


[DevDiv原创]Windows 8 开发Step by Step

1、Programming Windows®, 6th Edition封面

2、Programming Windows®, 6th Edition介绍

Programming Windows®, 6th Edition这本书专注于使用XAML和C#访问Windows Runtime,以创建Windows 8 apps。这本书同样会提供C++代码示例。这本书分为两部分组成:

Part 1、基础:以code和xaml的关系开始,然后是基本的事件处理、动态布局、控件、模版、异步处理、应用程序栏、控件的定制和集合。
Part 2、高级:这部分介绍到的内容可能不是每个程序都需要用到的,但是非常重要。这包括多点触摸、位图图形、共享合约与搜索合约、打印、传感器(GPS和方向)、文本、触摸笔的使用(包括手写识别)、访问web services、调用Win32和DirectX功能、以及提交你的应用至windows 8 app store。

3、Programming Windows®, 6th Edition目录

  1. Chapter 1 Markup and Code
    Chapter 2 XAML Syntax
    Chapter 3 Basic Event Handling
    Chapter 4 Presentation with Panels
    Chapter 5 Control Interaction
    Chapter 6 WinRT and MVVM
    Chapter 7 Building an Application
Chapter 8. Animation
Chapter 9. Transforms
Chapter 13. Touch, Etc.
Chapter 14. Bitmaps
Chapter 15.Printing
Chapter 16. Going Native

4、Programming Windows®, 6th Edition作者

Charles Petzold

Charles Petzold 已经写了25年的Windows programming了。Windows先锋奖获得者,Charles Petzold是经典书籍Programming Windows的作者,Charles Petzold主页:http://www.charlespetzold.com/

5、Programming Windows®, 6th Edition出版销售情况

Special Offer to Celebrate Programming Windows, Sixth Edition

Reimagined for full-screen and touch-optimized apps, Windows 8 provides a platform for reaching new users in new ways. In response, programming legend Charles Petzold is rewriting his classic Programming Windows—one of the most popular programming books of all time—to show developers how to use existing skills and tools to build Windows 8 apps. (See the book's "Description" tab.)

To celebrate, Microsoft Press will release three versions of the eBook for Programming Windows, Sixth Edition, including two pre-release editions that provide crucial access to early content. Based on when you purchase (see table below), you will receive the most recently published version of the eBook—plus any subsequent versions—at special promotional pricing. Act between May 17-31, 2012, and your cost is just $10!

The first "Consumer Preview eBook", based on Windows 8 Consumer Preview, will be approximately 300 pages. The second "Release Preview eBook," based on Windows 8 Release Preview, will update those pages and provide an additional 200-300 pages. The final eBook will be fully updated for the final Windows 8 software.

Pricing and Publication Schedule

Programming Windows, Sixth Edition
eBook Version
Price Time Period
Consumer Preview eBook $10 May 17-31, 2012 (two weeks only)
Consumer Preview eBook (same content as above, no updates) $20 June 1, 2012 until the release of the Release Preview eBook
Release Preview eBook $30 August 14-27, 2012 (two weeks only)
Release Preview eBook (same content as above, no updates) $40 August 28, 2012 until until release of the Final eBook, currently scheduled to be January 15, 2013
Final eBook $50 January 15, 2013 through life of edition

Purchase example 1: If you purchase the Consumer Preview eBook for Programming Windows, Sixth Edition on May 17, you will receive it, the Release Preview eBook when released, and the final eBook when released, all for $10.

Purchase example 2: If you purchase the Release Preview eBook for Programming Windows, Sixth Edition after the two-week $30 promotion has ended, you will receive it and the final eBook for $40.

NOTE: This offer to purchase the Consumer Preview eBook version of Programming Windows, Sixth Edition and/or the Release Preview eBook version of Programming Windows, Sixth Edition (the "Pre-Release eBooks") is only available through oreilly.com from May 17, 2012 until January 15, 2013, as outlined in the table above. Dates not specified in the table above will be updated as publication schedules are confirmed. This offer is limited to one purchase per email address. The promotional pricing for the Pre-Release eBooks applies to the English language editions only. Microsoft reserves the right to not publish Programming Windows, Sixth Edition or any versions thereof (including the Pre-Release eBooks). This offer is not combinable with any other offers and may be changed at any time without notice.


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