QA=quality assurance(质量保证)--需求
QC=quality control(质量控制)--软件测试

release 发布
review 评审
risk 风险
risk assessment风险评估
requirements-based testing基于需求的测试
functional testing 功能测试
performance testing 性能测试
non-functional requirements testing 非功能性需求测试(比如性能测试、可用性测试等)
integration testing 集成测试
white box testing 白盒测试
load testing 负载测试
regression testing 回归测试
maintainability testing 可维护性测试
recovery testing(恢复性测试-验证系统从失效中恢复能力的测试)
incremental testing渐增测试
isolation testing 孤立测试
partition testing 分类测试
logic analysis逻辑分析
logic-converage testing 逻辑覆盖测试
interface 接口
input domain 输入域
installability testing 可安装性测试


Hello,everybody,I'm a software QA engineer,now I worked

I’m Cheers.Lee, I’m 27 year old, I majored in software testing and with a bachelor学士 degree. I’m single. And I love software testing, as the software quality is vital[ˈvaɪtl] to the company’s customer, it also could improve the company’s image(公司的形象), so quality is the best policy(政策). We must devote all my energy(精力) to assure the software quality.

The position which I’ve come to apply is senior software testing engineer. I have three years work experience, one year and a half of function testing experience and one year of performance and automation testing experience. I have been reading up on(研读) software testing, especially on performance testing and automation [ˌɔ:təˈmeɪʃn]自动化(技术)testing. I’m quite familiar with performance testing tool LoadRunner, and familiar with automation testing tool QTP. I’m good at developing performance testing script base on C language in web system, and also have good skills in develop QTP script.

As we all know that software performance has become more and more important, while thousands of the users log in the system or visit the website simultaneously[ˌsɪməl'teɪnɪəslɪ] ,the system crash or the server deny to provide the service to the user, so the performance testing need to be done before the software delivered[dɪ'lɪvəd](交付)to our customers.

We also benefit from(通过…获益) the automation testing. There is always a lot of function testing or regression testing回归测试; need us to finish in a short time. But we do not have enough time and sufficient human resource to complete it, how should we do? So the automation testing is the best solution. It cut down the costs, improve the work efficiency, save our time and energy. Its advantage is not merely as so.



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