一两个客户将为其支付收入,并且在考虑实际利润时,只需花费很少的业务费用即可为该网站付款。

And then it will start paying you.


Of course, these examples do not even touch on businesses that use websites as sales platforms. In those cases, it’s even easier to justify spending on web development and services. Your website sales are directly affected by the quality of the online customer experience, and that translates directly to revenue gained or lost.

当然,这些示例甚至都没有涉及使用网站作为销售平台的企业。 在这种情况下,证明在Web开发和服务上花费的理由更加容易。 您的网站销售量直接受到在线客户体验质量的影响,并直接转化为获得或损失的收入。

Finally, consider the business that doesn’t need new customers. Believe it or not, sometimes this happens. Take the wedding venue. Perhaps it’s booked six months out at all times, and simply doesn’t need an influx of customers. However, if it’s steadily booked well in advance, it can make more money — venues in high demand merit higher rates. At the same time, that raises the competitiveness bar, and in order for people to consider this more-expensive venue, they will need to be convinced before they call for more information.

最后,考虑不需要新客户的业务。 信不信由你,有时会发生这种情况。 参加婚礼场地。 也许它总是被预订了六个月,而且根本不需要大量的客户。 但是,如果事先稳妥地预定它,它可以赚到更多的钱-需求量大的场馆的价格更高。 同时,这提高了竞争力的门槛,为了让人们考虑使用这种更昂贵的场所,需要在他们要求更多信息之前说服他们。

那么,企业在网站中真正需要什么? (So, What Does a Business Really Need in a Website?)

域名 (A Domain Name)

Domain names are purchased from domain name registration services (Like GoDaddy, NameCheap, or Hover) for $10-60 per year. Your domain name is the address that users will type in to reach your website.

域名是从域名注册服务(如GoDaddy,NameCheap或Hover)中购买的,价格为每年10-60美元。 您的域名是用户输入以访问您的网站的地址。

网站开发 (Website Development)

You need your website built! Usually, you’ll want it built on a Content Management System — a platform that will enable you to make small updates to your site’s content whenever you want to do so. This stage will usually be the most expensive step, but it is a one-time cost paid to a web developer.

您需要建立您的网站! 通常,您希望它建立在内容管理系统上—该平台可让您在需要时对网站内容进行小的更新。 这个阶段通常是最昂贵的步骤,但这是付给Web开发人员的一次性费用。

网站托管 (Website Hosting)

Hosting is paid per year or per month, and is the “home” of your website — it’s the server space on which your website’s files reside.


There are many options for hosting, many of which you may not need for a simple small business website. Hosting can cost anywhere from a few dollars a month to hundreds of dollars a year, depending on what your site needs. Most simple sites are very easy to host, but do not underestimate the value of quality hosting services — guarantees for your website’s uptime, and the level of service and support provided when things go wrong, are very important.

托管有很多选项,对于简单的小型企业网站,您可能不需要很多。 托管费用从每月几美元到每年几百美元不等,这取决于您的站点需要。 大多数简单的网站都非常易于托管,但不要低估优质托管服务的价值-确保网站正常运行时间以及在出现问题时提供的服务和支持水平非常重要。

Our preferred web host of choice is SiteGround for its speed, security, support and geeky extras (staging, Git integration and premium backups) that developers will love.

我们首选的首选Web主机是SiteGround ,它具有开发人员会喜欢的速度,安全性,支持和令人讨厌的其他功能(分段,Git集成和高级备份)。

SiteGround offers a wide range of plans for small, growing and very big websites. Rest assured that you won’t have to worry about switching hosts as your website grows.

SiteGround为小型,成长中的大型网站提供了广泛的计划。 请放心,随着网站的增长,您不必担心切换主机。

维护,更新和备份 (Maintenance, Updates, and Backups)

You may also wish to pay someone a monthly or yearly fee to perform platform and plugin updates, make regular backups, and perform other minor maintenance on your website. Some of these duties can be taken on internally, by an employee who already updates your website.

您可能还希望向某人每月或每年付费,以在您的网站上执行平台和插件更新,进行定期备份以及执行其他较小的维护。 其中一些职责可以由已经更新了您的网站的员工在内部承担。

If you don’t have that option, you can easily outsource this to the developer who built the site, or to others. Security threats to websites never stop growing, and it is important to keep your site secure. Even if your site does not handle user information or payments, you still want it to remain secure and safe from accidental or intentional damage.

如果没有该选项,则可以轻松地将其外包给构建站点的开发人员或其他人。 对网站的安全威胁永远不会停止增长,因此确保您的网站安全很重要。 即使您的网站不处理用户信息或付款,您仍然希望它能保持安全并免受意外或故意损坏。

Businesses that use SiteGround may not need to worry about paying extra for server and software maintenance. SiteGround handles many of these concerns — it offers automatic core and plugin updates for WordPress, automated daily backups, and 24/7 support to provide assistance above and beyond fixing server issues.

使用SiteGround的企业可能无需担心为服务器和软件维护支付额外费用。 SiteGround解决了许多此类问题-它提供了针对WordPress的自动核心和插件更新,每日自动备份以及24/7支持,以提供除解决服务器问题之外的帮助。

结语 (Wrapping It Up)

No matter the industry, no matter the situation, any business can almost assuredly use a good website.


The question really is what the business needs out of their website, and what goals they have for their web presence. The site should be built to cater to those goals – providing the best shopping cart experience, the easiest menu to view and order from, or easy comparison of rates against competitors.

问题实际上是企业需要从他们的网站中获取什么,以及他们在网站上拥有什么目标。 该网站的建立应满足这些目标-提供最佳的购物车体验,最简单的菜单查看和订购方式,或轻松地将价格与竞争对手进行比较。

Whatever the need, the website should exist to match it. If that can be done, the value of a great web presence for the business is all but a forgone conclusion.

无论需要什么,都应该存在与之匹配的网站。 如果可以做到,那么对于企业而言,出色的网络存在的价值几乎是已成定局。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/why-every-business-needs-a-website/



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