free from

Likewise,automation should eventually boost productivity,stimulate demand by driving down prices,and free workers from hard,boring work.

sign on

Those first few days should be spent looking for work,not looking to sign on.

at times

Several tests may fail at times,which proves designers need to put more effort.

拓 once in a while =occasionally偶尔;有时

come out

You wanted to say something——the first word——but it just won’t come out/

be parallel with/to

On the other,it links these concepts to everyday realities in manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.

forge =for(四个)ge(哥哥)=四个哥哥锻造你=forge 锻造

try to do sth

Try to slot it in as a to-do list item and you’ll manage only goal-focused reading.
slot=s(死)lot(许多)=跟踪的人死了一大堆=slot 位置;跟踪

kick out

In 1985,he was effectively kicked out of Apple for being unproductive and uncontrollable.

talk about

There were goals,there were strategies,there were objectives,but we didn’t talk about energy;we didn’t talk about passion.

be reluctant to do sth.

Despite these factors,many social scientists seem reluctant to tackle such problems.
tackle=deal with
拓 be unwilling to do sth 不愿意做某事

emigrate to

The architect emigrated to the United States before World War 2 and took up posts at American architecture schools.

sort out

The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of the passenger car then;they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.

knock off

It took Beaumont decades to perfect her craft;her example can’t be knocked off.

worry about

Perhaps this is why many worry about the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.
agonizing 苦恼的
dullness 迟钝;沉闷

up to

The European Union is now considering legislation to compel corporate boards to maintain a certain proportion of women——up to 60 percent.
compel 强迫
corporate 法人的;公司的

拓 be down to 由…负责

by default

There is no guarantee that DNT by default will become the norm.

norm 规范

turn over

He didn’t say anything but you could see him turning things over in his mind.

for use

Chewing gum,once bought primarily by adolescent boys,is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal.

bring forth

Their efforts they made during the two years will surely bring forth good fruit.

forth 向前

attribute to

Some attributed virtually every important cultural achievement to the invention of a few,especially gifted peoples.


More artists began seeing happiness as meaningless,phony or,worst of all,boring.

compete with

However,during that course I realised that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future,so I decided that it was not the right path for me.

come down

Since then it may have come down to $50 billion.


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