
使用 NIO 时,我们问的本质问题是,我们将如何处理发生在 NIO channel 上的特定 NIO 事件。
通常我们有两个选项:处理当前(选择器)线程中的 NIO 事件或将其传递给工作线程进行处理。

1. Worker-thread IOStrategy.

最有用的IOStrategy,其中选择器线程(Selector thread)将NIO事件处理委托给工作线程(worker threads)。



2. Same-thread IOStrategy.

与 work-thread IOStrategy不同,same-IOStrategy处理当前线程中的NIO事件,从而避免了昂贵的线程上下文切换。


3. Dynamic IOStrategy.

如前所述,worker-thread 和 same-thread 策略具有明显的优缺点。
但是,如果策略可以根据当前条件(负载 load,收集的统计信息 gathered statistics等)尝试在运行时智能地交换它们,该怎么办?

该 IOStrategy 可能会带来很多好处,并可以更好地控制资源。但是,重要的是不要使条件评估逻辑过于复杂,

4. Leader-follower IOStrategy.

Grizzly 2.3附带的最后一个IOStrategy是跟随者策略(leader-follower strategy):

该IOStrategy与 worker-thread IOStrategy相似,但不是将NIO事件处理传递给 worker thread,
而是把Selector对 selector-thread 的控制权传给work-thread,将工作线程更改为选择器线程,

Grizzly 2.3提供了通用接口org.glassfish.grizzly.IOStrategy:

package org.glassfish.grizzly;import org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadPoolConfigProducer;import;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;/*** <tt>strategy</tt> is responsible for making decision how* {@link Runnable} task will be run: in current thread, worker thread.** <tt>strategy</tt> can make any other processing decisions.* * @author Alexey Stashok*/
public interface IOStrategy extends WorkerThreadPoolConfigProducer {/*** The {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.SelectorRunner} will invoke this* method to allow the strategy implementation to decide how the* {@link IOEvent} will be handled.** @param connection the {@link Connection} upon which the provided*  {@link IOEvent} occurred.* @param ioEvent the {@link IOEvent} that triggered execution of this*  <code>strategy</code>** @return <tt>true</tt>, if this thread should keep processing IOEvents on* the current and other Connections, or <tt>false</tt> if this thread* should hand-off the farther IOEvent processing on any Connections,* which means IOStrategy is becoming responsible for continuing IOEvent* processing (possibly starting new thread, which will handle IOEvents).** @throws IOException if an error occurs processing the {@link IOEvent}.*/boolean executeIoEvent(Connection connection, IOEvent ioEvent)throws IOException;/*** The {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.SelectorRunner} will invoke this* method to allow the strategy implementation to decide how the* {@link IOEvent} will be handled.** @param connection the {@link Connection} upon which the provided*  {@link IOEvent} occurred.* @param ioEvent the {@link IOEvent} that triggered execution of this*  <code>strategy</code>* @param isIoEventEnabled <tt>true</tt> if IOEvent is still enabled on the*  {@link Connection}, or <tt>false</tt> if IOEvent was preliminary disabled*  or IOEvent is being simulated.** @return <tt>true</tt>, if this thread should keep processing IOEvents on* the current and other Connections, or <tt>false</tt> if this thread* should hand-off the farther IOEvent processing on any Connections,* which means IOStrategy is becoming responsible for continuing IOEvent* processing (possibly starting new thread, which will handle IOEvents).** @throws IOException if an error occurs processing the {@link IOEvent}.*/boolean executeIoEvent(Connection connection, IOEvent ioEvent,boolean isIoEventEnabled) throws IOException;/*** Returns an {@link Executor} to be used to run given <tt>ioEvent</tt>* processing for the given <tt>connection</tt>. A <tt>null</tt> value will* be returned if the <tt>ioEvent</tt> should be executed in the kernel thread.* * @param connection* @param ioEvent* @return an {@link Executor} to be used to run given <tt>ioEvent</tt>* processing for the given <tt>connection</tt>*/Executor getThreadPoolFor(Connection connection, IOEvent ioEvent);


根据上面的列表,Grizzly 2.3具有四个预定义的IOStrategy实现:

  • org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy
  • org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.SameThreadIOStrategy
  • org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.SimpleDynamicThreadStrategy
  • org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.LeaderFollowerIOStrategy
    这些策略是按传输分配的,因此可以使用 Transport’s get/setIOStrategy 方法获取/设置 IOStrategy.
    TCP 和 UDP transports 默认使用 worker-thread IOStrategy.

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